Chapter 33

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"Do I really have to wear this?"
I stood in the changing room with Harry watching me, a smug smile on his face. It had taken him 20 minutes to convince me to wear the dress that was currently hugging every curve on my body. I had to admit, it was a beautiful dress but I didn't think I could pull it off. It was sexy and I don't think I could pull off sexy.
Harry had extended my stay in America, even if I still had another four days here left he decided to add an extra week. The boys would all be back together next week for a concert in New York with Toyota and it had taken Harry a full day to convince me to extend my staying here until they left for a month break. After that it was the beginning of the Take Me Home tour in Australia. I didn't want to agree, I wasn't paying and I sure as hell didn't want Harry to pay. He had taken it upon himself to contact my university and Radio One telling them I won't be there for another week. And obviously his charms had worked because my University emailed me my work and Nick had text me my schedule for the week I'm back in the UK. I hated how Harry literally had everyone at his beck and call and I hated how I was part of 'everyone'.
"It looks good on you babe"
I raised an eyebrow, he was enjoying this too much. After spending the previous day cooped in bed, Harry had decided he wanted to move to a different hotel so we had a better chance at seeing all the sites. I on the other hand, had no intentions of leaving my small cosy hotel room until Harry literally carried me into the car he had hired and drove us half an hour into the city to his chosen hotel destination.
"Don't you think you've made enough decisions on my behalf for the past day?" The grin on Harry's face widened as a glint on humour flashed through his green irises.
"I want to see how far I can go" he mused, his eyes never leaving mine as I slowly began getting uncomfortable. We were in one of the private changing rooms and the woman at the front had no restrictions on Harry following me in.
"Stop staring Harry" I pouted, trying to put on my best puppy face to have him look away. It didn't work.
"I can't help it"
"Not yet babe"
I huffed as I looked away. I could feel the warmth creep onto my cheeks and I silently cursed myself for seeming embarrassed.
"Are you blushing?" Harry took a step closer making me take a step back.
"Why would I blush?" I asked, my head bowing as my eyes made contact with my bare feet.
After spending the whole of yesterday in each other's arms, it was safe to say whatever happened after the TCA's were forgotten.
"Yes you are" he mumbled, taking another step closer as I took two steps back this time.
"I have no reason to blush" I could feel my cheeks burning with colour, contradicting my words.
"Are my eyes deceiving me?"
My back made contact with the wall of the changing room. It had caught me by surprise making the air leave my lungs and for Harry to lunge forward and wrap his arms around me.
"Be careful" he scolded in a soft voice and I could hear the playfulness behind his words.
"Sorry" I mumbled lightly, never lifting my gaze to his.
"Aren't you going to look at me Y/N?"
My blush deepened as Harry leaned in closer, his body pressed against mine. Every curve of my body fit perfectly with his and I found myself concentrating on keeping my breathing even. I did not want to give him the satisfaction of calling the shots all day.
"Please?" His voice was low and raspy making the beat of my heart fasten.
"Harry stop it" I whispered, not even attempting to put any effort in my words. In all honesty I didn't want him to stop. I liked having him this close to me.
"Kiss me"
His words made me lose my senses as I placed both hands, palm down, against his chest and connected my gaze with his once more. There was fire burning behind his green irises and it sparked something inside of me.
"Kiss. Me" he spoke the words slower now as a hand left my waist and slowly trailed down my leg. He stopped behind my knee and pulled it around his waist leaving no space between us. My breath hitched at the close proximity but I didn't pull away.
"Why don't you kiss me?" I managed to say. My voice was breathy and I silently cursed myself. I was putty in his hands and there was nothing I could do about it. A small smirk tugged at the edges of his lips as he closed the barely there distance between us.
As his lips touched mine, my eyes closed unwillingly. The way his lips felt pressed with mine was something I would never get use to; they were plump and slightly chapped but still felt like perfection. I tangled my fingers through his messy head of curly brown hair as I tugged lightly, letting the lit fire Inside my body consume me whole. A gasp escaped through my lips as I lost the air in my lungs. Harry pulled away for a split second allowing me to breathe before smashing his lips to mine once more.
