Chapter 8

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Right when the words came out of Cato's mouth, Clove collapsed. His jaw fell open as her eyes slowly fluttered to a close. "Clove!" he screamed, gaining almost the whole entire hallway's attention. "Clove!" he shouted again, sinking down to the floor beside her. He had no idea as to why she had fainted, but the fact was that she did. And she was his best friend. She needed to be okay. 

"Clove, come on," he said as he placed his ear up to her chest. Good, she was still breathing.Cato knew that when someone fainted, you were supposed to keep your distance. But he needed to be there. He needed to be next to her. She needed to be alright. 

"Clover, please," he pleaded with her unconscious body. "Come on, wake up. This isn't funny, Clove. Come on, you can open your eyes now." 

Cato's breathing became heavy, and he felt like he was going to hurl. Tears threatened to pool out of his eyes, but he willed them away. She's fine, he thought. She's going to be okay. 

"Clove Isabelle Sevina! If you don't wake up right now I'll... I'll..." Cato couldn't think of anything else to say, so he clutched her hands in his. "Help!" he called down the hall. "Someone help us!" 

Everyone just stood there, watching the scene before them. Why wasn't anybody helping her?! 

"Help!" he begged again. "My best friend is unconscious!" 

A flash of red hair zoomed down to him. "Jackie!" he hollered, waving his arms around frantically, trying to get her attention. "Jackie!" Her head snapped around, and her hand flew up to her mouth. She gasped, staggering backwards a few steps. 

"Cato?" she asked, her hand slowly leaving her face. "What the hell happened?" 

He ignored her question. "Go get Nurse Everdeen!" he directed her. "And fast!" She nodded, sprinting down to the nurse's office. 

Cato turned back to his friend, completely forgetting about science class at this point. She was still breathing, he could tell based off of the steady rise and fall of her chest. 

She wasn't dying, but yet to Cato, it felt like she was. Because she was lying there with her eyes closed, not responding to him. And he couldn't possibly imagine his life without her. She was his lucky little Clover. "Why did you do this?" he wondered aloud. Then, it hit him full on like a semi truck.

Glimmer freaking Hills.

As soon as the words left his mouth, she blacked out. She ddidn't really like Glimmer much, Cato knew this. But why would Clove go as far as passing out?

Because she likes you, doofus. A voice in the back of his mind said. 

Well, duh. She has to like me. We're friends, after all. 

Not like that, moron! She loves you!

Cato considered the thought. She couldn't possibly, could she? She just saw him as a friend, right? 

"I don't love Clove," he muttered to himself. "I can't." 

Jackie ran back down to Clove and Cato, her face red as a tomato. "There!" she heaved, coming to a halt. She wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead, resting her hands on her thighs. "She's right there," she said, directing Nurse Everdeen. 

Nurse Everdeen was Katniss' mom, and very good in the field of medicine. She could of been a surgeon if she wanted to, but she liked taking care of kids. She also wanted to teach her youngest, Prim, about her work. Prim was considering becoming a nurse when she grew up like her mom. 

"What happened, Cato?" The woman asked, kneeling down beside the shaking boy. "She collapsed," he explained. "We were talking and all of the sudden, she's unconscious. " 

The nurse raised her eyebrows. "Okay. And did you say anything to alarm her? Anything that was shocking for her to hear?" 

Cato bit his lip. "I asked her to help me with something." Nurse Everdeen gestured for him to elaborate. "I need help asking a girl to the Valentine's Day Dance." 

"Don't you usually go with her?" 

"I wanted to ask a girl I liked this year." 

The woman nodded. "Okay, I'm going to need everyone to return to class!" she told the students in the hall. "Please, go to your next class!" 

Cato didn't move. "Cato," she said. "She's going to be alright." 

"Can I stay with her?" Cato asked. "You know, until she wakes up." Nurse Everdeen sighed, but nodded in agreement. It would probably be best if he was with her. After all, he was all shaken up. It wouldn't do him any good to sit still without knowing what was happening with his best friend. 

"Okay," she said, standing up. "But, we need to give her some space. And don't try and pick her up. It'll only make it worse." 

"Well, what should we do then?" Cato asked with furrowed eyebrows. 

"We wait." 

And wait was exactly what he was going to do. 

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