Chapter 31

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The day had finally arrived. February fourteenth, Valentine's Day. The dreaded yet anticipated day that everyone would be talking about afterwards. It was the day of the infamous dance, and Clove could already feel her insides start to turn. It was after dinner, and Mrs. Sevina stood in her daughter's bedroom. Clove smiled slightly as she laid out the dress her mom had bought her. 

"Mom, I still cannot believe that you did this for me," she said, turning towards the woman next to her. "No problem," she responded, holding the garment up. "Go on, now. Get dressed." 

Clove slipped into the dress, making sure not to accidentally rip it. Her mother than brought her into the bathroom and went to work. 

Clove's hair was straitened and than pulled back into an elegant bun. Mrs. Sevina then put a minimal amount of makeup on the girl. Just a bit of blush, mascara, and lip gloss. 

Clove slipped her tiny feet into a pair of small black high heels. She had her mother slip her golden locket around her neck, and she was ready to go. "You looks so stunning, Clove," he mother said in awe, turning her daughter to face herself in the mirror. 

The raven haired girl placed a hand on her face, amazed at her appearance. Her dress was beautiful. It was red with little black polka dots, and had buttons down the front. It had a Peter Pan collar, and short sleeves. 

"Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, giving her mom a hug. 

"It's time for you to show that Hadley boy exactly what he's missing out on."


It felt extremely odd walking into the gymnasium by herself. Usually, she'd be accompanied by her best friend. Cato would always piggy back her in, smiles plastered on both of their faces. That was not the case this time around, much to her dismay. 

Clove walked over to the corner of the room, where her friends all sat. They were around one of the big white round tables. immersed in conversation. One person was missing, though. That person was Cato, who was a little father away and on the dance floor with Glimmer. 

The whole gym was filled with hearts and pinks and reds, and dozens of kids were laughing and smiling. "Clove!" Annie was the first to see her, and the rest of her friends joined in, giving a few waves. "Hey!" she said, taking the empty seat in between Johanna and Annie. "How's everyone doing?" 

"Fantastic!" Marvel said, gulping down another sip of his punch. Unfortunately, the rest of the night wouldn't be so great. 

A little while later, when everyone was on the dance floor, Marvel was getting his groove on. He was busting out moves that no one ever thought he had, and was burning up the floor. He sang along to the music, and all of his amigos laughed at him, especially his girlfriend. Jackie was ecstatic to see him having such a great time. 

"Go Marvel!" she cheered, and they all started to clap and scream out his name. Marvel went down to do the worm, but ended up slipping on a drink spilled on the floor, and ran into someone. That someone just happened to be a very pissed off Cato. "Watch it!" he sneered. 

Marvel glared in response. "Well, hello to you too." Cato rolled his eyes ad turned back to his friends. Clove folded her arms over her chest and cocked her head to the side. Something was up, and she was going to figure out what that was. 

When he was finally alone, Clove grabbed Cato by the arm roughly. "We need to talk," she nearly shouted over the loud, booming music. 

She lead him out into the hallway, stopping in a secluded area. "What the hell is the matter with you?" she asked, and he rose his eyebrows. "You're ditching me and blowing me off. And then the next minute you're being rude to half of the school? What has gotten into you?" 

Cato scoffed in reply. "How about you, huh? What's wrong with you? All of the sudden worried about every little thing that I do. And judgmental over my girlfriend." 

"I'm judgmental because she doesn't love you!" Clove shouted, throwing her arms in the air. "Cato, don't you see it? She's just with you because she wants to have sex with you. That's it." 

"And how would you know?" Cato fired back, jabbing his finger in her direction. "What do you know about our relationship. And we do love each other, just for your information." 

That felt like a knife in the gut to Clove. I knew it, she thought. I knew he never loved me. "Because, you asshole," she hissed. "I can see the way she looks at you. It's not at all like the way I do." 

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Cato asked, his voice getting higher and higher. "God, Clove. When did you become such a bitch?" 

"Oh," Clove snarled. "I'm the bitch! Great, Cato. Just fantastic words that are coming out of your mouth! You want to know something?" 

"Enlighten me." 

"I put on this stupid dress, and these stupid heels and this dumb makeup just to impress you." Cato didn't say anything, so she went on. "Because I thought that you liked girls like Glimmer. I was wrong." 

"Why?" he asked, yelling at her now. "Why do you do all of this?" 

"Because I loved you!"  The words flooded from Clove's mouth before she could stop them. "I loved you so freaking much, and not like an older brother. But now," her voice cracked, "I don't even know who you are anymore." 

"Well," Cato said, folding his arms over his chest. "People change. And I like the new me." 

"That's great," Clove told him. "Whatever we had, it's done." Her hands made their way up to her neck, and she took off her locket. "Here," she said, tears clouding her vision. She tossed the jewelry at the blonde boy, who caught it with one hand. 

"I hate you, Cato Hadley," the raven haired girl declared. "I hate you so much." 

"Just shut up, Clove," Cato pleaded. "Just shut up and cut the crap." 

Then, much to his amazement, Clove spoke again. And right before the word "you", was an f-bomb. Clove had never used such a foul cuss word in her life, and it took Cato by surprise. Before he could react, though, she was stomping away. 

Clove ran down the hall and to the girl's bathroom, hands trembling and tears running down her face. 

This was not the night she thought it would be. 

Clove's Dress Is On The Side!

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