Chapter 11

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Your P.O.V
I awoke before Harry the next day and made my way to Liam's hotel room. While Liam ordered us both some breakfast I told him about what had happened last night, but the look on his face confused me. He was smiling. "We all knew this was coming Y/N" he said, I raised my eyebrow. "When you say all I hope you mean you, Niall and Zayn" Liam nodded. I was confused about how I should react to the kiss and how I would act in front of Harry. "Just keep your cool and ask him if the kiss meant anything to him. And if not then we are going to make a plan to make him jealous!" I couldn't help but laugh at the evil mastermind sat right beside me. "Yes sir!" I said in a mocking tone "but how are you planning on making him jealous?" I asked, genuinely curious to know what he had in mind. "Well leave that to me and Zayn"
As Liam went to shower, I pulled out my phone to check my twitter. My mentions were full of curious jcats and directioners wondering about me and Josh and if we had spoken yet. So I decided to check my DM to see if I had a message from their official page and to my surprise I did. "Hey Y/N I'm guessing you saw the interview right? I'm josh, if you didn't know :)" I smiled before writing. "Hey josh! And yes I did, by the way I was rooting for you to win X factor :D"
I put down my phone with a smile on my face as Liam came out the shower. "Put some clothes on Li!" But before he could reply my phone chimed. It was a DM from twitter. I opened it up to see josh had replied back. "Thanks! That means a lot :) I was wondering if we could maybe go out for coffee?" It read and before I could reply another message came up. "And maybe have your number?xx" I was blushing. "Who's making you blush Y/N" I looked away from my phone to see a now dressed Liam. "Josh, he asked for my number and to grab some coffee sometime" I said with a shrug. "Give it him!" Liam piped up which I happily obliged. There was a knock on the door. Liam opened the door to see a tired Harry standing in the door way. "Is Y/N here? She's just disappeared" he said with a chuckle. "She's here, we're waiting for breakfast" Liam also chuckled as they both looked over at me. "I best go check where our food is. Want anything Haz?" Liam asked. "Coffee please" he replied with a huge grin on his face.
Liam closed the door behind him as harry made his way over to where I was sitting on Liam's bed. I smiled at him before looking at my phone, I didn't have a clue on what to say. "Sooo.." I looked up to see Harry blushing. "I guess we should talk about last night" I nodded as I motioned for him to sit beside me.
Harry's P.O.V
I sat beside Y/N trying to figure out what to say next. I really wanted to tell her how I felt but I was scared of rejection and i was scared about the reaction and scenes it would cause. "It was innocent right?" I asked not looking at her. I felt her shift beside me making me look up into her eyes. "Uh yeah Harry" she replied with a small smile. I couldn't help but break a little. "Good, so uh got any plans today?" I asked her trying to ease the awkwardness. "Nope, sight seeing and concert!" She said with a smile. I returned the smile before fiddling with my fingers. Her phone beeped making me look at her as a small smile graced her face. "Someone special?" I asked her with a wink. "No, uh it's josh. He's um in America promoting their single and wanted to grab a coffee" she replied nervously. "Good for you" I replied half heartedly, I didn't know how to react and I was scared of showing the jealousy fill my body. The door opened, Liam walking in with our breakfast. Thank god.
Your P.O.V
I tried my hardest to keep my cool as Harry confronted me about the kiss. I was heartbroken. I wanted to tell him how I felt but I was scared the feeling wasn't mutual. The day went by in a daze. I told Liam and Zayn about our conversation and they were comforting. "Don't worry Y/N he'll admit his feelings soon, even if we have to force it out!" Liam said making me and Zayn chuckle. I was meeting up with Josh tomorrow for some lunch and then going to a Justin Bieber concert. I was excited, I made sure the boys didn't mind me skipping their concert for Justin's but they told me not to worry about it and have fun.
I decided to dress casual wearing a red top, high waisted shorts and one of Niall's snapbacks that I borrowed without asking. He didn't seem phased, and neither did any of the other boys when I wore something that belonged to them. I said my goodbyes before heading out of the hotel. I noticed Harry wasn't smiling and nor was he frowning. But he had pain etched across his face as I left, I wish I knew what was causing him pain. Seeing him hurt only hurt me too. This was my first day without the boys and I would be lying If I said I wasn't going to miss them.
Liam's P.O.V
All our phones buzzed in unison as everyone received a message. We all looked at each other with confused faces before I pulled out my phone to see who it was. "Already missing you guys :(" I smiled as I replied back. Y/N managed to make everyone smile with just a simple text. I noticed Harry wasn't talking much. I motioned Zayn and Lou to follow me into a different room away from everyone.
"Did Harry tell you what happened between him and Y/N?" I asked Lou. When Y/N had confronted me, Niall and Zayn about her feelings towards Harry, I thought the best person to ask was Lou and it turns out he likes her too. "Nope, all he said was he's going to a party with some friends, Calum and Michael" Lou said. I filled her in on everything that had happened and I could see confusion etched in her face. "I don't understand, they're both so stubborn and they'll only end up hurting each other" she said, me and Zayn nodded. "He hasn't spoken much since Y/N left and keeps checking his phone" zayn said. Everything went silent for a minute as we all thought. "I guess neither of them will admit their true feelings unless they make each other jealous. Even if its unintentional" I stated.
Louis P.O.V
The concert had ended on a high and now I was sat beside Harry as he checked his twitter before heading out to a party. Me and Eleanor had noticed the chemistry between him and Y/N but decided to not say anything on the matter. He'd been acting strange ever since Y/N left this morning. I watched him as he stared intently at a photo. I scooted closer to get a glimpse and saw a photo of josh and Y/N circling around twitter. I guess the paps don't hold back. "You like her don't you mate" I said as he looked up from his phone. "Who?" He said with a confused face. I sighed. "Don't play dumb Harry. You know who I'm talking about" I said as I watched his body tense. "She looks like she's having a good time" he whispered as he looked at the picture. "It can't be that fun if she's been texting us all night" I said nudging him with a smile. He grinned as he looked at his phone and went on Y/N's twitter page.
His smile turned into a frown. I looked over to see she had retweeted the photo and also tweeted "Good day so far! @justinbieber here I come!" I placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, sympathy taking over me. Harry sighed "looks like she is having fun" "sorry mate" was the only thing I could say. He surfed through twitter only to find justin had followed and instagram'd a photo of himself and Y/N with the caption "new bestie! She's awesome #believe tour" and Y/N had retweeted it with a reply "FANGIRLING! Love you @justinbieber"
Harry placed his phone into his back pocket as he made his way out of the room. "Tell her Harry, before it's too late" was the last thing I said before he hit the club with the lads. I sighed as I pulled out my own phone. "Need to talk love. Hope your having fun xx" I hated seeing my best friend like this and i wanted to help the situation.
Your P.O.V
The night was going amazing. I was currently singing along to 'as long as you love me' at the believe tour. Me and Justin became good friends after meeting backstage and we exchanged numbers. The lunch with josh went well. We became friends instantly and decided we would meet again when we're both back in the UK. I had feelings for harry and no one could compare to how i felt for him. I smiled as I thought of everything that's been happening. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket of my shorts. It was Louis. I smiled as I opened the text. "Need to talk love. Hope your having fun xx" I wondered whether this talk was good or bad, but the text seem positive. I replied with a smile before going back to fangirling and dancing along to the rest of the concert.

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