Part 23

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Alex hugged me tight and let me cry, until the blackness consumed me. I got up to see an arm around me making it difficult for me to move. I then remembered all the incidents that took place before I fall asleep and tear started to form in my eye. 

I tried to move Alex's arm but it was a failed attempt he woke up and sat up. I sat up too and said "Alex I am sorry but I cannot marry you. I want you to have kids like you always wanted and I can never give them to you."

He said "Lily I don't want to be with anyone but you and I am falling for you hard. I lied to you, I have liked you from the moment I saw your pictures in your phone. I liked how carefree you are, you know how to enjoy every moment. When I got to know your name I hated you, I thought you are just like your family, but as I got to know you I started to fall hard. You are nothing like Maxwell, I just made that marriage deal so that I could protect you. There was nothing said in the board meeting about my marriage, I inherited the company on my 21st birthday. I knew you would have never believed me then if I said I liked you and I could not have protected you if I was not around so I lied, but now I love you Lily and want to be with you forever."

I was shocked at his confession and said "I like you too Alex, when I am with you I feel safe but I can't stay. I can never have a child Alex, at some point everyone will want to see your child what will we do?" 

He said wiping my tears off, "Baby we can always go for adoption or surrogacy. Please don't leave, we have ample of time to think about all this, lets date for few months, marry each other and then we can think about surrogacy or adoption." I hugged him and cried again that night and he held him without complaining.

Next morning we went to see Dr. William again and she told us the procedure for my surgery. Alex informed her that we will have the surgery the next day and that by the end of this week he wants to see me back on my track working. She informed us it will be a laser surgery so I won't have any pain and I will be able to work normally by this weekend. 

Alex took the week off and informed his father to look after the company. We informed my brother and the boys , my friends and Alex's parents about my surgery. Next day during surgery everyone was there except my friends. The surgery went fine and Alex stayed with me for both the days I was in hospital. He was not comfortable on the hospital bed but without any complaint he stayed. I was falling for him fast as he said. 

The week passed by everyone visited me, even Noah except for my friends. It was Sunday evening when I got a call from Dr. William and she said "Dear I just got your latest report and I am happy to inform you that the cyst was removed without any damage to the ovary, the ovary is intact and not removed. I wanted to be completely sure about it before informing you. I did not wanted to give you false hope. You can have kids my dear, I am so happy for you hope I soon see you with a good news. But I will advice you to not have any intercourse for a month as your ovary is still weak and we can't risk it." I thanked her and disconnected the call. 

I was sitting in the leaving room and Alex was up in our room working, I shout on top of my voice "Alex, come down fast." He runs down as soon as possible worried and ask "You okay, what happened? Shall I call doctor? You need anything? Are y..." I kissed him making him shut down. 

I remove my lips and say "I love you Alex, I have loved you from a very long time but never had the courage to tell you. I wanted to tell you the day you told me but I wanted you to move away from me, but you stayed and I am glad you stayed. I love you." 

He signed in relief and said "I love you too, but when you shouted I was scarred that you got hurt never ever do such a thing." I massaged my forehead and said "Sorry I wanted to tell something else, Dr. William's called and informed that my ovary is intact but weak and I can have a baby. I am not allowed sexual intercourse for a month after that I can have baby." 

Alex hugged me tight and said "I am so happy, let's celebrate this get ready we are going out for dinner and it's a date. Our first official date." I pecked him and ran up to our room to get ready.

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