22. Misunderstandings

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Pia's pov - "Pleasseeee" I pleaded to Avex.

"No" he said sending mail invitations to guest on his laptop.

"Guys can't you cooperate for atleast one time?" I asked desperately.

"We are fine with it" belna said pointing at swera. I gave them grateful smile and then shifted my gaze towards rest assholes in the room.

"Mike, ogras and Jenny atleast you understand me" I said pleadingly. Mike smirked at me.

"On one condition" he said. I narrowed my eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"I want your black lambo once to drive" he said.

"Awww.... Me too" Jenny said grinning.

"NO!! MY CAR. ABSOLUELY NO" I said. I love my cars more than anything. It is obvious that to them.

"Then it is no from me" Mike smirked.

"Even me" Jenny also smirked. Ugh this people sucks. I called urgent meeting in my living room telling them about the invitation I gave to knight riders and cobra gang. And they refused to lie to our parents about them.

"Guys you just don't have to tell our parents that they are gang cobra and knight riders and even they are going to behave like that" I said again.

"Pia I can't lie to your dad" Avex said.

"We don't have to lie. We just have to tell him that they are our friends from college and they should not know about blackblood... Like this dad will not let them know about the blackblood and the boys will not let anyone know about their gangs" I explained. Avex tried to figure everything out in his mind and then sighed.

"Ok fine" Avex said. I grinned and looked at ogras beside Avex.

"Ogras?" I asked.

"Why should I help?" he asked wickedly smirking.

"Because you love me?" I asked raising my eyebrows. He acted like thinking then sighed.

"Fine" he said.

"Omg thank you so much" I said and hugged them both Avex and ogras. Now the only culprits remaining were Jenny and Mike.

"Oklpl Avex continue your invitations, ogras help workers with the pattern of designs and swera come with me to look for dinner arrangements with the chefs in kitchen" belna said and everyone went to their assigned jobs living me with Jenny and Mike.

"Pia if you are done then can we go to do our work?" Mike asked.

"No you both can't live till you agree with me" I said folding my hands.

"Our offer is still open" Jenny said smirking same like Mike. This people got me there. But my precious cars... It's only one time ride so it will be OK. But... But... I sighed. I have to agree.

"Fine... But if anything happens to my car then you both will do whatever and give me my baby as it was" I said strictly.

"OK" they both squealed jumping up. And we went to work on our arrangements.

After some time everyone was tired and went to their own houses to become ready and come with their families at evening. We decided to call some extra relatives also. Me and Jenny were sitting on couch eating chips when the most melodic and wonderful highpitched voice came ringing into whole house. And our boths head jerked towards the main door and the biggest ever grin spread on both of our faces.

"Mom" Jenny shouted and ran to hug her.

"Mom I missed you" I exclaimed hugging her. She hugged us both.

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