"Ha-Harry" my voice was a mixture of pleasure and pleading. He took that as an opportunity to push his tongue in my mouth.The thought of making out in a changing room was appealing but at the same time it made my heart race. If anyone saw one of the biggest boy band member having a hot make out session with his girlfriend; it's safe to say it would be front page news for the rest of the week.
The kiss was messy and steamy and as I was ready to push him away before someone came in to see if I was doing alright with my dress; he pulled away from my lips and immediately began kissing down my jaw.
"Harry n-not here p-please"
He continues to ignore my pleas but If I was being honest, I wasn't trying that hard to push him away from me. His lips continued to leave a hot trail down the curves of my collar bones to the valley between my breasts. A moan slipped past my lips. This wasn't a Harry thing to do; he's never this careless. I managed to push him away, enough to break his lips away from my hot skin.
"Not here Harry" my breathing was heavy and I could feel the temperature of my body rising making me feel slightly sweaty in this tight fitted dress.
"I thought you'd like taking a risk"
That smirk of his reappeared on his face as he watched me try and gain some air into my lungs. There was a slight spark behind the green of his eyes which made me think he got the exact reaction he was hoping for. An idea popped into my head as I watched that cheeky look take over his features. I wasn't going to let him win this, I might as well play him at his own game. A smirk of my own graced my lips as I brought my bottom lip between my teeth and bit before swiping my tongue across my lips. This made Harry's eyes widen a fraction but not to the extent of him backing down.
"I didn't think you had it in you babe" I mused, pushing myself off the wall and moving forward meaning the small gap that was created a few seconds ago was closed again, our bodies touching once more. That never ending spark continued to ignite my body at a simple clothes to clothes touch. Confusion flashed in his green irises but that smirk continued to stay glued on his now slightly red lips.
"What do you mean?" His question only made my smirk widen.
"Didn't think you'd ever drop the good boy act and let the bad boy take over"
I pushed my bottom half against his, letting myself lightly grind on his growing bulge before stepping to the side and making my way over to where my clothes were. I think it's time to take this little game a step further. I wonder how well he could handle a strip tease.
"It's not an act babe" his voice was an octave deeper as I looked over my shoulder and flashed a smile in his direction. Harry watched with curious eyes as I turned around and slowly pulled one of the straps of the dress down my shoulder.
"You should call one of the shop employees, I think I might take this dress after all"
His breathing was heavy and his light footsteps behind me became louder as he took a couple steps to where I was standing. I pulled the second strap down my shoulder and reached for the zip at the side of the dress, slowly pulling it down.
"I thought-" he cleared his throat, his voice getting raspier by the second. "I thought the dress wasn't something you would wear"
"I thought that too, but I think I can pull it off" I shimmied out of the dress, swaying my hips a little more slower than I usually would. The dressed slipped down to my hips and pooled around my bare feet.
"Maybe we should buy something else" again, Harry cleared his throat and shuffled closer to me. He stepped around and stood in front of me, his eyes blazing with what I can only describe as passion.
"Why? Don't I look good?" I pushed my bottom lip out, pouting. I was very aware I was only standing in my lingerie and Harry was trying hard to maintain eye contact. I could feel my inner subconscious doing a happy dance. She was loving this as much as I was.
"You look amazing, it's just-" I cut him off before he could continue. I knew where this was going. Jealous Harry was peaking in.
"Then it's settled, I'll buy this for tonight" I was the first to break eye contact as I flashed him a big smile and bent down, making sure Harry got a clear view of my peach coloured frilly underwear. I picked up the dress and handed it to him.
"Can you put it back on it's hanger while I finish getting dressed?" His eyes were bright, finally looking down the length of my body before staring at me again.
"You're so mean" he muttered, roughly grabbing the dress out of my hand and turning around. I laughed under my breath as I reached for my skirt, white vest top and jacket.
