Chapter 7

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January 31, one day left until February. The shortest month of the year, and the one Clove hated the most. With just two weeks until the dreaded day called Valentine's Day, Clove was already starting to feel her blood boil. It was just some stupid holiday that really has no significance. Weren't you supposed to be affectionate to your lover every day of the year? Clove just didn't understand it. 

She walked down the hall, Cato at her side. They walked at the same pace, their arms barely touching. Clove smiled. No matter what day it was, put Cato by her side and he would instantly brighten her mood. 

"Ready for science?" she asked Cato with a smirk, elbowing his arm. Cato held his head up high, cocky grin on his face. "Oh," he drawled, nudging his best friend back. "You know I am." Clove chuckled, rolling her eyes at the same time. "Yeah, I'm sure you are." 

Clove was a good student, great even. She always turned in assignments on time, aced her classes. She was in all honors, and on the honor role. Cato was an average student. He was sort of like Clove, receiving good grades, for the most part. His least favorite class, and the class he did worst in, was science. Nothing every made much sense to him. But, with Clove's help, he went from getting a C average to a B. He was forever grateful for that. 

"We can't all be as smart as you," Cato pointed out. "I'm not a Clove Sevina." Clove shook her head. "You are just as smart as I am," she insisted. Cato disagreed. "Nu-uh!" 

"Yes, you are." 

"No, I'm not." 

Their bickering went on for awhile. It lasted them as far as Glimmer's locker. Because right when they were about to pass by, Glimmer had to open her mouth. 

"Cato!" Glimmer squealed, cutting Clove's sentence off. Clove scowled, rolling her eyes. What did Barbie Girl want now? 

"Hey, Glimmer," Cato responded, giving the blonde a small wave. He smiled, making Clove's insides turn. She knew Glimmer had a thing for Cato. it was just another reason that the two girls hated each other. 

Glimmer twirled a lock of her golden hair with her finger. Clove huffed. 

"So, where are you off to?" Glimmer asked Clove's best friend. Cato replied, "Science class," with a groan. He turned his gaze to Clove. "But this one over here is helping me get through it." 

"Oh," Glimmer said, her eyebrows raised. "Poor Clove has so much on her plate. I don't know how she does it all." They spoke as if she wasn't right there beside them. "Well," Glimmer went on. "If Clove is ever too busy to give her assistance, I can help. Just ask. I'm very good at chemistry." 

On that note, she flounced off. Clove was fuming at this point. She was always there to help Cato! And what did Glimmer know about chemistry? All she knows is how to get a guy in bed with her! Clove and Cato had more chemistry than Glimmer's pinkie had with Cato!

"You alright, Cloverfield?" Cato asked his friend with a worried expression on his face. Clove gave him a smirk, though it was forced. "Yeah," she nodded. "I'm fine. Just a bit hungry, that's all." That was also a lie. 

Cato winked. "Good, because I'm going to need your help." Clove snorted. "We went through this already," she said. "You're great at science! You just don't see your full potential! Remember that-" 

Cato cut her off. "No!" he exclaimed. "That's not what I'm talking about at all!" Clove furrowed her eyebrows. "Then, what is it you need?" 

"I need your help in asking a girl to the Valentine's Dance." Clove's heart beat quickened. Not once, except their first time at the dance, had Cato asked Clove for her to go with him. It was always this unspoken agreement between them. If they were both single, then they'd go to the dance together.

Clove thought for a split second that he was thinking about asking her. Maybe he liked her romantically after all. Clove quickly pushed the thought aside. She was just getting her hope up for nothing. They were best friends. At least she knew that he liked her enough to be that. 

"Who is it?" Clove questioned. "Because I'm no match maker. And every girl is different." 

"Please, Clove," Cato begged, ignoring her question. "Come on, I need you. I don't want to screw this up." 

Clove sighed. "What's in it for me?" 

Cato thought for a moment. "The satisfaction of seeing your best friend happy." 

And that's all she really wanted. For Cato to be happy. So, she nodded. "Fine, I'll do it," she told him. "Now, who is the lucky lady?" 

Cato took a deep breath before saying, "Glimmer Hills." 

And that was when Clove felt her body crumble to the ground, and the whole world went black. 

Dun Dun Dun! Now here comes the drama! Anyway, it's Madeline Fuhrman and Jackie Emerson's birthdays today! Happy Birthday to those amazing girls! They are both so talented. I started school Wednesday, and my schedule will soon be jam packed with things. I'll try to update as much as possible!

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