Chapter 12

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"Marvel freaking Diamond!" Clove huffed, walking through the skating rink. "Your lazy ass was supposed to be here almost forty five minutes ago! I need you! I told you to be here at a certain time! Cato just went to get Glimmer, and you've yet to grace us with your presence. You have five minute, Diamond. God, if I could reach through this dam phone and strangle you, I would!" 

Marvel laughed on the other side of the receiver. "God, Clove. I'm almost there. Take a chill pill, calm down." 

Clove paced back and forth, her temper flaring up. "I am calm!" she hollered before angrily ending their call. She pushed the whole Marvel thing to the back of her mind as she went up the bleachers to where Peeta was. "Peeta!" she called as she neared him. "Did you run over this ice with the Zamboni liked I asked?" He nodded. 

"Yeah, it's all ready to go." 


Clove put her hand on her forehead, taking a breath. She'd been at the skating rink for the past hour preparing everything for Glimmer and Cato. Sure, all of her friends were helping, but she still felt stressed out. 

Madge walked up to Clove with a smirk. "Everything's ready," Madge said. "We have clothes and skates in the back. The ice is all good. We set up the camera to watch them from the storage room. And, we even have music in case they want it." 

Clove raised her eyebrows, folding her arms over her chest. "Camera?"she questioned. "What the hell do we need to watch them for?" 

The blonde shrugged. "We just figured you'd want to see how it was going. You know, in case you need to swoop in and come to Cato's rescue." 

"Fine," Clove responded. "But it better not be in plain sight. Glimmer isn't supposed to know that we're all here. Then it wouldn't really be special." 

Without another word spoken, the two parted ways. In was in that moment that Marvel decided to come bursting through the double doors. "Marvel Diamond is in the house!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air. "You all may bow down and respect the king!" 

Clove rolled her eyes, smacking him upside the head. "Nice of you to finally show up. Just check up with Jackie, make sure you get the thumbs up from her that everything's ready. Glimmer and Cato should be here any minute now." 

Marvel winked before going off to find the redheaded girl. Clove growled as her phone buzzed. What the heck do people want now? Clove thought as she read the text. 

Cato: Be there in 5. 

"Five minutes!" Clove yelled, cupping her hands around her mouth. "We have five minutes people! Let's move! Move! Move!" 

The friends all scurried into the storage room, and huddled around the television screen. Marvel shrugged off his coat, and stuck his hand into one of the pockets. "Popcorn, really?" Johanna raised her eyebrows. Marvel shrugged. "I was hungry," he replied sheepishly. 

"Shut up!" Finnick cut in. "Look, they're coming in!" 

Everyone stopped talking and returned their gazes onto the screen. Clove bit the inside of her cheek. This is going to be a long day, she thought. Damn Glimmer. 


Cato was going to the bathroom, and going around saying thank you to all of his friends. Clove ventured out after giving Cato a hug. She went out to the bleachers, sitting down. Much to her surprise, Glimmer had came back to the building after everyone else, besides Clove and Annie , had left. She had a pair of skates on her feet. Clove huffed. 

During her time with Cato, Glimmer couldn't skate. She would trip and fall all over the place, so Cato had to keep one hand on her at all times. It disgusted Clove. Annie took a seat beside her friend, watching the blonde lacing up the skates. 

"She's trying again?" Annie asked with a chuckle. "Yeah," Clove responded. "Cato is a good teacher. Don't tell him I said this, but he taught me. If he was able to do that, he was able to teach Glimmer a few things. But she still sucks." 

Annie chuckled at this. 

Glimmer stepped onto the ice slowly, and kept one hand on the side of the wall. She eased her way around the rink once cautiously, trying to stay on her feet. Clove smirked as the other girl struggled. 

That smirk quickly faded when Glimmer skated out to the center of the ice with ease. She began to fool around, skating around and throwing in a few tricks and jumps. 

Clove's jaw opened wide. "Do you see that?" she asked, tapping Annie's arm. "She lied to Cato, she can skate! She can really skate!" Annie shrugged as she got up. "See ya, Clove," she said before leaving the building. 

Clove scowled. That stupid date went well all because she acted like a klutz. She knows how to skate, the bitch. And she's damn good at it too. Better than Cato, even. She shook her head in distaste. Oh, it's on Barbie Girl. You may know how to skate, but let's see how you do at the bowling alley. 

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