Chapter 38

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"Are you freaking kidding me?" Glimmer screeched, turning towards Cato. He stared back down at her and her raging blue eyes, and felt something inside of him snap. The boy remained silent whilst his girlfriend continued to be upset. 

"I mean, come one, Cato. She's the one who left you. You said it yourself. She hated how you are now and she was only thinking about herself. Was it something I said? Something I did? Because I can fix it, babe. Just realize that this girl you're defending is a bitch. Okay. I'm trying to stay calm right now, but this is just too much for me to handle." 

Cato looked down at his feet, and then back up at Glimmer. "Too much for you to handle?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "Glimmer, how is this too much for you to handle?" The blonde girl rolled her eyes in response. "My boyfriend is hung up on a girl that doesn't even know who he really is." 

It was Cato's turn to roll his eyes. "Are you seriously saying that to me?" Cato asked, throwing his hands  up in the air. "Because you're the one who doesn't know a thing about me! Clove is my best friend and knows who I am like the back of her hand. She actually takes the time to listen to me and we spend enough time together to become quite close." 

"We spend lots of time together!" Glimmer hollered. "We can be together more often if you wish! But I can't deal with you and how Clove manipulates you! She acts like the victim in all of this when in all reality it's me! I'm the one who has to suffer! All I want to do is be with you and Clove is just in the way of our relationship!" 

Cato and Glimmer just stared at each other for a moment. Cato couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth, and to be honest, he was sick of it. He was sick of missing Clove, and sick of not wanting to break Glimmer's heart. It was one or the other, and Cato didn't like the pressure that choosing added. 

If he choose Glimmer, he would have everything. He would be popular, have loads of friends, and have a nice life. But he wouldn't have Clove, the one person who truly accepted him and understood him like no one else did. 

"I just need some time to think," Cato said with a sigh. "Can you all just please give me some time to figure things out." 

"Fine," Glimmer sighed, racking a hand through her hair. "Think about it. But just know that I'll be right here when you make the right choice." As an afterthought, the blonde girl added, "I love you." 

Cato didn't respond. He grabbed his coat and walked right out of the house. 


Clove was shocked when Glimmer asked her to meet at the mall. She was even more shocked to see Cato there as well. 

"Why am I here, exactly?" the raven haired girl asked Glimmer from the opposite side of the table. The two girls were sitting at The Hob waiting for Cato to arrive. Just as he began to make his way toward them, she replied, "You'll see." 

Cato took a seat with the girls, placing two identical pieces of paper on the table. "We," Glimmer said with a confident smirk. "Are going to see who knows Cato the best. He made up a short little quiz and each of us is going to take it. He is going to honestly grade them and we'll see who really knows who  he is." 

Clove couldn't help but smile herself. "Fine," she said. "This is too easy." 

Cato let the two begin, and Clove almost laughed when she read the first question. It was too simple for her. 

1.) What is my favorite color? A.) Blue B.) Green C.) Red.    Explain Why. 

Clove rolled her eyes before answering: A, Blue. Because you've always loved the water secretly and ice melts to form blue. It's a cool color, or a laid back color, as you'd say. You like the laid back life. You don't like being too busy. 

2.) What is one of my favorite things to do in my free time? 

You love to skate and play hockey. Not only that, but drawing calms you down and hanging out with your friends makes you smile. And you love your family more than anything, so spending time with them makes you feel better. 

3.) If I could go anywhere in the world, where would I go and why? 

There are two places. Tennessee because you like country music. Also Rome, because your fascinated by the ancient gladiators and their ancient government system. 

4.) If I was stranded on an island, what three things would I hope to have with me? 

-Your mother. -A sketch pad. -Something to write with. 

5.) What is the thing that I look most for in a relationship?

Trust, because if you can't trust the person you're with, then there really isn't a point to being with them. 

6.) What's my idea for a fun night? 

That depends. You usually just love spending time with your friends and goofing off. Or you like to catch up with your family. And if you could, you'd go to as many hockey games as possible. 

The rest of the quiz went on like that for a while. But the last question really stuck. 

30.) Why do you care about me? 

Because I love you. You're honestly the best person I've ever met and you make me feel real. You understand me and never judge me for anything I do or say or think. You're not afraid to speak your mind and would lay down your life for what you believe in. I admire the person you are and how you can always make me laugh and smile and blush. Which, by the way, you're the only person that can make me blush. I just love the person you are, and the person you strive to be. 

I'm honestly surprised with myself. A double update and this chapter is pretty long. I'm pleased with myself today!

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