Chapter 30

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Thousands of tweets blew up my phone the next morning. Many of them were kind and made me smile. Only a handful held cruel words but I brushed it off, there's no point starting the day in a bitter way. But as much as I tried, I couldn't help but feel upset...

Harry hadn't come back to the tour bus last night and we had already travelled away from the studio where we were parked before the TCA's last night. He hadn't sent any messages to tell me about his whereabouts.

I tried keeping my mind occupied as I met Perrie and the rest of the girls from little mix. We all went out for lunch before heading back to the tour buses.
I continued staring at my screen saver, an image on me and Harry on the carpet at the TCA's. I had found it while his fans were tweeting about the event last night and couldn't help but save the photo and put it as my screen saver.

"You look deep in thought" a voice from behind me snapped me away from my chain of thoughts.
Liam made his way towards me with two cups of coffee in his hand. After handing me one, he sat beside me.
"Thanks" I said, lifting the coffee slightly and Liam nodded in response. "And I was just thinking about last night"

I offered him a small smile which he returned but I could see the concern behind his dark brown eyes.
"Still nothing?" As vague as his question was, I instantly knew what he was asking about.

"Nope, no calls or texts. Did he come back after I fell asleep and leave in the morning?" I asked in hope that maybe he had. Though who was I kidding, I already know what the answer is.

"I'm sorry Y/N" Liam said, offering me a sympathetic smile. I shook my head, I didn't want sympathy.

"Oh. Oh well, I'm planning on site seeing today" I attempted to change the conversation. "do you have any plans?"

"Not that I know of. But we are heading to the airport in the evening" Liam said, guilt taking over his soft features.

That's just great.

"I'll have to book a hotel then. I'll save site seeing for tomorrow" it was obvious how fake my smile is but Liam didn't question it. He pulled me closer for a hug before leaving the room to allow me to get ready for the day.
I still had the rest of the week here and I still didn't know the whereabouts of my boyfriend.

Yet I wasn't worried about where he was, I was more worried about if he was okay. I understand how busy and demanding his job is and how he rarely gets to see his friends.

I put a little effort in what I was wearing today. High waisted studded shorts were teamed off with a plain crop top and a sleeveless khaki jacket.

"I'm heading out in search for a decent hotel" I announced as I stepped out of the bunk area. Liam and Niall were eating breakfast.

"You know, Paul could find you one around here and you could spend the rest of the day with us" Liam offered a wide smile on his face. Niall nodded eagerly at Liam's offer.
"I know love, but I doubt I can afford any around here" it was true, after being jobless I have become more aware of what I spent and how I spent it. This job at the radio station will help me back on my feet. I hope...

Both Niall and Liam frowned at my reply, their eyes trailing back to their toast and cereal.

"But thanks for the offer li, it means a lot" I walked the short distance, closer to both of them and hugged Liam. I held on tight, hoping he understood my gratitude for everything he's done for me so far.
"where's Harry anyway? Shouldn't he be worrying about all this and not you?" Niall asked as I pulled away from Liam.
I looked towards Liam, hoping he had a reply for Niall but he held the same blank face as me.

"I... I err haven't heard off him since the TCA's" I looked down at my fingers as I said this. What kind of girlfriend was I, I didn't know the whereabouts of my boyfriend.
"Oh, have you tried calling him?" Niall asked, clearing his throat in the process.
I looked at Niall as I nodded my head.

Don't Let Me go Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