"Yeah yeah Harry" I mused, slipping into my clothing and grabbing his hand. He looked like a child who had just been refused his favourite chocolate.
We stepped out of the changing room and before Harry could even think about paying for the dress, I pulled out my credit card and handed it to the lady.
"Don't even think about it" I whispered under my breath, sending him a glare to remove his hand away from his back pocket which held his wallet.
"No buts Harry" he huffed and his shoulders slouched. I guess he doesn't like it when he doesn't get his way. That's until a bright smile took over his features.
"Okay fine. Lunch and dinner is on me" now it was my turn to huff.
"Oh come on Harry" I pushed my bottom lip out in protest as the lady behind the till handed me the shopping bag and my credit card.
"Be careful out there" the kind lady behind the till stated. She had a warm smile on her face as she nodded behind her, towards the door. I nodded once and offered her a small smile. I doubt Harry had heard as he continued with our conversation.
"Nope, it's only fair" he said brightly, taking the shopping bag out of my hand and walking to the exit with a small bounce in his step.
I put my card in my purse as I followed behind him. A ghost of a smile took over my lips at his childishness. We stood together as he held my hand tightly.
"Ready?" He asked, looking down at me with a soft smile. I nodded my head as I readied myself for the few paparazzi that was now outside. A couple fans were there too.
"I've got you haven't I?" I asked and his smile widened.
"Always Y/N" and with that we stepped outside, the flashes on the camera seeming more brighter than the sun shining above.

"Maybe we should go back to the hotel room, or to the movies. Yeah the movies, a dark room where no one can see us. You, where no one can see you"
My smirk took pride on my red painted lips as I watched Harry squirm under the gaze of the people around us. We had only stepped into the restaurant and he wanted out and I couldn't help but stand there in pride, knowing he was reacting this way because of me. He was mumbling and he was nervous.
"Come on Harry we just got here" you could practically hear the smirk in my voice but I didn't care, I was loving this.
"But everyone's looking at you" he bent his head low and whispered the words in my ear. I looked around the 5 star restaurant, noticing a couple of stares from both males and females.
"I'm sure they're looking at you, Mr big boyband member" I muttered back, earning a glare from Harry.
"That's not true, I've already caught two people staring at your bum" we had only stepped into the restaurant and Harry was acting like this. Inside I was grateful for no paparazzi following us around.
"Shut up Harry" I slapped his arm lightly as I walked to one of the waiters, a big smile on my face.
"Reservations for Harry Styles" I watched as the waiter, who's name badge told me his name was Will, looked me over. His eyes trailed down the length of my body before his eyes met mine. He gulped, his Adam's apple bopping up and down.
"R-right. Err, this way Ma'am" he looked behind me and bowed his head a little. "Sir"
"Could we possibly have a corner table? A private one" I asked in hopes to ease Harry from his wariness. He really had nothing to worry about.
"Y-yes. The- the manager thought you m-might like a private t-table and he has specifically placed you in one of the private rooms at the back for more privacy and less invasion"
The waiter, Will, seemed to have gained his confidence at the end of his statement as he walked us through to the back of the restaurant. Harry had finally caught up and wrapped an arms around my waist and pulling me into his side.
"I don't like him" he whispered and I instantly knew he was talking about our waiter for the night. I shook my head as a knowing smile graced my face. Harry was jealous.
Will pulled out my chair and I mumbled a small thank you as Harry sat opposite me, his green eyes sharper than usual.
"Here is our drink list" the waiters hands were shaking as he handed Harry the drink list and avoided making eye contact. Harry looked at me questioningly, as if asking what I would like to drink.
"Whatever your having babe" I smiled as Harry nodded and looked over the list once more.
"We'll have a bottle of Chardonnay Yattarna 1999 please" Harry handed back the drink list as Will placed the menus in front of us.
"Yes sir" he mumbled before scurrying off. Inwardly I laughed, he was defiantly nervous at serving Harry. I wonder how long he's going to last before he snaps under having to serve for Harry.
