Chapter 23

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Harry's P.O.V
We had a concert in Houston today and I was excited. Performing in a new city always had its perks of meeting new people, new fans and trying new things. I took advantage of having the day off yesterday and spent it with Y/N. things were going perfect until I read the tweets about her and our relationship. I hope the hate calms down, I can't lose her.. I won't lose her, she means the world to me and I hope people can see that..
I watched Y/N sleep soundly, the covers pulled back because of the heat and she lay in my shirt and plaid pants. She looked beautiful, even when she didn't make an effort. I spent the night in Y/N's tour bus, we spoke about our relationship going public and I could tell she was trying to be strong. I hope she knows I'd do anything to protect her. Y/N stirred in her sleep and curled on to my lap as I sat up. I stroked her hair as I went on twitter. The trends were no longer there making me sigh in content, I hope the hate has calmed down. I hesitantly typed her name into the search box and watched the mentions roll in. Some comments made me smile while others made my heart break. Y/N had some of our fans stand up for her, the ones that supported all the girlfriends and others made her seem as though she was fame thirsty and said she wasn't good enough for me. I frowned at why people would think such things especially when she was trying so hard in University way before she met me and how she was doing things her way without my help. Y/N's face would light up every time she mentioned her internship at Radio 1 and refused any of my help. But I guess no one would see that except me and everyone who knows her well. Y/N began stirring in her sleep again making me snap out of my thoughts. I put my phone down and watched her wake up from her deep sleep. "Morning boo" she mumbled in her tiny morning voice making me smile. "Good morning to you too" I said with a smile as I stroked her hair.
She slowly began sitting up and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Isn't Gemma coming today?" Y/N said as she yawned. I smiled at how adorable she was. "She's on the plane, she should be here in a couple of hours" I replied. I watched as she pulled her phone out from under her pillow and checked the time. "Will you be picking her up?" Y/N said, not breaking contact with her phone screen. "I won't be able to, I have to prepare for the show" I frowned. I was getting homesick and I was excited to see Gemma again. Y/N must have seen me frown as she placed another kiss on my cheek. "How about I go?" She said with a smile. I loved how close Y/N had gotten to mum and Gemma. I nodded as I engulfed her in a tight hug. "Thank you" I whispered in her hair. She sighed in content and looked up into my eyes. "Mum wants to speak to you" she said as she cackled. I couldn't help but laugh at her being evil. Her mum was as sweet as Y/N. she asked the usual questions I expected like "do you like her?" "Do you look after her?" Her concern always made me smile and I could tell Y/N loved how me and her mum can speak openly. I still had yet to meet her but even without seeing her, we had grown quiet close. "Call her up" I said with a grin and she obliged. "Here" Y/N said handing me her phone. "I'm going to go get ready for the day" she said as she got off the bed. Y/N placed a quick peck on my lips as I heard a familiar voice on the other end of the line.
After a long conversation with Y/N's mum I was in the arena where we would be performing. Y/N had gone to the airport to pick Gemma up which meant I won't be seeing them until before the show. We were reminded again about the release of our new music video coming out tomorrow and I was excited to see what the fans think of it. Making the music video for Best Song Ever was by far the best thing that's happened so far. Apart from the night with Y/N.. That was perfect..
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Louis and Liam. They were practicing their vocals and told me it was my turn.
After rehearsing and warming up for the concert, me and the rest of the boys sat down and discussed the up coming events. As the boys conversed, Louis turned to me. "How is Y/N?" He whispered, he knew how hard it was having a none famous girlfriend. "She's fine. But I can tell she's trying to be strong for my sake" I said back. He nodded in understanding and placed a hand on my shoulder. The rest of the boys must have noticed the change in conversation as they joined in. "Don't worry Haz, she's a strong one" Niall said and I nodded. The boys were really supportive when it came to Y/N. "I heard she got the internship" Liam said making the smile form on my face. "Yeah, she starts as soon as she's back in Manchester. And I think we have you to thank" I replied with a wink. He chuckled as he said it wasn't a problem. "But really, I've never seen her so excited for something" I beamed at him. Before he could reply, I heard footsteps behind me.
"Who are you boys talking about" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around and jumped on my feet. Gemma! I walked up to her with a huge grin on my face and engulfed her in a hug. "Woah woah, didn't think you missed me that much" Gemma said making everyone chuckle. I looked over Gemma's shoulder and couldn't help how my smile grew bigger. I could see the glint in Y/N's eyes as she watched me and Gemma.
