Texting and Calling

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When I got home I didn't have any homework so I went into the living room and watched tv. I pulled out my phone because I got a message.

"What happened to your eye?" Annie texted.

"I got punched" I replied.

"BY WHO?!?" Annie texted.

"Karen," I replied.

"Wow! She is psycho" Annie texted.

"That's what Tyler said, haha" I texted.

"YOU LIKE TYLER!!" She responded quickly! I didn't know if I should say yes or no.

"Um, well yeah kind of, BUT DONT TELL!"

She never replied. I went on Instagram to see how Monica and Ally were doing. I went on Monica's page and it was all about Colten. It was honestly gross. Ugh! Ally seemed to be all alone because Monica is always with Colten.

I had ideas about what Tyler said about me:

1. Yes, she is ugly especially with that black eye.

2. You are ugly and so is Jessica.

3. Leave her alone! She may be a loner and a freak just leave her alone!

Okay, so I doubt he said that but I WANT TO KNOW! I texted Anna to make sure she is ok.

"Hey, how you feeling?"

"Fine, I guess. If you think throwing up since midnight is fine,"

"Oh, well hope you feel better!"

"I heard what happened today,"

"Yeah, and I have to ask you something,"

"Okay what? Do you want Tyler's number?"

"Um yeah, haha"

She gave me his number but I was scared should I call him or not? What if he hangs up on me or tells him to never call him again.

This is it.

I call his number and I am getting goosebumps like crazy.

"Hello? Who is this?" HE ANSWERED!

"This... is..... um Jessica,"

"Oh hey! How's the eye?"

"Its fine, I guess"

"That's great, um I have to go but do you want to hang out tomorrow after school maybe at the park?"

"Yeah! That sounds good,"

"Okay, I will meet you at your locker, Bye!"


"Am I going on date with Tyler?"

"Yes, I am"

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