Chapter 20

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Clove's eyes slowly fluttered open. She felt a pair of arms snaked around her waist, and was confused. She stiffened when she felt a pair of lips on her shoulder. She relaxed once she remembered that Cato had stayed with her that night. She remained as she was, trying to keep her breathing steady. He hadn't yet realized that she was awake. 

The girl's cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson when Cato sent a trail of kisses up her shoulder. "Beautiful," he said in between each one. "Beautiful." Kiss. "Beautiful." Kiss. "Beautiful." Kiss. "Beautiful." Kiss. Clove was confused. Isn't he with Glimmer? she thought. 

"My sleeping beauty," he whispered in her ear, sending a wave of shivers up her spine. He kissed her neck, and her eyes came to a close. Cato repeated the process, kissing her shoulder and muttering things, sometimes Clove couldn't hear everything that came out of his mouth. Her hand found it's way up to her locket. She clutched it in her hand, small smile on her face. 

Ha Ha Glimmer, she thought to herself. I got him in bed with me before you. I may have not kissed him, but he called me beautiful

Clove fell back asleep after hearing her best friend say, "My lucky little Clover. So enticing."


Cato found himself in his bedroom later that day, staring at two photos. They were different in every way imaginable. One was of the girl every guy wanted, and the other was of the girl no guy would ever have. Glimmer and Clove. You might as well have called them two entirely different species. 

Glimmer was hot, he'd give her that. She had the perfect figure, the perfect body. But Clove, on the other hand, had the best personality. She was hard to predict, but that was what was so alluring about her. Almost everyone wanted to uncover the mystery that was Clove Sevina. Cato was one of those people. 

Out of all of his years knowing her, he still had yet to figure out and discover all of her quirks. Clove had walls built up, and no one was able to knock them down. She always had her guard up. Glimmer on the other hand, wore her heart on her sleeve. She was an open book. Glimmer showed her emotions as she felt them, she didn't wait for things to bottle up like Clove did. 

Cato sighed. Two girls, two completely different relationships. Cato thought for a second about what it would be like to have Clove as a girlfriend. He didn't know how to feel about that. What would it be like to kiss her? To taste her lips and explore all of the curves of her body? Cato couldn't believe he was thinking like this. 

He was taken out of his thoughts when he heard the doorbell ring. He abandoned the pictures and went to answer the door. When he swung it open, Glimmer was standing right in front of him. Before he could react, her lips were smashed against his. 


Clove went to the shed later that night. She was really tired, but she pushed that aside. She hadn't visited the shed in awhile, so she figured that it would be good for her to do so. It was really cold, so Clove wore her boots and winter jacket. There wasn't any snow on the ground, which helped. She curled up in a blanket, her breath visible in the air. 

The shed door swung open, and Cato appeared. "Hey, Cloverfield," he greeted her with a smile. "How are you? I mean, after last night." Clove's lips formed into a small smile as he took a seat next to her. "Fine, thanks," she replied. "I'm sorry if I worried you." Cato shook his head. "Yeah, I was worried. My the main thing here is that you're alright." 

And then there was silence. Clove really didn't know what else to say to him. After all, this moment was awkward enough with what happened earlier. Clove wondered if he was dreaming. If he knew what he was doing. 

"So listen," Cato said, turning towards her. "I want to do something else with Glimmer. Got any other ideas?" Clove internally cringed. it was always about Glimmer freaking Hills. Glimmer this, Glimmer that. Honestly, Clove was so sick and tired of it all. She just wanted to slap some sense into Cato, and slit Glimmer's throat. 

Clove felt her hands ball up into fists. "No," she said, trying to sound as normal as possible. But the response sounded agitated and forced. "I'm sorry, Cato. But you know that I'm not good as this kind of thing." Cato shrugged. "It's fine, Clove. Really, it is. Just let me know if you come up with anything." 

Clove sighed. I hate, she thought. Glimmer Hills. 

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