Ch.25 Realization

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Cayley's P.O.V

What am I missing? All the boys are crowding Jade and Harry. I looked at them confused so I stood up and waked towards the crowd.

"What happened?" I whispered to Niall.

He turned around and engulffed me in a hug. "Jaade found her parents." he hiccupped.

I stumbled back a few times then regained my balance. "Why what happened?" I asked concerned about my new friends.

"They left for their honeymoon,but their plane crashed into the mountains." he said through my hair.

Wait! I think I heard something about this on the news. The reporter said it's....Simon Cowell's plane. Jade is the stepdaughter of Simon Cowell? Woah! I totally didn't see that coming. I thought she would be all self-centered and bitchy,but she's not close to that. She set Niall and I up,even though I was a totall stranger.

I let go ,but held his hand and sat down on the couch. The group hug gradually broke with everyone in teary eyes. Jade looked at me with teary eyes and gives a weak smile. She stood up and sat on the other side of Niall and behind Harry.

"I'm sorry,"she wipes her tears from her cheeks and under her eyes,"for crying infront of you like that." she shakes her head looking down.

"No,don't worry. I totally get it. Niall explained everything to me and if you need to have a girl-talk,I'm always here for you." I offered with a bright smile. She held out her arms and I did the same then we hugged each other.

"So are you going to try looking for them?" I asked.

She pulled away. "I don't know where they're at,but I think I know how we could find them." she pulled out her phone and started doing something. She put her phone to her ear then started speaking.

"Hello? Yes,I would like to request a search party in the mountains for Simon Cowell and Christine Summers Cowell." she said. "Mh. Yes,ok thank you." she pulled it away from her ear then jumped up on the couch. The boys and I stared at her with curiousity swimming in my mind.

"They're sending out a searchparty right now!" she said with a bright smile,pointing down.

I smiled then jumped on the couch with Jade.

Jade's P.O.V

"This calls for a celebration. Party here tomorrow and everybody is invited." I smiled.

"Wait. I need something to wear." Cayley sat down on the couch,crissed crossed legs.

"Hun,don't worry. I got dresses for you guys." I jumped off the couch and pulled Cayley with me,upstairs.

"Sit down." I ordered pointing to my bed she sat down and looked around my room in aww. I waked to my closet and pulled out a red and black dress with black heels(Dress at the side---->) I pulled it off the hanger and brought the shoes with it. "Wear this. Niall is going to love you in it." I gave her the dress and she eyed it.

"Are you sure? What are you going to wear?" she asked uneasy.

"Don't worry about me. I have something." I nodded my head. "Go change." I pulled her up and lead her to my restroom. I sat on my bed,waiting for Cayley.

"Ok. I got in on." she said from the restroom.

"Then come out so I could see you." I called. She walked out of the restroom. She looked totally gorgeous in it. The heels made her legs look longer.

"How do I look?" she asked nervous.

"Niall will not want you to go home." I smirked and she laughed.

*******AUTHOR'S NOTE*******

Hi guys! I'm sorry my stories have been sort lately,but I'm still holding auditions if you guys want and I added two more stories you could audition for.

Love you guys! MWAH!!


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