Chapter 1

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Clove Sevina dashed into Panem High, her backpack sliding off of her shoulder. It was the first day back from winter break, and she didn't want to be late. She managed to sleep through two alarms, causing her to wake up with only ten minutes to get ready. She skipped breakfast, and ended up missing the bus. She had to run all the way to school, trudging through the snow. It's safe to say that she had a bad morning so far. 

Clove readjusted her bag on her shoulder, swerving through the hallway. Kids bumped into her, books were jammed into her back, she was elbowed in the ribs. Everyone was talking about Cato Hadley's legendary New Year's party. Those that were fortunate to attend gloated, while others intently listened to discover some juicy gossip. Everything was made up, Clove knew this. After all, she was there. She was always there. Why wouldn't she? Cato was her best friend. 

Clove huffed as she got to her locker, quickly shoving her bag into it and taking out supplies at a record speed. "Clover!" a voice shouted from down the hallway. Cato dashed up to her, a smile across his face. When he reached her, he chuckled. "Slept in?" he questioned with raised eyebrows. 

Clove nodded, giving him a small smile in return. "Yes," she nodded. "And to make it worse, I missed my bus, and skipped breakfast." 

The boy rolled his eyes, but was still smirking. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a granola bar, tossing it at Clove. "Here," he said. "You look like a mess." She smacked his arm. "Thanks," she muttered sarcastically. "That makes me feel so much better." 

Clove closed her locker door using her hip, tearing open the foil wrapper with her teeth. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked Cato. "Do I really look that bad?" Clove didn't care what anyone thought about her, actually. Well, except for Cato. She had a crush on him, after all. 

He blinked. "Your locket," he murmured. Clove's hand immediately flew up to her neck. All that was there was skin. "Shit!" she exclaimed, shoving the granola in her mouth and digging in her pockets. She sighed in relief when her hand enclosed around the golden chain and heart. 

"Put it on me?" she asked her best friend, and he nodded in response. Clove wore the locket every single day of her life. It was a gift, from Cato. He gave it to her on her twelfth birthday, he was thirteen. It was Clove's favorite thing she owned, and for a girl who hated jewelry, she absolutely loved it. 

"So, how is my favorite girl doing?" Cato asked as the two made their way down to their first class, which they just so happened to have together. "I'm doing fine, thank you," Clove replied with a grin. "Though, being on the phone with a certain someone is probably why I slept through two alarms." 

Cato mocked surprise, gasping. "Really?" he breathed. "Now, I wonder who that would be? How very inconsiderate of them to do such a thing." Cato smirked, elbowing her in the stomach. Clove did the same, jabbing slightly harder than he did. "And you want to know something?" Clove whispered. 


"I don't even like them that much. The person I was talking to, I mean." 

Cato came to a halt, placing a hand over his heart. "Hurtful," he drawled. Clove laughed as they continued down the hall. "Just kidding," she told him. "You're my best friend. Of course I like you." 

Cato narrowed his eyes. "Really? Now I'm not so sure. I have a best friend that's mean to me." The two laughed as they walked into their first period class. "Kidding," Cato said. "You're awesome Cloverfield." 

"Good," Clove said as they took their seats, which were next to each other. "Because I don't know what I'd do without you." 

Cato didn't get a chance to respond. Marvel Diamond, a friend of both Cato and Clove, popped up from behind the two teenagers. "Hola!" he cheered, slinging one arm around Cato's shoulder, and then the other around Clove's. "What are we talking about?" 

Cato sighed. "Nothing much." Marvel grinned, casting Clove a wink. "Rumor has it that you got down and dirty with Gloss at Cato's party. And other people are saying that you're pregnant. Either way, you still got screwed in a closet." 

Clove snarled and smacked Marvel's arm. "Shut up," she hissed. "When I find out who started that rumor, they're dead. I didn't do anything with him at the party." 

"Really?" Marvel furrowed his eyebrows together. "Then how come you went missing for a half an hour?" Clove cast Cato a glance. "Um..." she said, biting her lip. "She was helping me with something," Cato intervened. "Yeah, some moron broke the door of off the fridge in the garage. I helped him put it back on." 

Marvel nodded, though he didn't look convinced. "Uh huh, alright then." He would've said more, but Mr. Abernathy stumbled into the classroom just as the bell rang. Marvel mouthed "Talk later" before heading back to his seat. 

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