Part 9

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As I texted Alex within few seconds the phone showed a new notification, it said "Yes, what now?" I thought rude much.

A-Alex and L-Lily

L- Nothing, I was bored and don't have anyone to talk, so texted you. 

A- I thought the Maxwell princess must be having many friends and followers. Why would she talk to some stranger.

L- Why do you hate me? I never had any friends only one Daniel and I ran away from my wedding with him, so I don't think I can talk to him.

A- I don't hate you, it's just your family, that I don't like. If you don't have any friend how did you manage to hide from Maxwell's for 24 hours. 

L- I have a few friends here, they helped me run away. I am staying at one of their home. Why do you hate Maxwell?

A- They are greedy and selfish people but that's a story for other time. I am coming back  tomorrow morning, hope we can meet then? 

L- Sure see you tomorrow.

L- I know my father is not a good man, a friend told me that today. I was clueless about it till today, so can you stop accusing me? Lets meet tomorrow evening around 5 at Central Park and exchange our cell. After that you will never have to talk to any Maxwell ever.

A- Sure but lets meet at less crowded place, I will text you the address it's near Central Park. Meet me there, I know how you look so I will approach you.

After that I did not reply to him, he has forwarded me a address and time. I saved it and went to sleep. 

Next morning Cody and Asher visited us, we spend the day talking and planning everything. Connor owned the house I am living so he said I don't need to pay any rent as to him I am his sister which he never had. I agreed to it after lot of argument but Connor won that argument.

And then by evening I went to the address Alex has send me. I took Connor's car with me, as I knew how to drive. 

When I was parking my car I saw a child crying, I went towards him and asked "Hey are you okay? What happened why are you crying?" He said "I don't have any friends, no one in the park wants to play with me, they call me names."

I sat down beside him and said "When I was kid same happened with me, just don't mind others they call you names because they know you are smarter then them and way better. Which they can't be so they are just jealous of you. Don't mind them and just play alone on the swings and slides. I have to go right now but I promise I will come visit you next week. I will also scold others kids when I come back. Till that time play alone and enjoy yourself without worrying about others." I waved at him and said a good bye, he smiled and waved back after which I left.

I was at the place Alex had texted me. It was a cafe of Hilton hotel chain's where Connor and Oliver worked. I went inside and sat on one of the empty table. I did not change my look yet as I had to meet the so called Alex, so I wore a hood to hide myself.

I texted Alex "I have reached, wearing a blue hoodie." A waiter around 30 year old asked me sweetly "What will you order?" I replied "I am waiting for someone can I order later on?" I looked around and found not many people were here. She nodded and left.

After few minutes a man dressed in formal shirt and trouser, his hair messy and a coat in his hand stood in front of me. He was the hottest guy I ever laid my eyes on. He looked in his early 20's. I was checking him out when I heard a familiar and sexy chuckle I trusted, the man in front of me sat down on a chair in front of me and said "It's nice to finally see you Ms. Maxwell. What would you like to eat and drink? Because we have a lot to talk." 

I stopped staring at him and said "Hey Alex, what you mean have lot to talk about?" He gave me a fake hurt look and said "You promised me to tell me your run away story. I also want to know why do you have a number saved as brother, which I send you a few days ago? Maxwell don't have any relatives and as everyone know you are a sole heir so what are this text?" He said showing me a text box with name saved as Brother.  

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