Ch.2 Secrets

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"Well...two years." she said giving me a sad look.

"Two years? And you tell me just now? Whenever we moved the last two years to London,then Dublin and Spain then went back home,you told me those were your business trips. How could you lie to me for two whole freakin' years,mom? How could you?" I said breaking into tears.

She came closer to me so I just ran out the door not wanting to deal with her. I ran as fast my feet could take me. My vision blurred from tears running down my face. I stumbled a few times then picking myself up again. I was out if breath so I stopped by a park. It looked like a regular park with green grass a few slides and a swingset with sand with a few benches.

There were no kids here so I sat on the swingset holding on the chains that were phone started to vibrate in my back pocket. I took it out and looked at who it's from. It was Ali texting me.


K hope u have fun. Bye chicka ;-P


Chng of plans momma Summers is getting married 2 1 of da x-f judges. U know dat 'business trip' we had to go to London,Dublin and Spain turnd out she was dating bhind my back


No way! Momma Summers lied 2 u about d8ing

Simon Cowell? Dats a shock.

Man she was good at guessing


Yup XD How's Momma Grims?


Ok i guess. Can i tell her?


I guess go ahead. :-P bye chicka.

I sent the last text and sat there in silence until I heard some people running. Man I don't want to be found. I ran up to the slide and squatted down.

"Where's she? I thought she ran here?" Niall said panting.

"Well,she's got to be here somewhere." Liam said looking around.

There were small holes in the slide sides, so I peeked through it and saw the boys.

"Split up to find her." Liam ordered. They all nodded and went around the park.

"Boo." someone whispered in my ear. I jumped and turned around to see Harry smiling evily at me. I just rolled my eyes at him and he pushed me back. I was right infront of the slide entrance so I sliddown onto Louis' back. I got off of him and started to run. Something caught my ankle so I took a faceplant onto the grass.

"Gotcha." Louis said like he was a policeman and I was the criminal. He let go of my ankle and sat on my back.

Man he's heavy. What's this boy been eating? I thought. "Ooh yea. You got me. Congrats."I sarcastically said rolling my eyes.

"Lou,get off the poor girl."Niall said looking at me apollegitically.

I gave him a small smile. Lou's weight got lifted off of me so I got up and wiped the excess grass off of me. Niall wrapped an arm around me,which made me shiver a little, and said,"I'm sorry about Lou. He sometimes think he's a secret agent."

"Hey. I don't think,I know I'm a secret agent."he said then put it hands like a gun and pointed it everywhere. I laughed at the sight.

"We have to go now. Your mum and uncle Si is worried sick about you."Liam said starting to walk ahead of us. We staryed walking a to the house.

"So why'd you guys go all the way to the park just to find me? I mean we just met and all."I said breaking the silence.

"Because we're family."Harry said holding out his arms for a hug on the other side of me. I hugged him back.

"Yea. Just because we're not blood related doesn't mean that we can't be your big cousins."Zayn said smiling.

I smiled back at him and ran the other way.

"GET HER!"Liam yelled running towards me.

I ran down the street all the way to a market. I walked around and looked through the window to see where the boys went. They ran passed the store so I walked out slowly then ran once I stepped outside.

Niall ran infront of me then I ran back and Harry,who was was infront of me. I ran to the leftside and was gaurded by Louis who was smirking. I turned and bumped into something or some one. I rubbed my head and looked up. Liam was standing there crossing his arms.

"I'm not getting up."I said crossing my arms and legs.

"Jade,we have to go home."Liam said crossing his arms.

"Nu uh."I said shaking my head.

"Fine."Harry said walking towards me.

I layed down and tried to grab anything that'll make me seem heavy. He lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder like I weighed like nothing. "What the freak is wrong with you guys!?"I yelled which earned some stares from other people.

"Hey. Nothing's wrong for caring for family."Niall said walking next to Harry. I crossed my arms upside down. I could feel my blood rush to my head.

"Like the view from down there?"Harry asked with a smile I could hear in is voice.

"A flat ass?"I asked sarcastically. Everybody started laughing while I stayed mad.

"Shut up."he said with a little embarrassment.

"Aw. . . Is little Harry embarrassed?"I asked in a baby voice.

"No." Harry said

"Oh Crap!"Zayn yelled then Harry started running. My head bumping his ass everytime he stepped.

"What's.. going... on?"I asked my head still bumping him.

"Paps."he said while running.

We finally stopped I'm guessing at my house.

"Jadelyn,are you ok?" Mom said walking up to me with open arms. I hugged her back.

"Yes mom,I'm ok. The boys found me and took me back here."I said still hugging her.

She pulled back and looked at the boys. "Thank you boys."she said smiling at them.

"Welcome." They said unison.

I walked to the island where the pizza was. I took the last four slices and bit one. I got up and went to the fridge. "Anybody want a drink?"I asked the boys.

"Tea." Niall said with food in his mouth.

I looked through our cabinets for a box of tea. I found a box with two different tea flavors. "We have honey and chamomile. Which one?"I asked pouring some water in a tea kettle. Two people said chamomile and the others said honey.

I heated the kettle on the stove until it steamed. I took out six tea cups with a handle, and took the kettle off. I took out the tea packets and poured the hot water in. I carried the six hot cups and carried it to the island. I gave the boys their drinks then looked down and saw three slices of my pizza gone. "Who stole my pizza!?"I yelled at them. Ugh!I'm a growing girl,I need to eat.

Liam and Zayn pointed to the three boys eating a slice of pizza each. I reached over and grabbed it out of their mouths. They looked confused then sad.

"Nobody touches my food."I said looking them in the eyes.

They all looked scared and nodded. I took a bite of my pizza and my mom came in with Simon.

"Ok,I want everybody here before ten tomorrow morning. A taylor is coming to get our sizes." my mom said looking at the boys.

They nodded and began eating again. After lunch the boys left,but Simon stayed over for dinner and after. I changed into my pajamas and slipped under the warm bed covers.

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