Chapter 25

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Clove sighed, pushing the shopping cart farther down the aisle. Her eyes darted across the various shelves and the items on them, then down to the list in her hand. She held a pen in her hand as well, crossing off things when she placed them in the cart. 

Finally, she had everything she needed. Or, rather, what Cato needed. 

Cato had a surprise hockey practice, so that meant he didn't have any time to get food. And who did he always turn to? Clove. 

Cato was planning on inviting Glimmer over to his house, and make her dinner. Glimmer liked things fancy and luxurious, so Cato had a huge plan. Clove had to go out to the store and get everything for him, and then she was going to take it all over to Cati's house. Knowing him, he wasn't the best cook in the world. So, Cato, his mother, and Clove had three hours to prepare a spectacular meal for two. 

Clove bit her lip, staring down at the now full cart, shopping bags and all. "Now how am I supposed to get this to Cato's?" she mumbled to herself, seeing as she had walked to the grocery store. She quickly sent Jackie a text, and the red head arrived in just minutes. Before Clove knew it, she was on her way to Cato's. 


When Clove rang the doorbell, she didn't expect Mrs. Hadley to answer the door so quickly. "Clove!" The woman exclaimed, embracing the girl in a hug. "Hi," Clove mumbled against the woman's chest. "Can I have a little help?" 

"Oh, of course," the woman responded, letting Clove go and started carrying grocery bags into the house. They brought them into the kitchen, and Clove began to un-bag the items. 

She heard Cato come bounding down the stairs and into the kitchen, carrying a notebook that he tossed on the counter. "Hey, Clover," he said, walking around to the girl and giving her a one sided hug. "Wotcha' doing?" Clove rolled her eyes, tossing a plastic bag at his chest. "Doing what you should be," she replied, turning her attention back to the counter. 

"Now, please tell me I got all of the stuff and that I didn't forget anything. Because I swear, if I have to go out and get you stuff again, I'll scream." 

Cato shrugged, and gave his best friend a lopsided grin. "I'm your chaperone, and you're my messenger girl." He chuckled at what he said, tossing the bags into the trash. 

"You think you're cute," Clove sneered, sticking her tongue out at him. He smirked, leaning against the counter. "No, I think I'm charming." 

Mrs. Hadley walked in at that moment, shaking her head. "If my son just said he was charming, then I'm afraid he isn't my son anymore." Cato rolled his eyes, and Clove snickered. 

"I can remember when you thought girls had cooties." 

"Then I met Cloverfield," Cato said, causing the small girl to blush. "I guess you can say she changed me." 

"No, I'm afraid you're mistaken, Goliath," she retorted. "You're still the same old Cato you once were. Stupid, ignorant, and a giant ass." Clove, of course, didn't mean any of this. But it got Cato's mother to laugh. The two girls high-fived, and the older woman complemented the younger. 

Cato mocked laughter. "Ha Ha, very funny Clove." "I know," she said back and rolled up her shirt sleeves. "Now, let's get to work." 


Cato's mom placed the last fork on the dining room table, and the trio backed up to admire their work. "Nice," Clove said, nodding. "I hope Glimmer likes whatever the heck this is." Mrs. Hadley chuckled before saying, "I'm going to go clean up the kitchen," and exiting the room. 

"So," Cato said as the two teens took a seat across from each other. "How's the whole, girls pressuring you into buying a dress for the dance, thing going?" Clove huffed in reply. "They haven't been able to get me too," she said. "You know I hate dresses." Cato nodded his head, saying, "But you always look so pretty when you wear them." 

Without thinking, Clove snorted out a, "So you don't think I look nice unless I'm wearing a dress?" Cato shook his head. "No, not at all. In fact, I think you look gorgeous right now." 

"You're just saying that." 

"No, I fully believe that you are beautiful, inside and out." 

Clove looked down at her lap, slightly embarrassed. He couldn't possibly be telling the truth, could he? she thought. Before she could get the chance to respond, the doorbell rang. "You better go get that," Clove said, standing up. "Your date's here." And without looking back, she walked out of the room, wiping away a tear from the corner of her eye. 

Again, school's insane. So I'm deeply sorry if you guys want updates to come quicker. I'll see what I can do about that. 

Although I'm no dressing up for Halloween this year, Id love to hear about what you all will be doing this year for it! Drop a comment down below! I'm taking my great-aunt out to lunch, it's her birthday that day. 

And I may or may not be doing NaNoWriMo this year. We shall see about that and the Wattys as well. And the new Mockingjay trailer today brought me to tears. That is all. 

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