Ch.23 DateNight And A Strange Message....

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Jade's P.O.V

"Nialler,can you do something for me,please?" I showed him my puppy dog face. I have to do girl stuff by myself now. Ali and Momma Grims left last week.

"Harry can't do it for you?" he snapped.

"I have this friend girl..... And she really likes you. She's really sweet and pretty. She's also in martial arts." that's all I knew about Cayley. I mean,we just met yesterday.

"Show me a picture." he looked at me.

I smiled then frowned. "I,I don't have." he got off the couch. "But!" he turned around. "You could meet her this Friday." I offered.

"Did you just set me on a blinde date?" he asked crossing his arms.

"Yes." I whispered. He cupped the back of his ear. "Yes,I did I'm so so-"

He held out his hand telling me to stop. "It's cool. That goes to show how caring of a cousin you are." I smiled. He held out his arms and I got off the couch then hugged him.

"Love you,Jade." he muttered through my hair.

I giggled then replied,"Love you,too,Nialler." we pulled away. "I swear you won't regret it."

"It's not good to swear." He said in sing-song,waving a finger. I rolled my eyes at him then giggled.


Cayley's P.O.V

Tonight is my date with a mysterious guy I've never met before. I can't believe I agreed to go on a blind date. I'm super nervous. I opened the hotel closet and took out a white pair of jeans kind of ripped at the front,a red tanktop,white pearl necklace,I twisted twice, a red heart necklace shaped like a heart with 'Best Friends' in white letters and broken in the middle, a red bag and red heels(Outfit at the side----->). I took a warm shower then threw on the clothes.

I blowdried my dark blonde hair and curled it loosely. I added a light layer of mascara,eyeliner and red lipstick. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my bag from my bed. I walked outside and to the elevator. It took me down to the parkinglot and I walked to the rent-a-car the people who were holding the karate tournament. I drove out the shaded parking lot and drove to the adress Jade sent me.

I pulled up to a fancy restaurant and parked at the front. I got out and locked it. I walked in then went to the lady at a podium.

"You must be with Mr. Horan." she smiled. I politely smiled back and nodded. Mr. Horan? Maybe it's a common lastname here. She took a menu then started walking. I followed behind her,until she stopped at the back of the restaurant. A blonde boy was looking at the menu.

"Mr. Horan,your guest is here." the lady said. He put the menu down and smiled at me. It is him!

Niall's P.O.V

She is as pretty as Jade said. I got off my chair then walked to her and pulled the chair out for her. She smiled then thanked me. I pushed her back into the table then sat back down.

"I'm Niall." I held out my hand across the table.

She smiled,shook my hand then replied,"I'm Cayley."

"How do you know Jade?" I asked smiling.

"Oh um. She said she's with the Singles Survey Association thing and told me about you,but not your name." she explained.

I thought Jade knew her. Oh well,I like her anyways. "Oh ok." I smiled

Jade's P.O.V

I sat on Harry's lap while watching a movie. Liam didn't like leaving us alone so he stayed he is currently here with the rest of the boys,watching a movie with us. It was kind of late,but I want to know how Niall's date went. The door opened and very serious Niall walked in. I stared at him in disbelief.

"Nialler,you ok?" I asked softly. The boys started paying attention to Niall,now. He started pointing to me. I got off Harry's lap and stood infront of Niall.

"You," I cringed ,"are the best." he spun me around. I am definately confused. He put me back down. "Our date went awesome. She's coming by tomorrow." he said with a smile. He ran upstairs.

"See. I made little Nialler smile and have a girlfriend." I pointed upstairs.

"Yes,you did,love." Harry said.

I walked back to Harry and sat on his lap. My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I pulled it out and it read:

Fr: Mom;


I froze in my spot. I don't know whether to feel relieved or worried.

*******AUTHOR'S NOTE*******

OMG! What do you guys think will happen? Do you really think it's Jade's mom?

Besides that,I'm still holding auditions for my future stories. Daddy's Little Girl (1D) is now taken so you could pick from Never Dance,Again, Dirty Little Secret and The Lost Princess. They are all One Direction fanfics you could audition for. So message or use the comment box to audition. Don't forget your eyecolor,personality,height,hair type,color and length. That's all : )

Love you guys!


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