Chapter 9

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Your P.O.V
Three weeks later my exams ended, the last days were spent partying and celebrating the end of the year with my Uni friends. The smile on my face was huge and nothing could take that away. The boys had announced their new fragrance but unfortunately I couldn't see them seeing as I had exams and they had to finish the last shows in Europe.
Things had become a little awkward between me and Harry but I tried not to let it get to me. I loved speaking to him and after telling Liam, Zayn and Niall about my true feelings for him, I couldn't help but feel relieved to have that weight off my shoulders. I was now on my way to meet Eleanor so we could open our envelopes together. I couldn't decide on what to wear. In the end I chose a black top, with my favourite aztec shorts finishing it off with some statement accessories. The boys kept texting with messages like "not long left" "your going to love it" "try not to scream too loud". I couldn't help but laugh at their teasing behaviour.
Me and Eleanor ordered our coffees before making our way to a quiet park where we could "scream in excitement" as Liam described it. We were lucky enough to not get noticed by fans, we blended in well with the crowd when we didn't have the boys hot on our heels. We found a spot under a tree before whipping out the mystery envelope. "Ready?" Eleanor asked. "No not really" I said with a nervous chuckle. "On the count of three okay? One.. Two.. Three" and we both tore away the envelope to be greeted with backstage passes and.. A ticket to Mexico? "What?" Me and Eleanor said in unison. "It's dated for 2 weeks, does that mean.." I started "were going on tour with the boys?" Eleanor finished the sentence. Before we could process what was in front of us, my phone rang making us both jump. It was Liam, I picked up the call putting it on loud speaker so we could both hear.
"Soooo..." I heard Liam say as the rest of the boys started laughing. "What's this Liam?" I asked, trying to hide the excitement in my voice. "Well you've both been working hard on your exams and you both keep us grounded being normal an all, so we decided you should join us on tour" Niall said, me and el stared at each other before jumping up and screaming. "Knew they'd like it" I could hear the pride in Louis' voice. "You have a week and a half to pack and prepare! We'll meet you at the airport. We have a break so we decided to spend it with family and girlfriends" Louis laughed. Eleanor chuckled as she said "see you soon babe". "Don't forget to pack sexy swim wear!" Harry yelled through the phone making us all laugh. "See you guys soon! And thanks again" I said trying to contain my excitement. "No problem Y/N see you both soon" Zayn chuckled.
As we both made our way back to the car with huge smiles on our faces my phone chimed. It was Harry. "Can't wait to see you again:) .xx" I couldn't help but smile wider. "Can't wait to see your sexy ass too ;)" I replied back.
The past week was spent packing and shopping. I knew the weather would be hotter so I had to pack smartly and buy things that would be appropriate for the weather. I decided to listen to Harry and buy some new swim suits even though I couldn't swim. I guess me and Zayn had A LOT in common.
2 days to go until I'll be meeting the boys in the airport, reunited once again. I felt content, everything was going right for once in my life. It was currently 4am and I awoke from a loud crash in my living room. No one but me lived here I thought to myself getting a little scared. I grabbed the closest thing to me (which was a can of hairspray) and made my way to the sound of the crash. I turned the lights on and before I could swing at the intruder I heard a familiar voice that made butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Y/N.." It was Harry. I stood frozen, shock taken over my body. What was he doing here? Am I dreaming? And how the hell did he get in? "We're you going to hit me with hairspray?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. I could hear the humour in his voice. I coughed feeling a blush creep onto my cheeks. "" I said looking down. Harry chuckled as he made his way over to where I was standing. "Here" he took the hair spray out my hand and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged tightly back, taking in his smell. He smelt amazing. "I missed you" he whispered in my hair. "I missed you too harry". We stood there in silence still hugging. "And If you're wondering how I got in, I got the spare key off Liam" Harry chuckled lightly sending vibrations through my body. "And Nialls right, your exactly like me" Harry said as he pulled away. I raised my eyebrow. "Meaning?" "He told me you don't like wearing pants." I looked down to see I was only in a top and panties. I blushed a bright red before running into my bedroom for some pyjama shorts. I could hear Harry laughing.
