Part 21

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I felt my bed move and I jolted up and was about to sit when I fall of my bed and landed on the floor and shouted. Immediately my eyes shot open and I looked up to see a naked guy, I shouted more loudly this time and saw that I was naked. The boy who was sleeping was now awake and looking towards me shocked. 

It took both of us few minutes to realize what we did last night and Alex spoke first "What are you doing on the floor? I must say you have a sexy body." I then realized I was still naked and found Alex shirt lying beside me, I took it and wore it and said "I lost my virginity drunk, I wanted it to be special." I had tears in my eyes and I saw Alex wearing a boxer and he passed me my undies, I wore it had Alex hugged me.

He said "I am sorry, I never meant to take it away like this. I am so happy though I was your first time." I could feel when he was hugging me, his chest was crashing with mine and he could feel my nipples. His budge was back and poking me, he soon left me and moved away and said "Sorry, it always happen when you are around. I wanted to tell you this yesterday, I really like you alot." 

I smiled at him and said "I like you too. I don't regret what we did last night but I wanted it to be special." He nodded and said "I promise you next time I will make it special and something we will remember." I hugged him and he said "Come on lets get changed, I am sorry about your dress, we will go shopping next week."

I said "Alex I have nothing to wear." "Wear one of my shorts and t shirt we will go straight to your place." I nodded and he went up to bring me clothes. I made coffee for both of us in the mean time. He came back and said "I was thinking maybe you should move in with me. Everyday I come over your place for dinner if you stay here it will be easy for both of us and soon we will be married and you have to live here." 

I nodded and said "Here take your coffee and I will have to talk to boys and Cody about it." He nodded in understanding and said "They will be at your place when I drop you talk to them once. Now get ready fast we need to leave." I nodded and he went back up.

He dropped me off and went from outside only as he had work today. I went in to see boys sitting in the living room, drinking water. "Hey I am back, how is your hangover?" Oliver said "Pretty bad what about you?" 

Before I could say anything Cody said "Why are you dressed like that?" I looked at myself and said "My dress last night was uncomfortable so I wore Alex's shorts and t-shirt. Anyway I was planning to move in with him if you guys don't mind? I will visit you and I will leave half of my things here so that I can stay here whenever I want." I looked towards them with a pleading eyes.

Oliver and Connor nodded and looked towards Cody, Cody said "I am okay with it but I don't want any niece or nephew yet so warn him to keep his pants on." I turned red realizing we did not use protection last night I just nodded and ran up to my room.

I locked my door and called Alex after few seconds he answer "Missed me so early?" "Did you use protection last night?" He said "I guess not, were you not on pills?" I shook my head in no but realized I was on call and said "Nope, if I get pregnant Cody will make sure you cannot ever have kid, he allowed me to move in but said I cannot get pregnant yet." 

He chuckles and said "So you are planning to have more kids with me?" I put my palm on my forehead and said "Please be serious for once." He said "Lily even if you are pregnant I will never disown you or our child, you two will be my world so stop worrying about it. I will meet you in the evening, we will talk then." I said goodbye and disconnected the call.

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