Ch.24 Is This Message Real?

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Jade's P.O.V (The Next Day)

I stayed up all night,thinking about the text message. I couldn't help,but to think that my mom and stepdad might be out there in the cold or a hot place. It's been three weeks since they've been missing. I sat on the window seat,watching the sun come up. I let out a sigh and leaned my head back on to the wooden frame.

"Jade,wake up." Harry appeared from my door,looking at my empty bed.

"I'm here." I called. He turned his head then smiled.

"Are you ok?" he asked starting his walk towards me.

"Just excited Cayley's coming and meeting you guys. Yay." I fake cheered shaking my hands.

He laughed. "Come on. It's not even close to that. Eversince you checked your phone last night,you've been acting weird."

I scoffed at his reply. "It has nothing to do with my phone." I lied showing a fake smile.

"Jade,"he squatted down next to me,"please tell me why you're not smiling? Is it about something on yourphone?" he asked again.

"No,it's not. I just miss Ali." I lied again. I did really miss her.

"Ok then." he stood up and I watched what he's going to do. He jumped on my bed,grabbed something then ran outside. I got off the window seat and ran towards him.

"Harry! Give me my phone back!" I yelled running down the stairs. He reached the last step and I launched myself on him. We landed with a loud thud.

"There's our happy couple." Louis teased. We glared at him.

"If nothing's wrong then why do you have this text from Aunt Chris asking for help?" he asked showing me the text. A lump started forming in my throat.

"What text?" Liam asked concerned.

"This text." Harry gave him my phone.

"When did you get this?" Liam asked looking at me. I got off Harry and stood infront of Liam.

"After Niall came back." I answered.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know if it's really her that texted or someone who might have stole her phone." I said frowning.

"It's ok,but how are we going tell tell it's really her?" Liam asked.

"I don't know. Maybe if the person knows when," I started snapping my fingers to think,"When my mom and realdad got married." I held out my hand for my phone.

"Do you know when they got married?" Louis asked.

"If I didn't then why would I be asking this question?" I asked starting to text.

"Ok then miss Sassy pants." Louis said.

I giggled at my nickname. "Cayley's here!" Niall called.

I looked down and I am still in my pajamas. I ran upstairs and changed into dark skinny jeans,a purple sweater and black uggs. I combed through my hair then put concealer under my eyes and brushed my teeth. I walked back downstairs and the boys are surrounding her. I walked towards them. I pushed through the crowd until I found a petite framed,dark blonde hair girl with Niall.

"Hi Cayley." I greeted the door with open arms. She smiled and hugged me back.

"Hey Jade." she said through my hair. We pulled back and I walked towards Harry.

"Niall,let the poor girl sit down. She's been standing up." I ordered Niall. He lead her towards the couch and they sat down. Harry and I sat next to them. My phone started to vibrate. I pulled it out and looked at the text. It's my mom and it's a correct answer.

My eyes started to sting and I passed my phone towards Harry. He looked at my. He looked phone then me. My tears started falling down my face. He looked into my eyes and engulfed me in a hug.

"Harry,it's them." I said through his chest.

"Who?" Lou asked excited. He gasped. I'm guessing Harry showed him my phone.

"What's wrong,Jade?" Cayley asked concerned. I couldn't explain things. It hurt my heart to much. I shook my head to answer her.

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