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Jade's P.O.V

I lied on my bed with wide awake. I looked over to my window seat and saw light coming through my curtains. I got up and walked to my windowseat. I sat down and pulled the curtains open. It was to bright outside it made me flinch. My eyes started adjusting to the light and I opened my window. Cold air rushed in my room making me have goosebumps all over my skin.

I took a deep breath of the cold fresh air outside. I looked closely out my window and realized I had a great view of the town. I took out my phone and snaped a picture of it.

To:Ali in Cali;

Wish u wer with me. *Picture here*

I sent the text then closed my window and curtains. I was probably going to stay inside so I walked to my closet an picked out gray sweatpants,a red hoodie and black uggs. I walked to my restroom and washed away my goosebumps. I dried myself off and put my clothes on. I blowdried my hair and left it down. I grabbed my red,fluffy HelloKitty earphones and plugged it in.

I walked over to my bed and chose Coming Up Strong by Karmin. This is one of my inspirational songs I can't live withou. I closed my eyes and let the music take over my emotions. I started singing to it a little. I don't care if Harry was downstairs and could hear me if I was off key. It was just me.

Harry's P.O.V

I heard an angellic female voice coming from upstairs. I obviously know it's Jade 'cause she's the only girl in the house. I walked upstairs and to her door. I listened to her swet voice fading away. I leaned against her dor to listen more,but fell on my face. I heard a gasp from in the room.

"HARRY! What the freak? You're invading my privacy!" She yelled at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up. I got up and saw anger all over her face. "I'm,I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I-i was just listening to-" I was cut off by her screaming at me again. "Get out right now!" she yelled pointing to the door. I walked outside and downstairs.

Jade's P.O.V

Why can't he just leave me alone? I already know he likes me,but why can't he give me some space? I put my earphones back on and listened to another one of my inspirational songs.

Niall's P.O.V

We were walking to Jade's house. Liam opened the dor and we all walked in. We saw Harry on the couch blushing. What did he see?

"Hey mate, why are you blushing?" Louis asked poking Harry's cheeks.

"Nothing. Why?" he asked pushing Louis' hand.

"Because you were blushing like crazy. What happened between Jade and you?" Liam asked from the kitchen.

"Nothing,nothing. I was just listening to her sing ten she caught me. That's all." he said nonchalantly.

"Wait, in her room? Was she showering and you so happen to be in her room at the time?" Zayn said next to him,suspicously.

"No. She was on her bed,fully dressed on, listening to her music and I wanted to listen to her voice more so I leaned against her door and fell." He rolled his eyes. I don't know if he was lying or telling the truth.

"Ok. Well, I'm going to get Jade." I said walking upstairs and to her door.

I knocked on it and said,"Jade, we have breakfast for you,outside."

"I'll come later,but thanks anyways." she yelled through the door. I walked back downstairs and to the couch.

Louis' P.O.V

I miss Kevin. He was my best bird friend. I want to buy another Kevin. No wait! There's only one Kevin. I used to snuggle with him. He used to tell me his secrets and I told him mine. I miss feeding him my food. He was my my snu-

"Hello Lou? Come and eat before Niall finishes it." Liam said.

I walked behind him and to the kitchen. I took three doughnuts and walked back to the couch. I began eating my doughnut and began thinking of Kevin again.

Harry's P.O.V

I felt something cold and thick on my cheek. I looked up and saw Niall holding a syrup bottle in his hands.

"Sorry." he said with a appoligetic smile. I grabbed the butter packet and squeezed it on his nose.

"Oops." I said then shrugged.

"I'm gonna get you,cunt." he yelled at me. I jumped on the otherside of the island and hid behind the tall chairs. I stood to see where he was at.

He jumped up on the otherside of the island pointing the bottle to me. I squatted back down and saw the syrup squirt over the table then onto Zayn's hair,dripping on his face.

Zayn's P.O.V

I'm going to kill Niall. "You idiot! You got syrup all over my hair!" I yelled at him. He looked frightened.

"Run!" I yelled at him then he bolted upstairs. I grabbed a ketchup bottle then ran upstairs.

"Nialler? Where you? Come out to play." I said looking at each door to see if Niall would jump out. I walked to Jade's door and listened if Niall was in her room. She sounded like she was talking to someone.

I knocked on her door and aimed the bottle to her door. Someone opened it then I sqeezed the bottle all over..... Jade. "What the hell,Zayn? I save your life and this's how you thank me?" she yelled at me.

Oh crap. I'm in trouble.

Jadelyn's P.O.V

I can't believe Zayn squirted ketchup all over me. I'm pissed off right now. I walked back inside and showered the red goo off of me. I wrapped the towel around me then I walked to my closet. I pulled out purple sweatpants, a blue sweater and black hightop converse. I put my earphones on and walked downstairs ignoring all the boys.

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