I had tweeted about Houston and couldn't stop laughing at the replies I received. Y/N decided to feed my joke by singing Conor Maynard- Can't Say No and shouting "Houston I think we got a problem" everyone laughed and I couldn't help but fall for her more. Her playfulness only added to her attraction and she understood my jokes, no matter how lame they were. The show ended and we were all back in the tour buses heading to the next place for our tour; Dallas. Everyone had moved around which meant it was me, Gemma, Lou, Niall and Ashton while everyone else was in the other tour buses. Y/N and Liam were busy arguing about something and I decided to leave them to it. I know the rest of the boys will protect her when I wasn't around. I was sat with Gemma as she asked about everything that had happened so far.
"I saw what happened on twitter last night" Gemma said and I sighed. It was a subject that hurt me deeply but Gemma was one of the people who understood me. "I hope it gets easier Gem, I can't lose her" I said, I kept my eyes focused on the ground. Until today I hadn't told anyone I was afraid of losing Y/N. Lou knows how much I've fallen for her but I didn't tell her too much about my feelings. Gemma placed a hand on my knee before nudging my shoulder. "I've seen the way she looks at you. She won't leave" she said in a cheery tone. I was confused about why she was so excited. I looked up at her and saw a cunning smile on her face. This can't be good. "And anyway, she suffered mums rant. She can manage anything" she finished before standing up and hitting me with a pillow. I fell back, not expecting the hit to my head. "I've missed bullying my little brother" she said in a cooing voice before hitting me with the pillow again. I stood up and grabbed a pillow, deciding to join in. I've missed my sister, no matter where I am in the world she could always lift my mood up.
After taking countless photos and silly videos, it was time to sleep. We were still on the road which meant I still couldn't see Y/N. I wanted to have her in my arms when I slept. I lay down in my bunk and called her. She picked up after two rings.
"Hello stranger. I was beginning to think you forgot me" she said in a cheeky tone. I laughed at her playfulness before filling her in on what I was up to in the tour bus. She told me how her and Liam were arguing about which state was better and about the usual silly things they argued about. "Harry, I'm thinking of getting another tattoo" she said into the phone. "Any idea what of?" I asked her, clearly amused by her decision on a new inking. "I'm not sure yet. I'm thinking of a little coat hanger on my wrist. Something small" I chuckled at her decision. "Why a coat hanger" I asked her. I could hear the smile in her voice as she spoke. "Because I get hooked easy" I smiled at her reply, understanding what she meant but I decided to question it. "Oh? What's got you hooked" she giggled at my question. "Hmmm I don't know. Silly things like daily routine, 4 silly boys, music.." I could tell by her teasing tone that she was enjoying this as much as I was. "There was me thinking it represented me" I said, the smile evident in my voice. "You're one of the things that got me hooked so easy" she breathed making goosebumps form as the words entered my ear. "Does your other tat have a meaning?" I asked her. She laughed, knowing I was trying to change the subject off of me. "Well yes. In every life you wait for something good to happen. Something to sweep you off your feet. The moment I read this quote in a book a few years ago It became my favourite quote and I wanted it as a constant reminder. Sometimes letting go and waiting for something good to fill its space can be the best decision someone makes" I couldn't help but feel as though the words she just expressed represented our relationship. She had told me about her past relationship and how she waited for someone special to come in her life and change everything. I guess that person was me. Y/N always spoke wisdom which contradicted her usual playful and immature side and that's why I had fallen for her.
"Harry, are you still there?" The concern was evident in her voice as she snapped me out of my thoughts. I cleared my throat before replying. "Yes boo. You just got me thinking that's all" I said and I heard her sigh. "Can I tell you something harry?" Y/N said and I told her to continue. The line went quiet for a minute before she spoke. "Before I got into this relationship I knew how difficult it would be. And I.. I'm glad, because.. Well it's made me stronger as a person and I have you to thank.. If I had a favourite moment in life it would be the first time I met you.. Sorry for being cheesy" she added making me chuckle. Her words made me sigh in content, ridding me of any concerns and doubts I had before. "You're amazing Y/N" I whispered, I wanted to say I love you but Im scared of scaring her off. I wasn't sure if she was at the stage of I love yous but I can only wish. I know from this moment on that she's the one I want. "You've got me hooked Harry" she whispered into the phone making my heart beat faster. "I wish I could cuddle and kiss you right now Y/N" I said back. All I wanted was her body against mine as I kiss her slowly.
We spoke for what felt like hours before we both started feeling tired. I lay in bed and cuddled the extra pillow beside me wishing it was Y/N instead. My mind began to drift into sleep as I dreamt of the girl who swept me off my feet..

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