Chapter 16

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The very first place Clove and her group of friends went to when they arrived at the mall was a coffee shop. It was called, The Hob, and it was one of the best places in town. Clove loved it, almost as much as she loved the lake and Cato's backyard shed. 

They always claimed the large booth in the back corner, no matter when they stopped in. Even if it was just Jackie and Madge stopping by after a shopping spree, they sat in that booth. 

Gale and Peeta went up to the counter to order the group's usual beverages, while the others took their seats. Right away, Madge started to bombard Clove with questions. 

"Are you sure you're alright?" the blonde asked the small girl across the table. "We could just take you home if that's what you want, of if it's really that bad, to the hospital." Clove put her hand up to silence Madge. 

"No, I don't need to go to the hospital. I told you this already, I am fine." 

"No, you're not," Jackie countered. "You fell because Glimmer distracted you. She normally wouldn't do that because you don't let her get inside your head. But this time was somehow different. It'sbecause Cato was there, wasn't it? Clove, just admit it already. You're in love with him." 

Clove stood up angrily, pounding her fist on the table. The whole café turned in her direction, and a woman with weird colored hair muttered to herself, "That is mahogany." Clove sighed, biting her lip. She never liked being the center of attention. 

"Clove, sit back down," Annie said soothingly. "We all are just concerned about you. I'm sorry if we were being too pushy." 

Clove locked eyes with each and every one of them, including Peeta and Gale who had just came back with drink trays in their hands. 

She straightened her back, and held her head high. "I do not love Cato," she clarified. "And I am sick and tired of everybody trying to convince me that I am." She slung her bag over her shoulder, slamming some money down for the boys to take for buying her coffee. "If you'll excuse me," she said. "But I'm going to go." 

She walked out of the room without another word. Clove's cheeks were red, and she slowly began to wander around the mall by herself. She stopped in a few stores and looked around, but for the most part, she stayed by herself, sitting on a bench and drinking her coffee. 

She passed by a girly boutique, or she was going to pass it by, before she heard an all too familiar voice. 

"He's so perfect! Just like me! So, that's why we're made for each other!"

Clove rolled her eyes at Glimmer's shrill voice, but something inside of her lured her in. She had to hear more. So, doing something she never thought she would do, she entered the shop. She ducked behind some clothing racks, craning her neck to make sure she heard every single word. 

Glimmer was with Cashmere, and the two girls were inspecting various dresses. They were laughing and running their mouths on an assortment of things. 

"He's like a freaking God!" Cashmere squealed. "I know," Glimmer said with a smirk, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "Cato is like, the king of school. And, well, I'm the queen, so it's practically fate." 

Clove couldn't help but scoff. Glimmer was so full of herself. 

"He's so dreamy," Cashmere gushed, placing her hand over her heart. "I wonder how good he is in bed." 

Clove almost choked on her drink. In bed? she thought. I have never, ever thought about that before. I may like him, but I can never imagine doing that. 

Glimmer smirked, examining a garment. "I hope to find that out," she stated. "I'm sure I'll be able to get him to sleep with me before prom." Cashmere raised her eyebrows. "Really? You think so?" 

Glimmer nodded in response. "Oh, honey. I know so." Clove rolled her eyes yet again. The stupidity of the girl baffled her. 

Cashmere gave Glimmer a thumbs up. "If you get bored with him, I'll take him. After all he's-" 

"Smoking hot?" Glimmer cut in. "Sexy? Attractive? I know, Cash. But trust me," she held up a dress. "I won't ever get bored of him." 

"Okay," Cashmere sighed. "Glim, you have to try that one on! It'll make you look super hot!" 

Glimmer grinned. "And it's blue," she pointed out. "Cato's favorite color." 

Clove had enough. She had to get out of there, and fast. She scrambled up to her feet and bolted out of the door. She ran straight for the mall's entrance and right to her car. Tears streamed down her face, her chest heaving up and down. Her heart felt like it was going to pop right out of her chest. 

She bit her lip so hard, she drew blood. It suddenly dawned on her that she might have in fact loved Cato. And that frightened her more than anything else in the world. 

Stupid Cupid: A Modern Clato Fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now