Ch.31 Truth Or Dare?

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Jade's P.O.V

We all sat in my livingroom,being lazy after our shopping trip. I am still cake-faced and wearing slut clothes. Harry is mad that I did that to him,but forgave me quickly.

"Hey why don't we play a game?" Liam asked.

"That's a great idea,Liam. We should totally do that." Harry said weirdly.

I looked at them confused. "Ok then."

"Let's start with Jade. Truth or dare?" Harry asked before anybody said anything else.

"Truth?" I said not knowing why Liam and Harry are acting weird.

"Ok. Favorite song?" he asked.

"Superman by Joe Brooks." I said. (Song at the side----> I wanted it to be different.)Well that was easy. "But tha-"

"Not now,Jade." He interrupted. I rolled my eyes at him. "So you don't like any of our songs?"

"I do,but there's this one person that sleeps around and hurting a special girl he's been wanting to date." I described him.

"Wait what?" he knitted his eyebrows together and looked at me.

"Please. I know you slept with that slut in my room." I told him.

"Wait no. That's not wha-"

"Save it,Harry. I know you did it." I stood up and ran to my room. Tears started flooding my eyes,again. I am mever going to forgive him. Ever! I finally give him a chance for us to date,but he blows it. I tore off the bed covers then threw the bed off the frame. I sat on the ground,crying my eyes out.

Harry's P.O.V

"See what you did,Harry!" Niall blamed.

"It.... We.... ugh!" I don't know how to explain this without getting judged.

"We know you slept with that....girl,Harry. Jade saw you two on the night of the party." Zayn told me.

"Ugh. She the one that.... ugh!" I started pulling at my hair. "But I do have a plan."

*******AUTHOR'S NOTE*******

Hi guys! I'm sorry this chapter is short,but the next chapter maybe a bit longer. Oh and what do you think his plan is? First one to get it right,gets a dedication or If nobody gets it I'll dedicate it randomnly. @Hcarman and I are doing a collab soon so look out for that. I think it's going to be interesting for **COUGH** **DIRECTIONERS** **COUGH** **RUSHERS**

Love ya!


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