Part 31

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I heard the door open after few minutes and in walked Daniel's dad "What are you doing here?" He said grinning "You slapped my son, ran away hurting him you will pay for it Little Lily or should I call you Bella?" 

I looked at him confused and said "What?" He just chuckled and said "You have been out for 5 hours now, eat something then we will talk later let me get my old friends here." 

A man put a pack of sandwich in front of me and left, Daniel entered with a smirk and said "Now you are finally mine, you have no one to protect you now from me." He opened the sandwich and brought it near my mouth I just shook my head and said "I will starve and die instead of eating anything you offer." 

He chuckles and said "I know your weakness dear, you can't reject food for long. Let's see how long can you starve yourself." He went out and came in with a man and woman with men holding them. The man and woman looked like they have been captive for years and they looked weak. 

The woman looked towards me and had same eye color as me. She looked an older and weaker version of me. The man had tears in his eyes seeing me. Daniel unties me and said "I am leaving you three to talk and catch up." He left the room locking it from outside. 

I see as soon as he leaves the woman fall on her knees and cries. The man say to her "It's okay Bella, Robert will protect us, he promised before leaving he will not let anything happen to any of us and now look at our little princess she is so beautiful and all grown up just like you." 

I was shocked and just sit down beside them and listen to woman say "What if before Rob comes he will harm her? I can't see my other baby getting harmed. He killed Ava already in front of us, Robert has all burn marks on his back and you are saying everything will be okay? We have been captive for 17 years now. I can't let any other person die, everyone is dead Ryder whole gang was killed, how do you think will Rob protect us. He has no one outside." 

I had tears in my eyes and ask them "Am I your daughter?" They both nodded sadly and the man said "I was a gang leader before, I fell for your mom and I was imprisoned for two years due to some reasons, but before that your mother got pregnant with your elder brother Robert and had him when I was imprisoned.

When I was out, the gang was no longer a gang they had a stable legal business and I was told I had a son of which I never knew, I did not know Isabella was pregnant when I was imprisoned. The gang opened various hotel and club chain's, school and colleges around America. But with success come's enemy. Daniel's family was our rival company and one day we all had a get together to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. That time you and Ava your twin sister were 2 year old. You were with one of the maid in the park near the old gang house. I and your mother were at the back garden of the house along with Robert. He fell down while playing and was hurt so we were making him to stop crying, when the house blew up causing everyone to die even Ava who was with others. No one was alive, some how we three escaped from back door and came to the park you were to get you."

He paused and wiped the tear that came out of his eyes. He continued "When we entered the gate some men abducted us and you were left alone unnoticed in that park. We were happy to find atleast one of our child will get to stay alive and live their life. But now you are also here." 

I ask them "Where is Robert?" My father said "We some how found about you when Daniel and his father were talking about a girl Lily Maxwell and we saw her picture and knew it was you. We made Robert run away and find you, after Robert left they shifted us here. They are still trying to find Robert but he is no where to be found." 

We talked for another hour they told me about them, my real family, how they met and everything about my mother being abused and my father being her knight. I was so happy to meet them I just wish we can get out of here and I can live with them as a family. I wish Alex find's me soon. 

I stare at my ring and seeing me my mother ask "Are you married?" I shook my head and said "No just engaged, I only met him few weeks ago but I am so happy with him, I love him mom." I say to her and her eyes lit up hearing me say mom to her she hugged me and said "I am so happy for you, like your dad saved me I can tell your man will come and save you don't worry dear we will be together again." 

I just embrace myself in her hug and before any of us could move we hear a gun shot and later shot after shot come and the sounds of foot steps start to come near us. 

For more information about Isabella and Ryder's story read the book "I Am Not Perfect"
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