1. New meat (short chapter)

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Only moments ago I had been seated in a court room where I was charged with the attempted murder of Ace Night, my Ex-boyfriends new lover. I was wondering the whole time if Jax really hated like he said he did, he had every right to wish me a long and painful death.

Jax had seemed more angry than Ace at what I'd conspired to do. The last thing I had said to my Ex was that he had a long and happy life with Ace and I wouldn't be upset if he hated my guts for all eternity. Jax had just scoffed and flipped me off before walking out of the courtroom hand-in-hand with his lover.

Timothy, the boy who I payed to carry out the horrible actions of the car crash, committed suicide when the cops came after him, to much of a pussy to spend the next twenty years in prison for the murder of Mr. and Ms. Night. I only got away with six years. At least when I get out I can go on with my life, get a crappy job and be miserable.

I was thrown roughly into the back of a prison van and hand cuffed to a pole behind me to stop me from pulling any tricks. I was surrounded by big men and a evil looking woman who looked like she'd done every drug in the book before getting thrown in here. There was a small and timid guy who was crammed in between two giants with scruffy beards.

The small boy was Japanese and had dark purple hair, shaved underneath and parted down the middle so the purple strands dipped into his coffee coloured eyes. You could see the anxiety written over the small boys face as he tapped his foot onto the metal ground. The men beside him going visibly insane from the repeated tapping.

The boy didn't stop even when the engine roared to life and the van began moving off to the metaphorical and literal prison.


After hours of being crammed against beasts and criminals the van pulled up in front of the metaphorical and literal prison. The doors opened at three guards walked in, they started undoing the handcuffs from the pole and hauling us out. I was last to be let go and I was greeted by the disgusting scene of people of all size, race, muscle capacity and age clawing at the chain-wire fence.

One man was yelling the phrase "New meat!" And a woman was laughing at the size of the Japanese boy from earlier, whispering things such as "Don't drop the soap, baby." Or, "Good luck, baby." The boy seemed to shake with nerves. I wonder how someone like him got into a place like this?

The other men I came here with showed their sharp and yellow teeth. I just walked, looking forward with a stern and emotionless expression. I wouldn't let anyone close, show them weakness or crumble to the temptations.

I wasn't getting attached to a single person.

We walked in side the massive brick building. The group walk through a full body scanner one after the other, one guy getting pulled away for having a pocket knife hidden in his shoe. A guard gave us the classic orange jumpsuit before giving us a tray to put our old clothes in after we changed.

The jumpsuit was a bit big for me. I had the height to fill it out so I wasn't tripping over the fabric but I had lost most of my muscle in the past month so it was a bit baggy unlike the other inmates who almost ripped it in half with the size of their muscles.

I pulled all on my hair on my head and lined up with the others. I felt the intense stare of the other inmates outside, waiting for us so they could pounce.

"Alright, inmates. No phones, belts, rings, wristbands, necklaces or earrings. You will be expected to wear your jail clothes only because all your other clothes are being sole or given to charity. No fighting or you will be punished. Lunch will be delivered to your cell at exactly 12:00 everyday, misbehave and you will miss out-" the chief read off the countless amount of rules from a piece of paper while we listened. "Showers will be from 5:00pm to 7:00pm," More rules upon more rules were read out to us and I realised just how trapped I was.

Finally we were free to go. I was escorted to my room by a guard. He unlocked the door with a big metal key and shoved me in, locking the metal door behind him.





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