9. An Agreement and The Start of Something New

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"Well, um, hi, I, um, I'm a little confused," Sam said as she continued to stare at the boys and they went around getting food and playing on their phones.  Ashton came and stood next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.  

"Hey Sam, I'm Ashton, well you probably already know that but yeah, Jess is my little sister," Ashton explained to her and she nodded her head.

"You guys do kind of look a like a tiny bit.  Same curly hair definitely," Sam smiled.  I was quite surprised at her actions.  A few days ago she was telling me how much she was head over heels in love with my brother and yet now she is acting as if she never heard of him.  

"Hey Sam wanna go hang out in my room now that the squirrels decided to show up?" I laughed as I grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and started out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my bedroom.

"Yeah sure!" Sam said as she followed me up to my room and collapsed on my bed as soon as she entered.  

I pulled out my laptop so that we could scroll through tumblr and instagram.  Sam typed in her username so that I could follow her and she followed me back.

"So Sam, what do you think about the boys? I mean, and about Ashton being my brother since you are so totally head over heels in love with him!" I laughed hysterically as she started throwing pillows at me.  Wow, I never realized how many pillows I had. 

"They are really nice and I'm glad you didn't tell me that you live with them and stuff.  It would have made our friendship fake and that would suck.  I discovered that you are awesome even without being Ashton's sister.  I swear not be weird around them, I have already promised myself that, so you won't have to worry." Sam said as she continued to scroll through her tumblr.

"Yeah, that's true, and thank God I did not want it to be awkward here all the time." I got up and walked over to where I had plugged my phone in and turned on Green Day.  Sam and I both got up and decided to have a Green Day rock out session without even having to speak.  The amazing this is, she loves all the bands I do, which is very convenient.  

~~~~few hours later~~~~

"Hey Jess, I gotta go. My mom wants me home. I'll text you later!" Sam said as she gathered her stuff and ran down the stairs and out the door.  

I grabbed my phone and put my hair into a ponytail and walked down the stairs to where the boys were all watching TV, except Luke who seemed very interested with his phone.

"Luke, who you texting?" I pestered him and I layed down on top of Ash, Cal, and MIkey and they all groaned but adjusted to me being there.

"Just this girl named Brenna, she's kind of like my best friend, like you guys." He said as he smiled down at his phone once again.  He definitely seemed to like this girl.  I would have to meet her sooner or later and tell her about all of Luke's embarrasing baby stories that the other guys told me. 

"Hey Ash, can I go on a walk?"  I asked as I was getting bored and the boys were not being as amusing as they usually are.  I heard Ash say yes so I got up and grabbed my jacket and threw my boots on as I walked out the door into the fresh air.

"Didn't think you could go without me did you?" I heard Calum say from behind me.  He jogged up to meet me on the sidewalk as we started walking.  I chuckled as he made funny faces at me to get me to smile, and obviously he achieved his goal.

We were silent for a little while just walking and thinking, and that's when Calum intertwined my fingers with his.  I looked up at him and smiled, I was falling for this boy.

** Yay an update :) I'm going to try and update every other night or more if I feel like it so yay!!**

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