25. Celebrations and revenge

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Pia's pov - It was late at night. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. That day, I completed my first mission successfully and made my dad really proud. We celebrated for whole 5 hours, I served my men's with drinks and food. Only few got injured for which I was thankful. We treated them immediately, it was nothing major. It was so good to know there was no killing, nobody died today. Everyone enjoyed today's dinner and went home. I was currently sleeping on my bed. Oh how much I missed my bed. Finally it's all over and I can rest. I took my mobile from the table beside my bed, checking it. There were multiple of miss calls, messages and mails. There were only few messages from gang cobra and knight riders in the morning, as it was understandable that they were in the mission with us. I know they will lie about it the next day and so do I. now was not the time to reply because they must be in really bad mood. I don't know what they must be thinking right now. Maybe killing me. Not me as pia but the blackbloods leaders daughter. Probably. I definitely don't want to cause their rage to increase by messaging them now. Not only that but they will be suspicious about me. Rest all messages and calls were from swera, Mike, Jenny and mom. Dad was busy whole day but came and praised me proudly at the dinner. I grinned remembering. He also kept party for the success of the mission. We explained and apologized mom and rest all that we went on a road trip without informing them. It was hard but they understood. I kept my mobile again and peaceful sleep consumed me.


Henry's pov - "How can we forget to plan about blackblood?" I said ragging. We made a successful plan about stealing the drugs but we missed to plan about blackblood. We knew they were behind the drugs as well but we thought they will not get involved and so we decided to not worry about them.

"How can we be so stupid" Carter said frustrated.

"Yeah we should have planned something for them" Rick said in regret. James nodded.

"We will not let it go" Edi said fuming with rage. Everyone looked at him.

"We shouldn't let this go. We will take revenge" he said looking at carter.

"It's not that easy" Liam said.

"We know its not that easy but it is worth trying. If we loose, we will still be enemies but if we win, we will be at the advantage" Carter said. I took everything in. It was worth fighting but we should not forget blackblood can kill us both gangs. They are that capable. That was not the main concern of my right now. But the girl. She was suspicious and familiar. Don't know how but she seemed very doubtful.

"Are you helping us to take down blackblood?" Xavier asked to Daniel. He looked at me. Then Rick and James also looked at me to take the decision. If we should help knight riders to get revenge against blackblood or we should let them and observe. Second one was the best option right now. We are second best gang here, knight riders are third. So if they somehow take down blackblood then we will be in the leading position but if we fight with them now then there is a great possibility that we all will get killed. And knight riders are still enemy gang so there is nothing to worry.

"Henry's decision will be final" James said. Daneil and Rick nodded.

"So Henry?" carter asked. I looked at him.

"No. We won't fight with you. We promised to work together for only one mission and that's finished. So we won't work together anymore" I said clearly. Knight riders looked at us with blank expressions.

"Suits you" carted said and they all went.

"We should also go home and rest" Rick said. I nodded. We all went to our houses.

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