Chapter 34

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Zayn's name flashed on my phone while I got comfortable on the floor of the hotel room, my legs crossed and back pressed against the sofa. It was time for our FaceTime date and it'll be the first time I've visually spoken to him since he left for the UK a few days ago. We texted here and there but because of the time difference, it was hard to communicate with them.
"Hello love" I smiled widely at the stubbled smiley face that shone in the bright light of my iPhone, his smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. His eyes twinkled in a sense and his pearly white teeth had a shine making him look picture perfect and breathtaking. I'd be lying if I said Zayn wasn't a beautiful boy.
"Hey Y/N, how are you?"
"I'm good, I'm good. Very tired though"
"Oh?" His eyebrows moved suggestively as a cheeky crooked smile took over his lips. I felt my cheeks tinge slightly at his assumptions. How rude of him!
"That's not what I meant Zayn!" I scolded making his laughter boom through the speaker of my phone. "It was hard getting away from the paparazzi last night and they've been knocking all night and morning"
Just to prove how tired I was, I yawned loudly. After our meal yesterday, it seemed as though someone had tipped us off to the paps where we were and soon, we were surrounded. It took us exactly an hour to get out of the restaurant to find that it was the same outside of our hotel. And because Harry had told his security team, before he came back to America, that we would be fine without the severity of having more than two bodyguards, it was very hard to push through the thick crowd. Even fans crowded the entrance at 2am in the morning which left me shocked.
But even then the pestering never stopped. When the security team from the hotel we were staying at helped the two bodyguards of One Directions security team, we had managed to enter the hotel with no scratches and just a few pictures with fans. It was surprising how many wanted a photo with me and how Harry kept his arm around my waist making sure I never moved away.
"I've told her to get some more sleep" Harry's voice floated through the air from the en suite bathroom. He's probably finished his shower. We had planned to change hotels again, because too many fans and paps knew were we were staying and it wouldn't be safe. More of One Directions security team had been called too and they would be arriving to our aid in a few hours. I guess it was handy for them to have a private plane.
"I've seen on Twitter. I think management have asked you to move to a different hotel because of safety reasons. Am I right?" Zayn asked and from behind me I heard Harry hum as I nodded. I guess it was standard procedure but I suppose I didn't mind.
"Yeah, we have to move. Again" I rolled my eyes, we've only been here for a few days and this is our third hotel change.
"Don't worry Y/N, we'll be down soon and you can stay in the tour bus without anyone harassing you" Zayn's smile was warm and his eyes held a glint of amusement. They were use to having to move hotels more than once a day, and here I was, complaining about it like I'm the first person who's had to do it.
"Harry's already told you guys I've been forced to stay longer hasn't he?"
"Well technically-" I raised my eyebrow and narrowed my eyes at Zayn.
"You all planned it didn't you?!" I turned around and pierced a half dressed Harry with my accusing gaze. His lips were holding back a smirk as he came closer and sat beside me, his long legs crossed like mine.
"What are you talking about?" Harry asked mockingly as Zayn laughed at the tone of his voice. Harry leaned closer so his head was in the crook of my neck, his body using me as something to lean on. He flashed Zayn a knowing smirk.
"I have no idea what she's talking about Harry" Zayn sided his band mate and I watched the boys with a look that told them I was not impressed.
"I don't like you two" I mumbled childishly. If I wasn't holding the phone up I would've crossed my arms across my chest just to emphasise my point.
"That's not true" Harry chimed, his smirk on full display now. I slapped his arm softly, I didn't like teasing.
"You love us" Zayn added and the two boys erupted in laughter. I looked at both of them like they had grown two heads. This wasn't funny. Hell, they didn't even say anything remotely funny.
I shook my head lightly as I watched them laugh and I felt my own smile tug at my lips.
"You're trying so hard not to smile Y/N, I can tell" Harry sang the words in my ear as the laughter died down. My lips twitched further and before I knew it, a wide smile took over my lips.
"This smile" I pointed to my beaming smile. "Does not mean I like you"
"Alright Y/N"
They both spoke simultaneously as their own smile broke across their lips. It was moments like this that I've begun to love because ever since I've met these guys, they've made me feel like family.
"How is Perrie?" I asked, steering the conversation away from me. I felt humble hearing about what the boys do when they're apart. Zayn's smile widened, if that was possible, as he began speaking about his fiancé. His eyes twinkling with love.
Harry wrapped his arms tightly around my waist as he dug his head further into the crook of my neck. He seemed so content. We continued speaking as Zayn told us about how he and Perrie were planning on buying a cat and his latest pieces of art work.

The days went past smoothly, the paparazzi seeming to thin down as we changed our hotel location. We would attempt to go sight seeing in the afternoons but then fans would notice Harry and the whole ruckus would begin again. Harry had suggested how beautiful everything looked after midnight, and that's what we ended up doing. Sight seeing after the sun went down.
"Sorry we couldn't get past the crowd Y/N" The guilt was evident and I knew he was blaming himself. It wasn't his fault the paparazzi had nothing better to do than follow us around.
"It's fine babe" I smiled, hoping he understood that I didn't blame him. If the paps weren't following us, then it would be someone else. Nobody won when it came to life in the limelight.

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