Chapter 15

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Your P.O.V
Before I knew it, I was on a plane on my way home with Eleanor. But for me, home was in Harry's arms and I missed him as each minute passed. The goodbyes were hard, it was unbelievable how close I was to each member of the band and everyone else. Even Paul said he'd miss me which made me giggle a little. I closed my eyes as I smiled. Harry popping into my mind again.
I lay in Harry's arms as he drew circles into my back soothing me. No words were exchanged as we enjoyed and cherished each others company. I moved out of his hold and leaned on my elbow as I stared into his eyes. "What's on your mind Harry" I asked him. "Same thing that's on your mind Y/N" he said with a small smile. I sighed, neither of us wanted to be separated after being together for a short while, but I knew I'd be in his arms again. "I know Haz, but you know what? I'm glad you're living your dream. It gives me hope to fulfil mine and it only makes our relationship stronger" I said as i kissed his nose. "How?" He asked with a questioning look. "Distance makes the heart grow fonder" I said with a wink making him laugh. "Ha ha very funny Y/N" I swatted his arm away from my cheeks as I blushed. In a split second Harry had moved and now was above me. Our eyes held their gaze as we breathed steadily. I felt his hot breath fan against my face as I closed my eyes and our lips locked, fingers tugging at Harry's curls making him moan. I pulled him closer to me as he bit my lip, begging for entrance which I granted. I smiled into the heated kiss as we fought for dominance, ours legs tangling as Harry gripped my waist.
"Ahem" I heard someone say before I pushed harry off me and looked at the door way to see Zayn and Niall with grins on their faces. "We weren't disturbing anything I hope" zayn said with a wink. I felt my cheeks flush red as I buried my face in Harrys chest. I felt the vibrations against Harry's chest as he growled. "Bad timing guys!!" He shouted making me pull away and laugh. Zayn and Niall chuckled as they walked into the tour bus, followed by everyone else. "Y/N's and Eleanor's car is here" Liam said with a frown. I hadn't realised that me and Harry had spent over two hours in each others arms and now, within a heart beat it was time for me to go. I frowned as Paul took my suitcases out the tour bus. I stood up and hugged each of them whispering a thank you and an I love you, tightening my grip when I came to Zayn and Liam. They were my best friends and brothers in the group and without them I wouldn't have had the courage to tell the boy I was crazy for, how I felt about him and for that I was grateful. Eleanor also said her goodbyes to everyone before cuddling into Louis' arm. I smiled as I grabbed Harry's hand, giving it a light squeeze as we made our way to the car. "I wish I could drop you off at the airport" he whispered with a frown. "It's okay boo, don't worry" I said giving him a reassuring smile. "But Y/N I should be dro.." I cut him off with a lingering kiss on the lips, not wanting to break our lips apart as we held each other for one last time. We pulled away and I smiled. "Hey! I signed up for this! You have a concert tonight boo, you have you prepare" I kissed his cheek making him smile. "I hate how understanding you are" Harry said in a huff making me laugh.
"Guys were still here" I heard Lou say making me fix my gaze on the group behind us, watching us intently. "Sorry guys!" I said as I giggled. Me and Eleanor said our good byes one last time, hugging Paul before getting in the car. "I'm going to miss you Y/N! Thanks for helping to keep the boys in order" he said with a laugh which made me chuckle too. Eleanor got into the car through the other door as Harry made his way over and whispered in my ear through the open window "Text me when you land safely" I nodded, finally feeling the tears forming in my eyes. Realisation hit me. I didn't know how many weeks it would be since I saw harry again. I guess Harry knew what I was thinking as he placed a hand on my chin, titling my head as our eyes met. "It'll be sooner than you think Y/N" I nodded again not trusting my voice as we kissed one last time. The car began moving as a tear steamed down my face. Eleanor gripped my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. "It's hard, I know. But you'll get through it Y/N. you both will" I smiled as I hugged her.
*End of flashback*
Jet lag is a bitch. It's been two days since I had a good night sleep, spending my nights texting harry because my eyes failed to close. My body was still adjusting to the time difference. I grumbled as I noticed what time it was. 3pm. After finally falling asleep 4 hours ago, I realised i was going to be late to meet my brother. I quickly got ready, applying natural make up and keeping my hair in its natural curls, settling with wearing a checkered top and ripped leggings. The weather in Manchester was incredible right now as I headed out to Starbucks.
