8. Detention

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Henry's pov - I parked my car and entered inside the hell hole means our college. Rick and James went to their separate class giving me and Daniel a bro hug. Yeah we are childhood buddies. Right from 2nd grade. They are involved in my gang, actually they are main members of my gang beside me. Rick is always practical, hardworking and tough guy. While james is full on opposite to that, he is funny, carefree but serious while doing work guy. And Daniel is party animal but intelligent member of our group. Inspite of there personalities they always do there given work very seriously. When we are working on the gang stuff that time nothing should distract us. We take our work very seriously.

Me and Daniel pass hallway with lots of drooling girls. Daniel winks at many of them.

"Gross" I muttered.

"Today someone's gonna get lucky" Daniel said in singsong voice.

"What? But today is boys night out at my house and we also have to discuss about that drug dealer" I said waving my hands dramatically.

"Oh just calm down bro.. You are such a party spoiler. First of all to discuss about our mission we have to wait till tomorrow when knight riders will grace us with there precious presence and boy's night out can wait" he said and went somewhere flipping me off. I rolled my eyes. Admit it or not but he is right we have to wait untill tomorrow for knight riders to come and discuss important matters. I hate to admit but I have to make a deal with them when I came to know blackblood is also involved. We alone sure can't win with blackblood so we thought it's better to work together and get the drugs with 50 - 50%. Once this mission is complete then again we will be rivals.

Let me get my hands on that dickwit. I thought

I started towards my class when I saw pia there walking in the hallway with a girl who is hers best friend belna. I know her because she is the daughter of the owner of our highschool. Everyone knows her. Actually everyone knows their group. They all are extravagantly rich. But nobody exactly know about pia's parents. Everyone knows she is the richest in them all, maybe hers family also has an well known vast business.

Belna excused herself. I was now standing beside her locker. She came and opened her locker then started removing her books, she didnt notice me so I cleared my throat to enlight my presence. She was looking so beautiful. She definitely was not like other girls, she was the first girl who didn't want to come close to me, and instead of being angry or embarrassed I am getting attracted towards her. I don't know from when but I can't stop myself from messaging her or approaching her even if she is trying to ignore me. She looked at me from head to toe which I felt good. I tried to mess with her.

"Done checking me out darling" she rolled her eyes and turned to do her work.

"I have better work to do" she answered not even taking min to answer. the thing I like about her is hers sarcasm and hers attitude which makes her different from every other girl. Then I remembered she was not replying my texts earlier which surprisingly left me feeling peachy whole night.

"Why are you not answering my texts darling?" I asked.

"Simple because I don't want to and don't call me that" she said annoyed.

"If you answer my texts then I will not call you that I promise" I smirked. I already found her name so I can call her that. She looked at me for some time calculating something and turned again.

"But you told that you will not stop calling me that untill you find my name" she asked raising her eyebrows. She is so cute and fiesty at the same time. God this girl is going to be the end of me. I guess she didn't read my messages, in that I told her about me finding her real name. It slightly hurts me. What is happening with me.

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