28. Nothing's same anymore

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Pia's pov - The reporter repeated again and again.

"There was a bomb spot in the 'yellowcave' hotel. Whole building is in pieces, more than 300 people died and still no one is found alive"

No! No! No! This can't be happening. No. Please... Please nothing should happen to them. NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO THEM!!

"Just hurry up you asshole!" belna shouted for our driver. He was also scared and started breaking all the stop signs on the roads.

I found myself frozen. I was hyperventilating. My hands became sweaty. They will be fine. They should be fine.

Swera started sobbing. Ogras reached to her and hugged her close. He was whispering soothing words to her but he was not at all sure about himself. He was failing miserably in maintaining his composed posture. Belna was holding Avex to dear life frustrated beyond words. Tears of frustration were sliding down one by one, not stopping for even a minute. Avex was continuesly calling every possible person for information or for help. He was getting angrier with each call when he was not getting any thing out of it. His eyes were bloodshot already. Mike was holding his head in this hands and was shaking vigorously while tapping his right foot Continuesly. And at last I looked at Jenny, after looking at her, I instantly cringed. She was always a happy go girl, never have I ever saw her so vulnerable. Tears were streaking out of her eyes. Her lips were quirkering. She was trembling. She was looking directly at me. She was silently telling me to help her, promise her that everything will be ok. But I was not capable of doing that right now. I can't give her empty promises when I myself absolutely needed someone to console me.

I remembered the day when I talked with my parents after planning about our plan on base. Flashbacks started coming

"Yes mom and dad"

"Are you taking care of Jenny like a adult big sister?"

"Yes dad. She is annoying sometimes but we are good"

"Look pia, we love both of you with every beat of our heart. You both are all the thing which we ever wanted. We are proud parents. You make us proud always. Just don't be weak, always be strong and go on with life... We will always be there with you"

First tear streaked through my eye. And then it was hard to stop. Mom and dad always made sure I took care of Jenny and here I am feeling so weak. They never wanted me to be like this. They wanted me to be strong. I again looked at Jenny, she was still pleadingly looking at me. I wiped my tears and went to her. Holded her in my arms.

"P-pia mom... Mom and d-dad..." I holded her more firmly. My heart was beating so erratically. I was sure she could hear it.

"It's ok. I am here with you" I said kissing her on forehead. Tears were threatening to leave from my eyes but I'll not cry in front of her. I have to be strong for her. For my parents.

The ride till the hotel was very slow. Each second my insides were crumbling. Nobody had uttered a word for rest of the time. It was surreal silent whole ride. I never left Jenny. I thought she slept in my arms but within few minutes she used to tense and get up. This was not good. She was getting nightmares again. I rubbed my hand on hers back for comfort but I knew I needed it the most. I pushed that throught away for now. For her. For my friends. They all were miserable. I holded mikes hand with my one hand and holded Jenny with another. Swera and belna were having ogras and Avex with them and Jenny was having me. But Mike was suffering alone. I caught his hand for comfort. He took my hand and holded it tightly which slightly helped him to relax. Just slightly. Still he was Continuesly crying.

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