28. You smell like death (end+ epilogue)

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Three days later

He was dead.

He died with a twisted smile plastered on his wicked face.

The way he staggered backwards as the bullets buried themselves deep into his flesh.

His last words were; "huh, funny." Then he let out his last unsettling laugh before all was quiet.

All was quiet, all was dark, all was...gone...

It felt as though I was floating in a sea of distant chaos.

Nothing tying me to the ground, to reality but the desperation.

The pleading desperation to see him again.

To hold him again.

To kiss him again.

To own him again.

Behind my closed eyelids were an empty, endless void of darkness.

Nothing to hear or see or touch or smell.

Just endless hours of pointless searching.

For what I didn't know, but my feet searched on.

It was now I was realising that it wasn't the pit of darkness behind closed eyelids that i was chasing through, but an unconscious reality that wasn't real but felt so.

Strangely the truth didn't pause my quest, it only gave more motivation for the prize.

And there my prize stood, facing away from me.

Glowing in a pure white jeans and a smooth, pale and lean torso exposed for me.

He glowed brightly like an angel sent from heaven among the pitch black stretching for miles around us.

My pace picked up, my whole being aching with need.

A drug.

That's what he was to me.

A drug that has consumed my whole life.

Nothing else mattered to me.

Nobody else's feelings or wellbeing mattered so much to me other then his.

No matter how fast i ran or how loud I screamed it seemed i was only getting farther and father from him until i stopped, unable to breath much longer.

My knees hit the ground, sobs raking my red raw throat from the echoing cries it had previously let out desperately.

"Come back to me, baby!" I whispered between ugly sobs and sniffs.

"I never left," His boyish voice came from behind me so I pounce towards the comforting words, wrapping my arms around his lower torso, keeling in front of him and nuzzling my nose into the out line of his faint abs. He stroked my hair way and held my shoulders close to his small hips.

He hushed me with calm touches and voices, continuing to pet me like a frightened puppy.

A river of red liquid crawling down the pale skin my head was resting on caught my eye.


My eyes looked up slowly, scared of what i might find.

And with good reason two.

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