33. I love you

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Pia's pov - Henry's house was large obviously, Mansion. After coming we all settled in the main room discussing about the sleeping arrangements. It was already night because our car broke down on our way and it took whole afternoon to repair that. Daneil was outside talking on phone. I was always on edge front of Henry because of the new-found and disturbing truth about him and so was ogras, Avex and belna. But belna somehow convinced us to enjoy today's day with everyone and forget about everything because from tomorrow nothing will be same. We agreed eventually.

"So we are 15 people and there are only 9 rooms here, living one for chef and caretakers" Henry announced.

"Ok. We have to share, choose your partners and select your rooms" Xavier said. Everyone nodded.

"Swera, No. You are not going to study on vacation and I'll take care about it. Come on I am staying with you" Belna said to swera who was reading physics of an light bulb on the corner table. She groaned but belna got up with swera and started heading in the search of the room.

Same Avex and ogras decided to share.

"Mike you are coming with me. I am not sharing with her, she is annoying" Jenny said pointing at me. I rolled my eyes. Mike also glared at me and went with Jenny up. They are still angry at me I guess.

Carter laughed.

"What's up with them?" He asked.

"Uh.. Nothing she is being peachy" I said rolling my eyes. Henry and all the boys laughed.

James and Rick looked at each other longingly. But they stood quietly.

"James you and Rick can sleep together" I said nodding at them so that nobody will know their secret. They both gave me grateful nod and went upstairs. Atleast someone is happy here.

"Ok. I am sharing with--" Daniel gets cut off as his phone rings again. We all remain silent waiting for his unfinished sentence. He picked up his call.

"Hello bab--" (pause)
"Yes, I was just going to call--" (pause)
"No. I am not an idiot andrea" (pause)
"just listen--" (cut)

We all were just staring at him. He kept his mobile in his denim jeans pocket and gave us all sheepish look.

"Uh... I actually want to stay alone. So.. Bye" he said embarrassingly and ran off upstairs. We all looked at each other and busted laughing.

"Well that was some girl on the other side" Henry said.

"Indeed" Liam scoffed.

"Well I am with Xavier" Liam said patting Xavier's back. Xavier shrugged as if he doesn't give a flying fuck. They both went up waving at us.

"Now remains Henry, carter, me and pia. So who are you going to play squizzy squiz Pia?" edi asked mischievously. Oogling his eyebrows. I scoffed. But internally I was screaming at myself and my friends to live me alone again with this two. Oh god. What will I do. Best way I'll choose edi.

"I will sleep with my favourite person here--" I gave edi almost pleading puppy dog eyes.

"And before you say me, than sorry I am unavailable. I'll sleep with whoever is available at the end. Consider it as my sacrifice as a cupid I am playing for now" Edi vomited with his words all over our faces. Henry and carter glared at him. I again scoffed.

"Then I can't choose" I said stubbornly glaring at edi. Henry and carter looked everywhere but at me and edi. I know they must be embarrassed with this Moron front of us. Offcourse anyone will be.

"Fine, we will decide by doing toss. Anyone having a coin?" edi asked grinning. I rolled my eyes. Henry scoffed and carter shook his head in annoyance towards his friend. Nobody moved or made any movement.

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