"You know your wines I see" my voice was playful as I picked up my menu. Harry's eyes were stern but a flicker of amusement flashed passed his eyes.
"I blame mum and Robin" he responded with an equal playful voice. "And thank you for making sure we had a private table. I would have escorted you out of here if someone else looked at you"
I raised both my eyebrows at his words. I had wanted this response since I bought this dress from the store. Initially it was Harry's fault, he was the one who got me into the dress in the first place. But I didn't want it to get past behind playful, his voice turned sour.
"Come on Harry, everyone was staring at you"
"No they were blatantly staring at you Y/N"
"Babe, stop it"
"You don't give yourself enough credit" Harry muttered just as Will walked in with a bottle of wine. My eyes widened a fraction at Harry's bitter tone but I decided not to question on it, not until our waiter has made himself scarce.
"Have you decided on what you would like to order sir? Ma'am" he asked as he poured the wine and then pulled out a notebook and pen.
I quickly placed my order for my starter and main course before Harry could get a word in. He looked at me with a penetrating gaze before stating what he wanted. As the waiter stalked away, I sighed deeply while Harry took a sip of his wine.
"I was thinking maybe we could go see this band I've liked for a while, play in the weekend? They're doing a small tour and I've missed the UK dates" I decided on a subject change instead of pondering on who people were looking at. Harry watched me for a second, his gaze questioning before a small smile took over his lips.
"Of course babe, can we get tickets?" He asked and I nodded, smiling brightly.
"Yeah! There's still a few left, I checked online before"
"You knew I'd say yes didn't you?" His tone was knowing with a hint of amusement and I sat there, smiling like I had the world at my feet.
"Sure babe" I winked at him and a breathy chuckle slipped past his lips.
"I really want to kiss you right now" he pouted and just like that, the atmosphere around the room had changed. There was no more mention of the outside world. When it was just me and Harry, nothing else really mattered.
a blush tinged at my cheeks as I looked around, making sure no one was stepping into our private little corner before standing up and walking around the table.
"Your wish is my command, sir" I muttered playfully as I bent down and pressed my lips against his. Harry let out a small chuckle against my lips as he grabbed my hips and pulled me into his lap.
"You never cease to amaze me" he mumbled, his fingers wrapping around my hair as he gently pulled. I hummed in response, my eyes shut tightly at the feel of being pressed against Harry. His lips were slightly chapped and the taste of the Chardonnay lingered on his lips making me desperate for more.
My hands were placed either side of his face as I held him in place. I deepened the kiss for a few heartbeats, my tongue making it's way into his mouth as it slowly massaged his. Before it could get heated, I pulled away, placing two chaste kisses and finally looking down at him. His eyes were still closed as he hummed in satisfaction and I held back a smile at the mess around his lips. I forgot how bright my red lipstick was. I chuckled making Harry open his eyes and a smile played at the corner of his lips.
"We should clean you up" I stated, removing a hand from his cheek and grabbing his napkin. Slowly I cleaned up the lipstick rimming around his lips as he watched me with an awed gaze. I tried hard not to look directly into his green eyes.
"You have a little smudge here" he mumbled, reaching up and clearing the side of my lips. I stared into his burning gaze as I leaned down and placed a small kiss on his lips.
"You taste heavenly" I mumbled against his slightly red lips before removing myself off his lap and walking back to my seat. Just then, Will walked back in pushing a trolley that held our food. He placed the dishes in front of us before bowing and walking away.
"I'm glad you said yes" Harry spoke nonchalantly. I looked at him questioningly as I took a sip of my soup.
"What do you mean?"
"Yes to being mine" the sincerity was evident in his voice and I felt myself melting in front of him.
"I'm glad you asked" I mumbled back, a small smile playing at the corners of my lips. He reciprocated the smile as we fell into a comfortable silence as we enjoyed each other's company and the food in front of us.

Don't Let Me go Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon