Ch.19 No Hair Products?!?

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up on the grass. What was I doing here? I looked around my surroundings. Tall trees surrounding everywhere,shading light from the sun. I looked down and Liam and Zayn were sleeping next to a tree root. I bent down next to Liam.

"Wake up! We're lost!" I yelled at Liam. He flinched then sat up.

"What are we doing here?" Liam asked rubbing his eyes.

"We're supposed to get sticks for the s'mores we were supposed to make." I reminded him.

"Oh yea." he nodded.

"Wake up,Zayn. We gotta head back." Liam ordered getting up. I nodded then walked on my knees to Zayn.

"No hair products!" I yelled in back of him. He shot up with wide eyes. I fell back laughing. He glared at me then looked around.

"Come on. We gotta head back home." I got up and susted my knees. Zayn got up.

"Ok I think we should head that way." Liam pointed infront of us.

We headed that way. Bugs started biting us. I slapped my neck with my hand and looked at it. Blood splattered on my finger.

Stupid mosquitos I thought. We walked what felt like forever. Finally,we saw a white fence gaurding a two story house. I pushed passed Liam and ran straight to the fence. I climbed over it then stumbled. I fell on my butt facing the pool and everybody. I sat up then saw the little fire the boys must've made with a little smoke coming out.

Louis on one chair,Niall and Jade on one together and Ali on one. Niall's arms around her waist,holding her close. I couldn't stand her in his arms. The girls changed. Suddenly,a heavy hand was on my right shoulder. I flinched then a familliar laugh rung in my ears. Liam.

"Is wittle Hawee jeowous?" He asked in a baby voice. I blushed a light pink. "No. I'm just going to wake 'em up." I said walking out from under his hand. "Where's Zayn?" I asked. I didn't see him. "In the house." Liam said walking in. I nodded. I looked around for a bucket.

I walked inside and into the kitchen. I opened a cupboard and found a tin pale. I took it out and walked back outside. I walked towards the pool and fillef the pail with it. I walked back to the sleeping people and smiled evily at them. I swung the bucket,emptying it on them. Three high-pitched screams filled the air. Wait? Three. Louis was screaming with the girls. "Morning." I smiled at them. They all glared at me then got up. They all ran towards me. I bolted in the house and locked the slidingdoor. They started hitting the door and made death threats. I cupped the back of my ear then slid the curtains infront of them. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a carton of eggs then ran upstairs. I ran to the first door on the right. I slowly opened the door.

A kingsized bed in the middle of the room,a dresser on the rightside. Must be Auntie Chris' room. I walked towards the window and opened it. I climbed out on the shingled roof and looked down. They were no where to be seen. "HARRY!?!" people chorused by the door. Four dripping wet people were walking towards me. I crept into the window throwing the eggs at them. I slowly walked backwards on the shingled rooftop. My foot slipped and I fell back. Air rushing passed my face while falling. I held out my hands to grab on something. My hands gripped on a draining pipe,swinging my body on the concrete. The pain from hitting my chest made it hard to breathe. I tried taking a deep breath,but a sharp pain on my right ribcage said otherwise. I stretched my foot out to hit make them hurry. My foot reached to something solid. I swung my leg and hit it. A loud echo rattled. My arms started giving out. The slidingdoor opened. "Harry,what are you doing?" Liam asked. Hanging around is what I wanted to say.

I clung for life as the pipes creaked. "Just let go and fall." a female voice said from somewhere down. I looked up and saw Jade smiling at me. I smiled back and slowly let go of the pipes. Wind started whizzing passed my face,my heart fell into the it of my stomach. I landed on something soft. I tried breathing again,but the pain was to strong. I slowly lifted up my shirt to tell them about my pain. Everybody gasped and looked down. "I'll go ca-" I cut Jade off. "Stay... With.... Me." I whispered and grabbed her arm. She nodded and held my hand. Tears started to cover her eyes. My head felt lightheaded and my eyelids started to drop.

*******AUTHOR'S NOTE*******

Hey! What did you guys think? Will Harry survive? Will Jade finally have feelings for only Harry? Read the next chapter to find out! Can I ask you for a favor? Can you check out my new stories and tell me what you think,wether you like it or not I want to know what you guys think. Check out Engagement,it's the sequal to Love Triangle (1D), and Video Girls(1D). I don't care if you thought it was bad or not. Comment and tell me if you like it or not. Tell your fans or friends if you liked it. Thank you,readers!!! <3

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