Chapter 30

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Clove stood in the attic in her home, looking at her reflection through a mirror. Every few moments, she would bend down and fish through a trunk beside her. She held up articles of clothing against herself, and then would toss them on the ground. Nothing looked right. Maybe that was because none of it would be suitable enough for a girl her age. 

The raven haired girl was so deep in thought that she didn't hear her mother climb up the ladder to get up to the attic. The woman smirked when she saw her daughter. "What are you doing, Clove?"

Clove huffed, tossing yet another dress in the pile by her feet. "Nothing looks right, Mom," she responded, fishing through the trunk for the millionth time that day. The woman laughed, taking a pile of clothes from the girl's hands. "Is this about the Valetine's Day Dance?" 

"Yeah..." Clove murmured, her hand finding its way up to her locket. "It's just," she hesitated. "Cato's going to be there and with Glimmer and all of m other friends have dates. Well, except with Johanna and it would be weird if we went together. And I don't know, it's just that..." 

Mrs. Sevina put her arms on her daughter's shoulders. "Clove, calm down. I get it." The petite girl raised her eyebrows. Clove smiled slightly, but that faded when more words came out of her mom's mouth. "You want to make Cato jealous. You love him." 

Clove threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "I do not!" she yelled. "Why does everybody think that?" 

"Whoa, calm down," her mom cautioned, putting her hands up, almost to say I surrender. "Clove, do you want me to explain?" "Please," the girl hissed, folding her arms across her chest. "Enlighten me." 

"Well, I only say this because I love you. But Cato's mother and I can see the way the two of you look at one another. I once a teenager once too, you know." 

She smirked, her daughter's thoughts in a frenzy. "Clove, I was in the same place when I was your age. I wasn't sure if I loved your dad or not. Or, if he loved me, for that matter. But something your grandmother told me really changed my view on things. When a girl is in love, you can see it in her smile. When a guy is in love, you can see it in his eyes. And when the two of you are together, well, it's pretty obvious. I've never seen you smile that way before. And when Cato looks at you, I can tell." 

"He doesn't," Clove said solemnly. "He doesn't love me, he loves Glimmer." The words Clove had been constantly telling herself finally sunk in. 

"Oh my gosh," she whispered. "He-he doesn't love me." 

"Don't say that." 

"It's true!" Clove hollered, causing her mother to flinch. "He doesn't care about me! It's all about Glimmer! Mom, he might as well hate me!" 

"Then we'll just have to show him what he's missing." 


Something inside of him felt wrong. It felt like he was doing the wrong thing, pushing her away. He was changing, even he knew that. And he was hurting her in the process/ But of he shut her out, he wouldn't have to pick up the pieces. He wouldn't have to clean up the mess. 

Cato suddenly felt sick to his stomach. How could he think like this? Clove was his best friend, for crying out loud! 

For the first time in awhile, he sat down at his desk. The blonde boy took out his sketchbook, and a pencil. He turned to a blank page, and began to draw. He didn't really know what. He just closed his eyes. and let his heart take over. His hand was moving freely, forming shapes and lines and taking control of his mind. 

When his hand stopped, Cato opened his eyes. There, on the paper, was a girl. Hair black as night, skin white as snow. Freckles dotted across her face. and a golden locket being clutched in her hand. She was in the corner of her bedroom, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was in the middle of a sob, and looked completely broken. 

That was his Clove. His eyes went wide with horror when it dawned on him that he could eventually have done this to her. His phone ringing took him away from his thoughts. It was Glimmer. She wanted to talk about the dance for the hundredth time. But she was his girlfriend, so he gave her all of his attention. 

And little did Cato know, that what he drew was in fact true. As he spoke to the blonde girl on the phone, his best friend was sobbing in her bedroom, because she no longer felt good enough. She thought no one could ever love a girl like her. 

And little did either one of them know, things were just going to get worse. 

My teachers think it's cool to give us shit loads of homework. But, that's cool. Because I have no life. (Sarcasm intended). And my language arts teacher practically announced to the class that she wants me to keep sending her my writing. It was kind of embarrassing. 

It's so cold! I hate the fact winter is coming. But it's official: Christmas music is playing on the radio. It gets earlier and earlier every year. AND OMG MOCKINGJAY IN A WEEK!!!!!! 

I guess you could say I'm excited. 

I'd love to know what everyone has been reading recently! I'm in the middle of The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey, and I'm loving it! Drop a comment down below! And OMG this already has thirty chapters! Where has the time gone?

And my one of my friends is now on Wattpad! Check out her awesome poem! @erobs20

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