32. Consequences

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Pia's pov - "Alright" Avex said.

"So it's planned?" Ogras asked. I nodded.

After I received freks message I immediately called my gang, came up with a plan and called urgent meeting on base.

"Yes" I said firmly without second thoughts. I have to take my revenge. I don't care if it is Henry or anyone else. I'll show him not to mess with blackblood. Right now I was feeling so many emotions like sadness, anger, betrayal and so much but I kept thinking about my parents. I promised them Revenge, and I will give it to them. I don't care who it is then. Whether it is the boy I loved or anyone. I am not backing down now.

"Pia are you ok" belna asked breaking my train of thoughts.

"Yeah I am fine. Absolutely fine" I said convincing myself rather than her. Belna, Avex and ogras were debating on pitying me or to encourage me.

"We HAVE to do this. I promised them" I said before anyone suggest to back down. They nodded.

"So tomorrow when we will go for vacation, frek will execute his plan" I said.

"Ok. Everything is planned. Can we catch some sleep?" Ogras asked.

"Yeah. I think Mike, Jenny and swera must be waiting" belna said.

"Should we tell them?" Avex asked.

"No. I know they deserve to know the truth but they just now came back to normal behavior" I said.

"Yeah she is right but they also deserve to know the truth so we will tell them after we take revenge" Ogras said. We all nodded agreeing with him.

"Pia I think we should start their training. I know we and whole gang is there to protect them but still if time comes, they have to stay alone, they should know to atleast protect themselves" belna said.

"Yeah I agree with her. It's dangerous world pia. We deal with worlds biggest gangs, if anything happens to us, what will they do? They are fully dependent on us. They should atleast learn self protection and escape techniques" Avex agreed.

"I will start their training after the vacation" I said. They all agreed and we all headed home. There they were sprawled on couch watching TV and eating nachos.

"Enjoying life?" Ogras asked sarcastically. They all turned and looked at us, heading towards them.

"We were before you decided to show up" Mike said snorting. We sat on the couch. They were watching twilight. I furrowed my brows. From when they started watching Romance.

"Don't be shocked pia. Can you guess who picked the movie?" Jenny asked. Mike again snorted. Me, belna, Avex and ogras immediately looked at swera. She saw us and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah. But it is atleast better then to watch action" she said in her defense. We all laughed as Jenny and Mike rolled their eyes. Avex elbowed me slowly to gain my attention. I looked at him, he and ogras were already looking at me. What? I whispered. Belna again pocked me from another side. Whispering 'tell them about training'. Oh. I nodded. Jenny, Mike and swera were still busy making jokes.

I cleared my throat. They all looked at me narrowing their eyes. I rolled my eyes.

"You have to start your training" I blurted. They looked at me wide eyed. There was pin drop silent. I looked at belna, she just shrugged.

"Really?" Mike broke the silence. I nodded.

"Omg I was so waiting to join the gang" Jenny said squealing. What? Gang?

"Me too" Mike said high fiving Jenny. We all were not understanding anything.

"Well I am not good at action but I can always work good with hacking and stuff like Avex" swera said smiling brightly. They jumped and hugged each other. We all squinted our eyes and looked at them. Oh no. Are they thinking we are making them members of blackblood. I sighed.

"Can you please sit down and listen for like 5 min" Ogras asked them. They nodded excitedly and sat down to listen to my instructions as if we are going to appoint them for next mission. Belna face palmed herself. Yeah, I feel you belna.

"Look you all are not gonna join blackblood" Avex said strictly. They stood again.

"What?" Jenny asked.

"Please sit down" ogras said sighing. They again sat down narrowing their eyes.

"Listen, you all have to start your training after we return from our vacation but you are not going to join gang. It is only for your safety. You have to learn to protect yourself atleast" I clarified. Mike and Jennys face fell. Swera just nodded slightly.

"Why can't we join gang?" Mike asked glaring.

"And please don't sell us bullshit of 'we are small' " Jenny mocked. And swera agreed.

"You are not joining gang" Ogras said strictly.

"Yes" belna agreed.

"But why?" Mike continued.

"It is dangerous" Avex tried to reason. My patience were thining now.

"You can't decide for us" Jenny said angrily. Avex shook his head in disappointment. With everything going on, I really can't afford to explode on them. I closed my eyes for my anger to fade slightly and stood up. Belna, Avex and ogras also stood up with me. They understood, we needed to end the topic.

"You all are not joining blackblood and that is Final. Not until we are ALIVE. Now we should call it a night. Be ready tomorrow morning for the vacation" I said strictly not leaving space for further argument.

We walked to our room and the deep hollow void inside me crept up in my heart. Tears started flowing continuously. I walked towards them, hanging on wall they were looking at me smiling.

"Tomorrow you will rest in peace mom and dad" I said looking at them."I am taking revenge tomorrow" I wiped my tears. "It was Henry... Dad... He was the one who killed you... You" Tears started flowing continuously again. "I know he don't know about me but... But still I feel... Betrayed mom" I said sniffling. "I love him... But I don't care... If I love him or not I-I will take revenge mom, dad" I said.

I haven't noticed but I sat down front of their photo frame, sobbing. So I wiped my tears and got up and sat on my bed. My sleep was long gone.

I can't believe today I was feeling safe with him, in his arms. He listened to me intently and consoled me. I knew I could trust him that time. I was so wrong. He killed my parents, how I missed all the signs of this. He started talking with me after our fight like nothing happened, he consoled me but their was guilt in his eyes and he also tensed when I was talking with Melanie in shop. I was so blind, I missed all the signs. But he shared me his story which he haven't told anyone. He was speaking truth, I can tell that from his stoic face and saddened eyes. No. No! I can't do this. I have to focus. I have mission ahead and I can't afford to think about my feelings for him.

"Tomorrow he will suffer consequences of killing my parents and threatening blackblood"

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