Chapter 15

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Clove watched in envy from across the bowling alley. Glimmer was attempting to bowl, and doing a poor job at it. Cato had to help her because her arm wasn't strong enough for the pink ball. And that meant physical contact, which meant Clove wanted to gag. 

She was a few lanes down from the two blondes with the rest of her friends. They took up two lanes, one for the girls, one for the boys. They were having a competition to see which gender could win, and so far, the girls were winning. 

Anyway, they were all having a really good time, except Clove. All she really wanted to do was march over to Glimmer and rip out her hair extensions. 

"Whoa," Gale said as Clove furiously picked up her bowling ball. "What's got your panties all up in a twist?" Clove growled, her eyes shooting fake daggers at his forehead. "What's got you  panties all up in a twist," she mocked, before sticking her tongue out at him. 

"Glimmer's here, stupid," Jackie pointed out. "And she's practically undressing Cato with her eyes." Instantly everyone turned their heads in Glimmer's direction. Marvel rolled his eyes, chugging down part of his drink. "Stupid," he muttered. "That we're all hung up on them. Let's just bowl, guys. Cato wants what Cato wants, not matter how much of a bitch Glim Glam can be." 

Clove sighed as she stepped up to her lane. "Marvel's right," she called over her shoulder before swinging her arm back. "The girl really is a bitch." She released the ball, and it rolled down the slick floor. It crashed into the pins, knocking every single one down. "Strike!" she yelled loud enough for the whole alley to hear. She threw her hands up in the air as the girls cheered. 

"Thank you, thank you," the teenage girl said, giving a little bow. "I'd like to see you beat that, Finnick." 

He smirked as he stepped up to the end of the lane, ball in hand. "Oh, you know I will," he said cockily. "I'm an Odair. We can do anything." And on that note, he rolled a strike of his own. 

That went on for awhile, each of them taking their turn to knock down some pins. Clove every so often snuck glances at Cato and Glimmer, her heart sinking to the bottom of her chest. Glimmer sucked at bowling, while Cato was amazing. 

"Clove?" Madge said, taking a seat next to her. "What's wrong?" "Nothing," Clove replied a bit too quickly. "I'm fine." 

But she wasn't, she really wasn't. Because Glimmer, stupid, stupid Glimmer, was ruining her entire mood. She was slutting it up with Clove's best friend. Clove had every right to be pissed. 

Clove stood up and grabbed her ball, ready to go. She was just about to throw it when she heard a high pitched squeal. In shock, Clove dropped the ball, flinging it forward as she slipped, her body sliding across the waxed floor. She banged her chin against the ground, and it hurt like Hell. "Ow," Clove grounded, tilting her head to the side. 

Glimmer was the one who had made the noise, and she was clutching her foot. Cato sat her down and asked her if she was alright. "No," she wined loud enough for Clove to hear a few lanes down. "I stubbed my toe!" Clove rolled her eyes. 

"Clove!" her friends shouted from behind her. "Are you alright?" Peeta asked, picking up her body and setting her on one of the tables.  She nodded, though she was clutching the bottom of her face. "I hit my chin," she told them, eyes glued on Glimmer. "Glimmer squealed and that took me off guard." 

Her friends turned to see Glimmer, face red, and Cato kneeling down next to her, trying to get her to calm down. He had yet to notice Clove in her distraught state. 

Clove wanted more than anything to embed one of her knives in Glimmer's heart. To hear her shrill cries, her desperate pleads, just as the blade sunk into her skin. The sound of her last breath, and the smell of her blood pooling around her. 

Clove snapped out of her daze when Cato gaze Glimmer a kiss on the cheek. She sucked in a deep breath, he temper slowly rising. "You know what?" she said as she got down to her feet. "Guys, I don't feel like bowling anymore. Can we just go to the mall or something?" 

"Sure," Katniss shrugged. "Yeah," Annie agreed. "We can get some coffee and walk around." 

"Just no stopping in any girly stores," Johanna said as they packed up their things, getting their normal shoes back on. 

"You know where I wanna go?" Marvel said with a grin. "Where?" Madge asked. 

"Victoria's Secret," he replied. "Why?" Johanna snorted. "Because you finally realized your true sexuality?" Marvel glared. "No," Gale interjected. "We want to see hot girls in their underwear, duh." 

Johanna snorted once again. "Pigs," she declared as the group exited the building. But not before Clove took one last glance at Glimmer and Cato. laughing. 

She sighed. Stupid Glimmer. 

I honestly don't know how the whole Marvel/Gale/Johanna conversation came to my mind, but it did. So I typed it up. THE MAZE RUNNER WAS FREAKING AWESOME! I saw it yesterday with my Nana, and I think she hid her eyes five times. She got a bit scared. I still have to finish the book, though. I'm almost done! 

And I finished City of Bones by Cassandra Clare last night! Oh my freaking gosh, I need to get my hands on the next book! 

Sorry for my small rant. 

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