Life Before

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I was very happy at my old school. I had a group of friends that I would be with 24/7. I have 1 brother who couldn't be anymore annoying but I guess you can say he is "cool" sometimes.

My parents are great. They love me or so I thought. They know how happy I was, and they had to ruin it. Well, they didn't necessarily ruin it. My dad was in need of a job and after weeks of looking he finally found one that is 4 hours away!

It was normal Saturday and I woke up around 11:30 (like usual) and went into the kitchen to get some food. I made myself some cereal and went into the dining room only to see my whole family sitting there. "Hi, honey," said Mom. "Uh... hi?" I replied. "We have some news," said Dad. He was looking sort of happy and nervous at the same time. "Huh? Okay what?" I said nervously. "I have gotten a job," Dad started shaking, so Mom had to hold his hand. I was smiling because my Dad had finally gotten a job! "But, don't get too excited because... it's um... 4 hours away," it took him at least 5 minutes to finish what he was saying. I was little surprised and mad at the same time. My mom excused me and I went upstairs to my room and sat on my bed.

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