Chapter 41

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Cato slammed the door of his bedroom in frustration. He had just gotten home from a stressful day at school and hockey practice, and was exhausted. On top of that all, Cashmere tried to make her move on him. He, of course, declined her request to have him kiss her. Whether he liked Glimmer or not, she was still his girlfriend, and had to be faithful to her.

Glimmer did not take the news of the quiz results well. In fact, when he told her Clove had won, Glimmer screamed so loud he thought his eardrums were going to burst. She cried and cried and cried, but Cato couldn't help but get the sick feeling in his heart that every single tear that was shed was fake. 

Clove. Oh, God, how he missed Clove. He missed hearing her voice, her laugh, seeing her smile and her cheeks turn a deep shade of red. Most of all, he just missed her presence. They didn't have to be talking at all. If there were both just sitting next to each other, that was enough. Because they were with one another, and that was all that mattered. 

But Clove wouldn't talk to him anymore. He tried calling her two times already and at least sent her ten text messages. He wanted to apologize again, try o figure out where they stood as well. But at the same time, he didn't want to seem too pushy or desperate. That was something he never wanted to appear as. 

But, much to his dismay, he was desperate. Cato wanted her back, and he wanted to do whatever it took to get her back. 


Clove didn't cry very often. Not normally, at least. She thought crying was a sign of weakness, and Clove was not weak. 

But the girl found herself crying more frequently. The reason behind that was a certain blonde boy with the name of Cato. She loved him still, but he still did not love her back. And that hurt like hell. 

Clove stood in the attic once again, staring at herself in the mirror. She missed her golden locket, it felt odd without something she liked around her neck. It gave her a sense of security, and without it, she felt lost in her own thoughts. 

She dug around in some boxes, searching for something suitable enough for prom. She didn't want to spend much money, or any at all, for that matter. And oddly enough, she didn't want to wear her dress from The Valentine's Day Dance. She didn't want to be made fun of because she wore the dress again, and it just brought back bad memories. 

Clove found a box tucked away in the corner of the room. It was the best looking one in the whole room, so the tennage girl guessed that there had to be something of value inside of it. When she gingerly took off the lid, she couldn't help but let out a gasp. It's perfect, she thought to herself as her hand made it's way up to her mouth. 

This time, Cato was going to see what he was missing out on, Clove would make sure of that. 


Annie Cresta knew how her ebony haired friend felt. Annie never had problems with Finnick. They both loved each other equally, there was no doubt about that. 

But she felt for Clove. It was horrible that Cato was so oblivious to the fact that they were meant to be together. But the two were both so stubborn, and didn't like to admit or show their true feelings. But that was what made them click. The two friends could both understand each other. They knew when something was up with the other, or when something was wrong. They loved each other. 

And when they finally admitted that, they were both torn away from the other. 


Cato's dad wasn't stupid. He was very far from it. So, he took it upon himself to figure out exactly what was going on with Cato and Clove. He and his wofe met Clove's parents at The Hob one morning while their children were at school. They all took the day off of work to discuss some things. 

It was discovered between the four adults that their kids were in love with each other, but had several obstacles that were standing in their way. One being Cato's bitchy girlfriend, Glimmer Hills, for example. All four agreed that Clove and Cato needed one another in their lives, otherwise the two were completely and utterly miserable. 

But alas, they did not want to get involved too much. If the parents tried to take action, things would only get messier. Cato and Clove were meant for each other, and it would eventually resolve itself and work out. Love wasn't something you could force. 

And it wasn't kind either. 

So sorry for taking so long on this one. I've just been busy with schoolwork and high school placement tests and yadda yadda yadda. You guys get the point.

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