Chapter 11

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Clove and Cato sat on her sofa, notebooks on both of their laps. Clove twirled a pen around in her hand, staring down to the blank sheet of paper. She looked towards her best friend with a sigh. 

"Got anything yet?" 

The two teens had been like this for at least a half an hour, trying to come up with ideas that Cato could use to charm Glimmer. So far, they had nothing. Nat-ta, zero, zip. 

Cato bit his lip, scratching the back of his neck. "Well..." he drawled, looking back down to his paper. "It's not really good, but-" 

Clove cut him off. "I don't care if it's the shittiest idea in the history of all ideas. Just show me." 

"Okay," Cato responded, his cheeks slightly turning crimson. "If you insist. But I'm warning you, it sucks. And it's not an idea, it was just something to pass the time. And don't be offended or anything." Clove raised her eyebrows. "Well are you going to show me or what?" 

Cato flipped over his notebook, and tossed it towards Clove. He quickly turned away, not meeting her gaze. "Sorry..." he murmured as she flipped the piece of paper over. 

Clove's mouth fell wide open, literally. "Oh my freaking gosh!" she exclaimed, smacking him on his arm. "I told you it was horrible," Cato said, snatching the paper from her. "You probably think I'm gay or something now." 

Clove's expression softened. He was better at drawing than he thought he was. "You are not gay, but it's not a bad thing to be," Clove told him. "You just like to draw? So what? Not a big deal." 

Cato had liked to draw ever since he was a young boy. He didn't tell anyone, though. Not even his mother knew about it. In fact, she never found out. Cato never meant for anyone to discover his secret. But of course, Clove ended up doing just that. She walked in on him once, pencil in his hand, half completed sketch of an eagle on his sketchbook. And in that second, their friendship became even stronger. 

Anyway, Clove smiled, brushing hair from her face. "Can I see it again?" she questioned. Cato said nothing, but nodded in response. He slid the notepad towards her, and she gladly excepted it. 

He drew a girl. She was small, and standing on a thin sheet of ice. She wore a pair of ice skates on her feet, the blades thin and sharp. She had a hat on her head, covering some of her hair. The hair that wasn't covered cascaded down her back, the blackness of it contrasting to the rest of the page. Most of it was white, like the fallen snow on the ground. She wore a pair of gloves, and there were a few  bare trees surrounding the frozen water. 

"This is me, isn't it?" she asked. When he didn't respond, she went on. "This is when we went skating before Christmas, isn't it? You almost fell through the ice and you pummeled me with snowballs. This is me, isn't it?" 

"I'm sorry, Cloverfield," Cato apologized. "It probably sucks." 

"It does not," Clove countered, running her hand along the page, her thumb going over the sharp lines of the ice skate's blades. "It's wonderful, Cato. I hate asking this, but can I keep it?" 

"Sure, as long as you don't tell anybody I drew it." 

Clove let out a chuckle. "Okay, I won't. And thank you." 

"No problem," Cato replied, frown on his face. "But we still haven't come up with anything for me to do yet." Clove rolled her eyes. "What did I tell you? That this would be hard, and I'm no match maker." 

"I know, I know," Cato said, running a hand through his blonde locks. The action made Clove's stomach do a flip flop. "I'm sorry, Cato," she told him. "I really am trying." 

"I know you are. But it's hard, just like you said. I just want Glimmer to love it. I want this to feel special for her." 

Clove bit the inside of her cheek. Glimmer and I may be polar opposites, she thought. But maybe Barbie Girl would like the ice. After all, it runs though her veins, so it should come natural to her. 

Clove smirked, rubbing her hands together. "Oh no," Cato said, eyes wide. "I don't like that look," he added. Clove laughed. "I think your little drawing just may have given me an idea." 

Cato perked up almost instantly, making Clove's heart hurt. "Really?" he hollered. "What is it? Tell me!" She couldn't help but laugh again. He looked like the little school boy he used to be when he would wake up on Christmas morning. 

"Two words," Clove said. "Just two simple little words, Cato." 

"And those would be?" 

"Figure skating." 

*And that's the end of this chapter! Let's see how Glimmer acts with a pair of blades on her feet! Will they be able to pull it off? Next update coming soon!*

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