Chapter 29

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Cato found himself sitting in the dining room, staring at a picture of Clove on the table. It was of her on that day they went ice skating before Christmas. Her hair had flecks of snow in it, and it was long and cascaded down her back. She was smiling, her teeth as white as can be. Her cheeks were slightly pink because of the cold air. Her brown eyes were the things that he was drawn to. They looked so beautiful... And Cato could see the gold locket hanging from her neck. The one that he gave her. 

The blonde sighed, running a hand through is hair, confused. Cato didn't understand how Clove could possibly be in love with him. After all, he was shocked that Glimmer liked him. But Clove? Clove wasn't like that. She didn't want a boyfriend. She always said that she didn't want to become too attached to someone. But did that all of the sudden change? 

He bit his lip, scratching the back of his neck. "Mom!" he called, his voice echoing off of the walls. "Coming!" was his mother's reply. The blonde woman walked in, a smile on her face. "What's up, hun?" she asked, pushing her hair out of her face. 

"Mom," Cato hesitated. "Does Clove like me?" Mrs. Hadley let out a laugh. "Of course she does! She's your best friend." 

Cato's gaze fell back onto the photograph laying in front of him. "That's not what I meant." It took his mother a moment to realize what her son was hinting at. "Oh," she breathed, taking a seat beside the teenager. 

"Son," she said, looking the boy straight in the eye. "Do you want me to give you the honest truth?" He nodded sharply. "Yes," she whispered, giving a small nod of her head. "Clove is in love with you." 

That's all Cato needed to hear. 

He looked down at the picture again, and something inside of him changed. Maybe, maybe he had some feelings for her too. Maybe. But he first needed to hear Clove admit to it. Because if she really truly loved him, she would tell him. He knew Clove. He liked Clove. But he was with Glimmer. 

And that was the problem. Glimmer and Clove. Two different girls, two different relationships. 


Clove knew something was up with Cato. Ever since Glimmer said yes to the dance, he avoided her. He wouldn't answer her calls, and he was always with Gloss or Glimmer or Cashmere or someone else from that group. Clove wasn't stupid. She heard the rumors. That Cato was flunking a few classes, he was ditching. That he was also picking on poor freshman. 

It hurt her, to be quite frank. It really did. This wasn't at all the person he was. This wasn't the Cato that she grew to have a crush on. 

She saw him at his locker, alone for once. It was the perfect time to talk, with no interruptions. She hoped. 

"Hey, Goliath!" she called, and at the mention of his nickname, his head snapped in her direction. "Hey," was all he said back as she approached him. First thing off: he didn't use her nickname. "What's up?" she asked as he pulled out a notebook. Cato shrugged in response. 

"Pretty good, you?" Clove copied his actions. "Alright. Hey, are you okay? There have been some rumors and I just wanted to make sure. You know, since we haven't really gotten the chance to hang out a lot recently..." the raven haired girl trailed off, and Cato nodded a few times. "I know, and I'm fine," he reassured her. 

As he gazed into her eyes, he couldn't believe that this girl had romantic feelings towards him. He felt extremely uncomfortable. "I've got to go," he said, shutting his locker door. "I promised Glimmer I'd meat her by the water fountains." 

"Oh," Clove said, trying to hide the fact that she was disappointed. "Well, I'll see you in art, then?" 

"Yeah, see you in art," he said, before walking off. Clove bit the inside of her cheek. "Weird," she said to herself. "Really, really weird." 


Glimmer was running out of time. The Vaeltnie's Day Dance had almost arrived, and she still hadn't done "it", with Cato yet. She knew that he liked her enough. After all, she was extremely difficult to resist. It was just a matter of time before that fateful night, and the blonde girl had to be as ready as she could possibly be. She was sure that it would be a night that neither one of them would forget. 

Those were her thoughts as she entered the art room with her boyfriend. And, little did she know, Cashmere and Delly's same thoughts. Except the other two had bigger and better plans. They also wanted Finnick. And would stop at nothing to get what they wanted. 

Again, sorry for not updating sooner. And guess what guys? New Isabelle Furhman movie! Yep! 

In Februray of 2015, All In the Wilderness, previously titled The Wilderness of James, is going to be in theatres! I'm so excited! And this week has been so stressful you have no idea. 

But yesterday was alright. I got new tap shoes. 

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