Chapter 19

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Cato woke to the sound of his phone ringing. Normally, since it was the middle of the night, he would ignore such a thing, and let it go to voice mail. But he always picked up when Clove called him. 

One night, he remembered sitting up in bed at two in the morning, Clove on the other end up the line. She had a nightmare, and she was horribly frightened. Cato liked the fact that she turned to him, even when her parents were just down the hall. And Clove never wanted to appear weak, so he was honored that she trusted him like that. 

Something made him reach over to his nightstand and look at his phone. Clove Sevina. Cato pressed the Answer button. "Clover?" he said groggily. "What's wrong? Another nightmare?" A frantic voice responded that was not at all Clove's. 

"Cato!" Mrs. Sevina choked out. She sounded as if she was crying. Cato bolted up, now fully awake. He completely forgot about all of the drinks he had consumed earlier. "Mrs. Sevina, what's wrong? Did something happen to Clove?" 

"I-I don't know," the woman stuttered. "I got up to go to the bathroom, and Clove's door was closed. She never leaves her door closed when she sleeps. I went in to check on her and..." she trailed off, and Cato got out of bed. Somehow, he knew where this was headed. he began putting on a pair of gym shoes, and grabbed his car keys. "Where is she?" 

"I don't know," Mrs. Sevina replied. "Oh, God, Cato. What if something happened to her?" Cato took a deep breath. "I'm going out to look for her," he said. "I need you to stay calm. Make yourself a cup of tea, and try and go back to sleep. If you can't, just watch some TV. Trust me, she's my best friend. I'll find her, and I'll bring her back home." 

On that note, he hung up, exiting his home and going into the backyard. He went right up to the shed. 


Clove knew if someone discovered she was missing, they'd call Cato. And she knew that the very first place he would go was their place, his shed. She didn't want to face him, not after the terrible dream she had. She wanted to be alone. So, the first place that sprung to her mind was the lake. 

Clove knew that she was crying, she knew that she was weak. But at the moment, she didn't give a damn. 

She collapsed into the grass, hands running through her hair aggressively. She let a muffled sob escape her lips, and felt bile rise up to the back of her throat. No, she thought. No, I will not throw up again. I'm just overreacting. This isn't a really big deal

But when you dream about your best friend, the person you trust with all of your life, chopping off your limbs one by one, and then plunging the sword through your heart, it is a very big deal. 

The sound of footsteps approaching made Clove's head snap up. They sounded like they were coming closer, and whoever they belonged to was running. Clove crawled over to a tree, and curled herself up in a ball. Whoever it was, she hoped that they didn't lay eyes on her. 

But of course they did. "Clove?" a voice called out. They were now standing right in front of the tree. "Oh, God Clove," they said with a light laugh. "You scared me to death." It was Cato, and before she knew it, he had his arms wrapped around her, pulling her into a hug. 

Clove let the tears fall, sobbing. "Cato," she murmured against his chest. "Shh," he said, planting a kiss on the top of her head. "Let's get you home." Neither of them spoke another word as Cato scooped Clove up in his arms bridal style, and placed her in his car. 


The whole ride to her house, Cato kept glancing over at the tiny girl next to him. She just played with her hands in her lap, her body slightly trembling. He stopped the car in the driveway, picked her up again in the same fashion, and walked right into the house. The door was unlocked, much to his amazement. 

"Cato?" she whispered as he walked up the stairs. "I-I had a nightmare. The worst one I've ever had." He looked down at her, and she could still see those blue eyes even in the dark. "You're okay now," he reassured her. "You're safe now. I'm here, and I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." 

Cato turned into Clove's room, laying her down on her bed carefully. He slipped off her shoes, and out the covers over her. "Goodnight," he whispered, and turned to leave. He made it halfway out the door when Clove called out meekly, "Cato?" She sounded so much like a child, a very scared one. 

"Can you..." she hesitated. "Can you stay with me?" He smiled, walking back over to her bed. "Sure," he said in response, climbing into the bed with her. "I'll do anything for you. Just ask." Cato wrapped Clove up in another hug, and she buried her face in the crook of his neck. 

Little did they know, Clove's mother was watching them from the hall. She smirked, retreating back to her bedroom. They are so in love, she thought, before her head hit her pillow. 

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