"Shut it styles" I shouted from the bedroom. I heard footsteps getting closer. "Is it safe to come in?" Harry asked, I could hear the smile in his voice. "Yes" I simply said. He walked in and examined my room. "Oh Harry anyone would think your a tourist" I retaliated with a wink knowing he'd said that to me the first week we met. "I think we should sleep Harry, catch up tomorrow okay?" I said with a yawn realising what time it was. "Sure Y/N" I could see him looking uneasy. "We can share the bed" I said in a huff before winking. "Good!" And with that, he stripped to his boxers making his way inside the bed. We slept on either side not coming any closer. The magazines said that harry was still single but I wasn't sure. You could never trust what they had to say.
Harry's P.O.V
I woke up before Y/N to see she had moved from her side of the bed and was now In my arms, our legs tangled under the bed sheets. I couldn't help the smile that crept on my face, she fit perfectly by my side and she looked so peaceful. I felt her stirring beside me as her eyes fluttered open. "Morning" I whispered. I could feel the heat rising on her cheek against my chest as she replied "morning Harry, sorry for taking up your side of the bed" "I don't mind, I like having someone to cuddle" she looked up and smiled. Wow she looks beautiful.
Y/N made breakfast while I showered, we sat on the floor as we caught up on all the events since we last saw each other.
"So are you still single?" Y/N asked as she sipped her coffee. I sighed, I didn't want to make me sound like how the papers described me. "I was always single Y/N, the papers just blew it out of proportion. But I did kiss Kimberly and that was just a drunken mistake" she smiled as she nodded. "I understand Harry, I don't know why I over reacted. Sorry for not listening" she frowned making me frown too. "It's okay Y/N I should have told you sooner" we finished eating and decided to have a lazy day in. I chose the films on Netflix while she went to the shop to buy enough food to last us all week.
As we cuddled up on the sofa, I couldn't help but wonder how she felt about me. I could tell she was uneasy at the thought of me being with someone else, and I feel the same. I wouldn't like if she was with someone else too. What does this mean? What are these emotions I'm feeling towards Y/N? I was so caught up in my thoughts I hadn't realised that Y/N was calling my name. "Styles you still here?" She asked with a giggle. "Huh. Yeah sorry" pull yourself together harry I thought to myself. "Harry, I'm sorry" she said as she looked into my eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows confused. "Why Y/N?" "I'm sorry for believing what the papers said. And I know how upset you get when people believe that you're the type of person the papers portray. I know you're a kind hearted guy who's just nice to everyone and the press turn it all around and make it look like your the bad guy. I can't say I understand because I don't know what you go through, but I promise I won't underestimate you any more and believe what the papers have to say. Your one of the most sweetest person I've met and I hope you know that about yourself. Stay confident within yourself and I promise you nothing will ever come in between the person you want to be. I love you Harry and I'm sorry" I stared into her eyes, I was speechless. How did she understand all my emotions? She said all my thoughts and insecurities in one go, she understood me.. There was only a certain amount of people who knew what type of person I was, and they were the people who really knew me. "Don't worry Y/N it wasn't your fault. I'm glad I've got you, and it's crazy how you've worked me out in a matter of weeks. I love you too Y/N" I cuddled her tightly and kissed the top of her head. I know the i love you'd were said as friends which made me frown a little.
But From that moment on I knew I wanted to spend my life with her. The only problem was, I didn't know how to tell her and how to act on it. Like I've said before, I've never felt like this towards anyone before..
We slept on the sofa after doing an alnighter having a Harry Potter marathon. I couldn't help but laugh everytime Y/N turned to me and said "your a wizard Harry" before bursting into laughter.
The next day, I loaded her suitcases into a cab alongside my own making our way to the airport. "Thanks for an awesome time Harry" Y/N said kissing my cheek, I could feel the tingles in the place where her lips touched my cheek. As we reached the airport we spotted the rest of the gang. We said our hellos before waiting for Lou and lux to join us. After everyone was together we made our way to our terminal as Paul loaded the suitcases for our private plane. I was sat with Lou as we both watched Y/N play with lux.
"How's things going with Y/N" Lou asked, still staring at Y/N and Lux. "Good good" I said dreamily. I didn't know what to say. "Spill Harry" she said as she looked at me. I sighed, damn she knew me too well. I told her everything that Y/N said and how I felt about her now. "She likes you Harry, your both just too stubborn to admit it. And she understands you. I've never met someone who's understood you that quick" I nodded as I looked at her, she smiled at the two of us before going back to playing with Lux and Zayn had joined them. "We'll see what the future holds for you both" Lou said, I nodded before making our way to the plane.

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