Chapter 32

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The sound of a door opening and closing broke me away from my dreamless slumber. As I slowly popped one eye open I realised it was still dark outside. Was I imagining things? Thinking it was probably just the source of my imagination, I closed my eyes again and attempted to fall back asleep.
That was until I could hear the light sound of someone breathing. Instantly I sat up right, feeling my heart thump at a dangerous pace. Had someone managed to get into my room? I didn't have anything within reaching distance that could cause any plausible damage to whoever was in my room right now. My thoughts were answered when the shadow of a tall figure came into view. My breath hitched and I was positive he or she could hear my heartbeat.
The next thing that happened was unexpected. The tall figure fell onto the bed and wrapped their arms around my shoulder, my face in their chest. What kind of kidnapping was this? My body froze at the contact and I realised how little I was reacting to the stranger currently squishing me to their body. Why wasn't I as scared as I should be? Is it because I'm in shock? Or because I'm probably sleeping and this is all just a weird dream?
The room was still dark therefore I couldn't see who the person could be. But when a familiar scent hit my nose, it felt like time froze for a few seconds. My breathing stopped, my heart stopped beating, the blood stopped pulsing through my body. He... He's here?
"H-Har- Harry?" And just like that my body started reacting to his familiar touch and my nose tingled to his scent.
It was as though my body had it's own mind, reacting to the person that was currently holding me for dear life as my arms went around their waist without my permission. My brain took longer to process what was going on and his breathing was becoming deeper and in short breaths.
"T-talk to me if it is you Harry. I-I'm scared but I'm not..." I knew for a fact I sounded weak and fragile, my voice was barely a whisper. I just needed to hear his voice and my heart needed some sort of confirmation that it is my beauty who was currently taking deep breaths and sniffing my hair.
"It's me Y/N" and that was all my mind needed to be back in full working progress as was my heart. My first instinct was to lift my head and bury my face in the crook of his neck.
My body was shaking, overwhelmed that he actually came back to me even after I had been so rude to him on the phone. And as that thought crossed my mind, a tear slipped down my face followed by another and another until a never ending river pooled from my eyes. I was shaking in his arms and even though his hold was strong and my breaths were rugged, I didn't want him to let go. I wanted to be this close to him.
"Please tell me I'm not dreaming" I sobbed into his neck. I knew I was creating a wet mess on his soft skin but I didn't care, right now all that mattered was he's here.
"You aren't dreaming baby, please stop crying" I chuckled humourlessly at my silliness, of course I wasn't dreaming. I pulled away so I could see his face but to my disappointment it was still dark.
I squinted my eyes, making out the shape of his chin and the big quiff that was nesting on top of his head. All I wanted to see was the pool of green in his irises.
"Y/N I'm so sorry, I've made you cry again" the hurt was evident in Harry's voice and as he spoke I could make out the shape of his lips in the darkness.
I didn't reply, instead I leaped forward and pressed my lips against his. The thirst to feel his tongue battle with mine was evident as I bit down on his bottom lip asking for entrance. Harry obliged immediately his tongue and mine creating a wet mess. It was sloppy but needed. A sound left my mouth as Harry pulled away to gain some air into his lungs but before I could protest further his lips were back on mine, the desperation and need becoming more and more stronger.
"I've missed you Y/N" Harry mumbled against my lips. I crushed my lips hard against his for a few lingering seconds before pulling away, our foreheads now pressed together.
"I've missed you too Harry, so damn much" I whispered. And it was true, I never thought I could miss someone as much as I was missing him in those few long hours we hadn't spoke.
"I made a mistake Y/N, I'm an idiot. I don't know what I was thinking, like always I was the puppy that followed everyone around. Y/N I hurt you unintentionally and I'm so sorry. If I could go back, I'd stop myself from making one of the biggest mistakes of my life" I merely shook my head as Harry took a deep breath.
"Please say you forgive me Y/N" I stopped my movements and closed my eyes for a brief second. I just wanted to kiss away the bad feelings inside his mind and heart.
"You didn't make any mistakes" I whispered, my eyes still shut tightly.
"I made the mistake of not listening to what you had to say and as soon as I cut the line, regret seeped in and I realised I was the idiot for assuming so quickly. It's my turn to say sorry for being stubborn and close minded. Please forgive me Harry"
A stray tear fell down my right cheek, causing the dry trail from my previous outburst to tingle. Harry's breathing was shaky as he pulled my body closer. Our chests touching and my knee digging into his thigh. I took the chance and straddled him. Even If he refused to forgive me, I still had this one moment in his arms.
Harry let out a breathy chuckle as my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. My eyes were still clamped shut and Harry leaned even closer, if that was possible, making the tips of our noses touch. It was his turn to shake his head.
"You're so silly Y/N. Angels don't make mistakes" he whispered before placing a chaste kiss on my lips. I hummed in appreciation, the feeling of his lips still ghosting on mine.
"Then I guess that makes you an angel"
The light sound of Harry's laugh hit my ears and it seemed like someone had knocked the air out of my lungs. It's only been a little over 24 hours and I missed that sound like crazy. We stayed in each other's arms, not saying a single word. The only sounds that could be heard was our light breathing.

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