Chapter 31

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"I'm not comfortable leaving you here alone" Zayn stated, a look of concern burning in his golden irises.
"And me" Liam put his hand in the air as if he was in classroom.
"Us too" Louis and Niall piped in, their eyes all holding worry and concern.
I sighed for what felt like the hundredth time in the course of 10 minutes. They stood in a line in my hotel room, concern laced in their features, voice and stance. They're going to be late for their flight if they don't leave now.

"How many times?! Go! Now! Before I shove you into the plane myself" I stated firmly, stomping my foot in the process. I needed a firm hand when dealing with these four.
"But Y/N..." Liam started but I cut him off before he could continue.
"No buts Li, I said I'll be fine didn't I?" Liam and the boys nodded their heads as they looked at the ground. I tried to hide the small smile on my face, it's like their four little boys getting scolded for being naughty.
"I'm gonna kill Harry" I heard Liam mumble under his breath.
"Same" Niall agreed. I think they forgot I'm still standing here.
"No ones going to kill anyone. He's busy with his friends so leave him be. And you boys behave on the flight, the crew needs sleep" I began listing everything on my fingers, making sure they had everything they needed off the tour bus.
"I'm sorry Y/N" Zayn whispered in my ear as he hugged me. He was last in the long line of hugs as everyone departed for the airport. I pulled away, frowning.
"Why are you sorry?" I asked in confusion. Zayn sighed as he hugged me again.
"Everything. This week hasn't been easy for you" I attempted to stop him from talking but he placed a finger against my lips, making me stop before I could even utter a word.
"You don't have to tell us everything to know how difficult it has been. And Harry leaving like that can't be easy either. You're too nice for your own good" I frowned at him, I'm not nice.
"Have you text him?" He asked me as he pulled his finger away from my lips. I shook my head no.
"I haven't but I believe Liam and Niall have text him a few death threats" I chuckled a dry laugh. I didn't know what I should do in this situation.
"Has he tried texting you?" Zayn asked, an eyebrow raised.
I pulled my phone out and showed him. 13 new messages.
"Planning on replying?" Zayn asked, a small smirk playing on his lips.
"I think I'm going to let him sweat for a bit before I reply. He's not getting away with that easy" I mused, chuckling. See, I'm not nice at all.
"Good plan" I smiled before hugging him again.
"Give all the boys a big kiss from me" I whispered before pressing my lips on his forehead. He nodded in response before heading out of my hotel room.
I sighed, what was I going to do for the rest of the day? I thought about heading out and seeing the sights but I was worried paparazzi were still around. It wouldn't make a good headline that I was still here while Harry was in the UK. I didn't want him to have anymore bad publicity, he didn't deserve it.
My phone rang again, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was Harry. I hesitated at first but decided he'd been punished enough.
I pressed the phone to my ear, holding my breath.

"Y/N? Y/N? Are you there? I'm sorry Y/N please answer me... Y/N!" I let out a slow steady breath, his voice calming my nerves in a weird way.
"Hey love" I whispered, my voice coming out weaker than I expected.
"You must hate me, I hate myself right now. I'm sorry Y/N I..." I cut his frantic rant off, there was no need to be resentful.

"I don't hate you Harry" I mumbled, sitting on my bed.
"You have every rig... What? You don't hate me?" The surprise was evident in Harry's voice.
"That's what I said right?" I chuckled lightly, trying to ease the tension forming between us through a simple phone conversation.
"Did you get on the plane with the boys?" He asked, his voice a lot calmer than a minute ago. I shook my head before realising he wasn't here beside me.
"I'm still here, my ticket says end of the week"
"But.. Y-You're on your own..." His voice was small making it difficult to hear.
"I can't believe I forgot"
"Forgot what?" I was beginning to get confused.
"Forgot about you! I forgot you were there, I forgot I came with you to the awards, I forgot..." My mind instantly cut off the rest of the words as anger bubbled inside of me. He 'forgot' about me? I thought it was something he did in the heat of the moment, not that he actually forgot about me.

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