Chapter 24

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Your P.O.V
I watched as the boys got ready for their show in Dallas. Lou was styling their hair as the 5 seconds of summer lads created a keek for their fans. It was nice watching people live their dreams from the sidelines and I couldn't help but feel accomplished for them. I can remember when the boys were first on X factor and they spoke about their bucket list of things they want to achieve. It's amazing how much they've done within the last 3 years. Their new single was released a few hours ago and the views on YouTube flew in. The fans are determined to make the boys 3 year anniversary special and I decided to help them with the views leaving my laptop on endless replay of the playlist I had created. I hadn't been on twitter yet, not after Harry had confirmed our relationship and nor have I been out. I didn't stray too far away from the safety of the tour buses.
"You look deep in thought" Louis' voice snapped me out of my thoughts as he sat down beside me on the floor. "Just thinking of all the things you guys have accomplished" I replied with a smile. Louis' smile grew wider as he leant back against the wall and sighed. "You'd think it couldn't get any better than this" I chuckled at his reply. With their world tour coming to an end, a world stadium tour, a book, new album, make up line and much more, it's safe to say the boys have made it. "How are you coping with things Y/N?" Louis questioned. I stared at him in confusion. He must have noticed as he explained further.
"You know.. With the fans?" He seemed wary of his question. I sighed knowing I haven't faced them yet. "I.. I haven't been on twitter yet" my eyes lowered as I played with my fingers. I wasn't sure how to approach the situation and I know that If I wait any longer, the pressure will build and sure enough it'll get too much for me. Louis placed a hand over mine as though he read my thoughts. "It's better to face it now. One step at a time Y/N" my gaze fixed onto his shocking blue eyes as I gave him a reassuring smile. "Okay. After tonight's concert" Louis pressed his lips together, the side curling up in the adorable smile everyone loves as he nodded.
After spending an hour persuading myself to go to the concert, I watched as the boys performed. I was scared of how the fans would react about me being there but I was glad I had Gemma. She always knew the right things to say. I dressed in a 1D tank top and black skinny jeans, standing at the front of the stage dancing to What Makes You Beautiful with Gemma and Lou.
I heard people screaming my name behind me trying to gain my attention and in the end I caved in. It was the end of the show and I guess i owed it to the fans.
"Hello girls! Enjoying the show?" I asked with a huge smile. More fans noticed me speaking to the front row of girls and decided to shout questions and abuse. I kept my focus on the 6 girls I had asked the question to. "YES!! Omg your speaking to us!" "How's it like dating Harry?" "Is he a good kisser?!" "You're so lucky I want him!" I blocked out everything else as I laughed at their responses. "It's just like dating a normal person" I said with a wink. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Gemma. Some of the abusive words calmed down. It was weird how Gem had that effect. I said goodbye to them, waving at everyone before going back stage.
"That was scary" I told Gemma and she laughed in response. "Suck it up, your fault for dating my brother" she said in a playful tone.
The boys went to their meet and greet to see the lucky fans. I decided to make my way back to the tour buses. I pulled out my phone and decided to go on twitter. "@Y/T/N amazing show tonight! Met some lovely fans today x" I tweeted before taking my converse off and laying in Harry's bunk. I wanted to be here for when he came back. The mentions flew in and I frowned at some of the responses. I received many death threats and horrible stuff about my appearance. I never thought of me being too fat.. I've never thought of cutting myself or swallowing glass..
I had spent years building up my self esteem. I've always been the type of person who never cared about what people thought but I had this urge to impress the fans. Not for my sake but for Harry's. He deserves nothing but the best.. A tear rolled down my face, I wasn't one to cave in at silly comments but I couldn't help It. I wiped away the stray tear before reforming myself. I can be strong.. I can handle this right?
Everyone came piling into the tour bus and I smiled at them. "Are you tired babe?" Harry came over to me and asked. I shook my head no and gave him a small smile. He must have realised something was wrong as he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bunk. "Come on, we'll go for a walk" he whispered in my ear. I picked up my shoes and followed behind him, giving everyone a smile so they couldn't see the emotions behind my smile.
"Where are you two love birds off to?" Gemma asked making everyone laugh. "I want to spend some time with my love bird" Harry replied playfully. Everyone chuckled but I could see concern in Liam's eyes as he stared at me. I gave him a reassuring smile and silently told him I'll speak to him later. He nodded in understanding before offering me a small smile.
We didn't walk too far away from the tour bus. Harry had convinced the security guards to allow us to walk on our own and showed him the place we'd be sitting at. We walked in silence and sat down on a big rock. I was surprised that we went unnoticed by anyone.
"What's got my baby feeling down?" Harry asked as he wrapped his arms around me. My heart always fluttered every time he called me 'baby'. It was a typical pet name but it had this amazing effect when the word leaves his lips. I looked into his green eyes as I replied. "Nothing Harry, I'm okay" I tried offering my best smile but he could see right through it. "Come on Y/N, I know you better than you do" he said with a chuckle making me laugh too. Damn, why did he have this effect on me? I placed a lingering kiss on his lips, not pulling too far away as our lips brushed.
"I finally got the courage to tweet" I said. I lowered my gaze but kept my face inches away from his. I felt comfortable when I was with him. Harry must've understand what that meant as his grip around my shoulder tightened and he pressed his lips against mine. Our lips moved slowly as we savoured each others taste. I gently bit his lip as I focused on the kiss. The simple gesture made me forget all my worries and thoughts. We pulled away and he placed his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry. This is my fault" the frown on his face was haunting and it broke my heart. I pressed my lips on his once again before replying "it's not your fault, I'd go through anything for you" I slowly moved onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck while his snaked around my waist. I had missed being alone with him. "As long as you know you don't have to go through it alone. I'm here.. Always" he whispered as he placed a hand over my heart. Sparks flew through my body at his simple words and they held so much meaning. I kissed him again as a thank you gesture and I couldn't help the smile form on my face as his tongue swiped my bottom lip. I pulled away, a cheeky grin gracing my face. "Y/N.. Please.." He whined like a child. "Some where private, then maybe.." I said with a wink. He quickly jumped up making me Tumble off his lap. "Sorry" he whispered as he helped me regain my balance. I couldn't help but laugh at his clumsiness, he was adorable. I placed my hand in his and whispered seductively in his ear. "Somewhere private" I felt his body stiffen as he looked in my eyes. "You are mean" he huffed before pulling me towards the tour bus. "We can stay in a hotel tonight" he said before speaking to the security guards again. They stared at me as though understanding why we wanted to go and I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. Harry returned to my side as we waited for a car to take us away.
"You're a queen and I will always treat you like one" he whispered in my ear. My body shook at his words, he treated me with so much love and care..
"You're perfect Harry.." I told him as we got into the car. "And I just want you to know.. I think you're beautiful the way you are. Please don't give in to the hate" Harry said as he placed a hand on my thigh. "As long as I have you, nothing can hurt me" I replied before placing a kiss on his cheek. "Did i tell you? you make the perfect fangirl" Harry said with a wink, indicating my One Direction tank top. I felt my cheeks flush as i replied. "I'll always be here to support you and the boys" I placed my hand over his which lay on my thigh as we made our way to a hotel. Tonight was going to be another special night with the boy I was falling in love with..

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