Chapter 19

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A month passed since I last saw Harry. I never expected myself to cry when I dropped him off at the airport. Silent tears streamed down my face as Harry kissed each one away. "I'm always with you, in here" he whispered in my ear as he placed a hand against my chest. My heart fluttered at his touch and from the expression on his face, I knew he felt it too. I smiled, embarrassed as I looked away only to have Harry cup my chin and pull my gaze back on to him. I kissed him on the lips before pulling away. We were hidden, just in case the paparazzi were around. No one knew about the relationship just yet. Anne cleared up the rumours on twitter saying I was a friend of Gemma's. I was glad that they understood why I wanted the early stages of our relationship to be a secret.
I kept myself occupied with work and partying with friends. Harry wasn't pleased with me having loads of male friends around me when i drank but I told him it was only fair if he could have female friends. Our relationship was in working progress, we had been together for almost two months but the days felt longer being away from him. Each night he would call just to say goodnight or leave a voicemail when he couldn't reach me because of the time difference. We weren't at the stage of I love you's but Harrys made me feel more than anyone ever has in such a short amount of time. I would see Anne and Gemma regularly, I invited them over for supper the other night and cooked them a good old pot roast. It was the only thing I knew how to make in the kitchen. They seemed pleased with my effort. It was Eleanor's birthday and I was on my way over to her home for a lunch her mum had planned. Louis was coming down which meant I could spend time with one of the boys before flying out alongside him to join the boys for another week on tour. I had been working my ass off at work, taking on extra shifts so I could see Harry again.
I arrived at Eleanor's home with enough time to have a catch up before everyone else came. I dressed casual in an off yellow coloured dress and finishing it off with black heels, belt and bag. I was looking forward to seeing her again. I knocked on the door and waited patiently.
"You must be Y/N" mrs calder said as she opened the door and enveloped me in a hug. "It's nice to meet you" I said as I hugged her back tightly. She led me to the porch where Eleanor was with a couple of her friends. "Y/N" she whisper screamed as she ran up to me and gave me a hug. I chuckled lightly and pulled out her present. "I wasn't sure what to get you so I asked Louis" I said with a hopeful smile. She blushed as she took the gift. "You didn't have to Y/N" she said and I gave her another hug. "Hope you like it baby!" I said with a wink making her chuckle.
The day was going good, everyone was relaxed and happy. I sat on their porch on twitter while everyone else mingled. I tweeted Eleanor a birthday message before someone came and sat beside me. It was Louis. I gave him a side hug before resting my head against his shoulder. "Today was good" I said and he nodded. "How have you been?" He asked me and I told him I was well. Me and Louis would usually talk about what pranks to pull or have small banter but at times we had serious conversations like this one. "You miss harry huh?" He asked me with a sigh. I nodded and hid my face in his shoulder.
The feeling was still raw, "you get use to it over time Y/N, just like me and el did" I looked up at him and gave him a small smile. My phone began ringing and Harry's name came alight. He always managed to do that. Whenever I spoke about him, it's like he knew and would instantly call me. The smile on my face was huge until I saw the face Louis was making which made me blush. I hit receive and spoke to my lover. I had missed his voice.
The plane landed and we had arrived in Kansas City. We weren't staying in hotels because the boys were on the road again so me, Louis and a couple of their security team made our way to the area just outside the arena where the rest of the boys were. I had a pair of distressed shorts on and a tank top teaming it off with some sandals.
It was too hot for anything else and I really wanted to catch the sun.
I could see Niall and zayn playing football so I ran towards them and jumped on Niall's back. "Y/N!!" Zayn shouted and Liam came out the tour bus with a huge smile. I gave all the boys a big hug and kisses, having light conversation before I began looking around for Harry.
"Harry's inside the arena with the 5sos lads and Lou" Liam said with a wink. I nodded, "is it okay if.." But Liam cut me off. "Just go" he said playfully with a grin. I ran inside and looked around for harry. The arena was huge and I was sure going to get lost here. I could hear voices from the end of the hall so I walked down and saw them. Harry had his back to me but I knew Lou and Michael saw me. I put a finger against my lip indicating for them not to say anything. They carried on talking but i noticed they had an uneasy expression on their face? i shook it off as I walked up behind Harry and placed my hands over his eyes. I didn't say anything, I knew he'd realise who I was by the sound of my voice. He chuckled lightly, "Ashton, I know it's you" he said making me smile. I shook his head indicating no, still not saying anything. "Hmm, Calum maybe?" He said and I tried my hardest not to laugh. I shook his head once again. The smile on his face was evident but I wasn't expecting the next words to leave his mouth. "I know it's you kara" I felt my body freeze and the smile turned into a frown. I looked over at Lou with a questioning face but she put her head down and stared at her feet. Harry must have felt my body stiffen because he placed his hands over mine and tried to pry it off. When his eyes met mine I tried hard to smile but I failed.
"Hey Harry" I whispered, my voice a little croaky. "Y/N.." He started to say but was cut off by Ashton shouting my name. I reformed myself and turned to smile at Ashton but there was another figure behind him. A girl I didn't recognise. I gave Ashton a hug and asked where the rest of the boys were. I couldn't make eye contact with Harry anymore, the girl beside Ashton introduced herself. "I'm kara" she said with a smile. I still had no idea who she was. "I'm Y/N, lovely to meet you" I said with a forced smile. "The boys talk about you a lot, are you good friends with one direction?" she asked and i felt myself tearing a little. Harry hadn't told her we're dating. Ashton must have seen my uneasiness as he placed his hands on my hips and whispered In my ear. "Shall I make an excuse to get you out of here? I can feel the awkwardness" I nodded against the crook of his neck and he pulled away grabbing my hand. "Me and Y/N are going to grab something to eat!" And with that he pulled me towards the door. I heard Harry's voice call my name but I ignored it. I guess he still wasn't used to my touch and who was kara? I've seen her before but I just couldn't put a finger on it.
Ashton took me back to their tour bus in silence and told Calum to go outside so we could have a chat. "You're probably wondering who kara is right?" He asked, I didn't trust my voice so I nodded. "She's a friend of Lou's and Harry's" he said and I but I still wasn't convinced. "But he thought I was her.." I said as I trailed off, he sighed and told me it was probably because he wasn't expecting it. I decided to change the subject and leaned against Ashton's shoulder as we spoke about the tour so far. My phone buzzed indicating a message and it was harry asking where I was. I told him I was at the 5sos tour bus and decided to go on twitter as I nodded to what Ashton was saying. My focus immediately went to my timeline and noticed "Harry and kara" with a photo attached to the tweets. She's been with him for a while from what I could tell and every time we spoke on the phone, he never mentioned it. Another tweet caught my attention. "Are harry and kara dating again?" Again? What did they mean again? And they've been sharing clothes? Even me and Harry didn't share clothes.
"Ash.." I said slowly and looked up to see his dimpled smile which soon turned into a frown when he saw my expression. "You never told me Harry and Kara use to date? And that she's been touring with you guys? And that Harry and her share clothes?" He seemed taken aback by my question. "I didn't know they use to date Y/N and I thought Harry must have told you she was here?" He asked in confusion. I shook my head and he seemed bewildered.
"I have no idea then Y/N I'm sorry" he said with a frown. I turned around fully and was just about to give Ashton a hug when I noticed a figure at the door way. It was Harry and from the pained look in his eyes, I could tell he heard everything we said.

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