"You are 20 minutes late" my younger brother said in a matter of fact tone. I laughed as I sat in the chair beside him. "Still trying to get use to the time change. I see you've ordered my favourite" I said with a giggle. Y/B/N is my younger brother and also my best friend. We confided to each other about the good and bad things that make us smile and cry. I was glad I had him, he got me through the toughest days. "About that" Y/B/N said, "think we have a lot of catching up to do" I nodded as I sipped on my coffee, filling him in on all the events that had taken place since the last time I saw him. "One direction?" He whispered as I finished telling him NEARLY everything. "And you didn't even cry in front of them? Do I have to remind you how CRAZY you were about them about a year and a half ago!" He shouted making people look in our direction. I laughed as I shook my head. "I'm still a fan, and keep your voice down!" I said as I punched his arm. "If only I could go back and tell the younger me that some dreams do come true" I said in content. Y/B/N laughed as he sipped his coffee. "Anything else you have to tell me?" I looked in his eyes before looking down with a blush. "I know that look Y/N. now spill" damn. "I'm dating harry" I said not meeting his gaze. Y/B/N chuckled making me stare at him in confusion. "Your kidding right? Tell me the truth Y/N" I gave him a cold hard stare until he stopped laughing. "Your telling the truth.." He trailed off as I nodded. "But in the papers.. I saw photos of you and that guy from union J.." I nodded again. "We met for lunch. Me and harry have only been dating for over a week" Y/B/N nodded before asking me a million questions about everything that had happened.
"Your friends with justin bieber as well?" Y/B/N asked in disbelief. I nodded as we walked down the streets of Manchester. "Wow Y/N dramatic life change" he said making me giggle. We carried on walking until I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see three girls staring at me with smiles on their faces which I returned. "Your Y/N right?" I nodded. "Can we get a photo please? We love you" I looked at my brother in confusion but did as the girls asked. "Can I ask why you wanted a photo with me?" I asked the girls. "You have a lot of directioners and other people idolise you" I stared at them In confusion as they carried on. "You showed us that a fan can meet the boys! And you don't take advantage of their fame, you do your own thing plus we love the way you dress" I smiled as I heard what they had to say, my brother just watching us closely. "Thank you guys, you have no idea how much that means to me" I said as I hugged them. "It's not just us" one of the girls said. "Go on twitter and you'll see" I nodded as I smiled. "Can you tell us what the boys are like?" I laughed as I gave them a little insight on each boy. I said goodbye to them before making my way back to my dorm with Y/B/N. "wow" was all he kept repeating as we walked. "Shut up now" I said nudging his arm. "Don't they know your dating harry?" He asked, as I opened the door to my dorm. "Nope" I said popping the P. "I hope you know it'll get harder when they do know. Your the one that use to tell me about the hate the other girlfriends get" I gave him a small smile knowing everything he said was true. "I can handle it" I said.
My phone buzzed. I unlocked my phone to see a text from Harry. "Check twitter love .x" is all it said. "Show me show me!" Y/B/N said looking at the text from Harry. "Come on! Get on twitter" I did as the boys asked and saw my mentions going crazy. The fans I had met before had uploaded the photos with captions like "she is so lovely in person!" "Omg I can't believe I just met Y/N" while writing about the things I had told them. There were a couple hate tweets which I brushed off. But Y/B/N frowned as he read them. I turned to him and smiled. "Don't worry. It doesn't bring me down" he nodded as we carried on looking through the mentions and it turns out that the girls were right. There were a couple fan accounts about me. I followed a few as well as following the girls I had met. Other fans seemed to be happy to know what I was like. I got off twitter and text harry.
"Smile on my face is huge!xx" it didn't take long for him to reply.
"I can imagine. How was lunch with Y/B/N" the text read.
"Really good. He's still in shock though x" Y/B/N read the text and playfully punched my arm. "Why did you send that!" I laughed. "Because it's true. I have to tell mum and everyone else now" Y/B/N nodded as I called mum.
The phone call was full Of awkward conversations and her asking questions about the photos she had seen in magazines but she was happy that I was happy. The rest of the family were excited to meet the boys, asking when they could meet everyone. Y/B/N had gone home and now I was getting ready for bed. My phone buzzed as I got in bed. "Miss you Y/N. going on stage now, sleep well xx" I smiled before replying back. Today had gone exceptionally well. But I couldn't help but miss Harry more as I lay in bed alone.

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