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I'm not the best at dancing and it's not my favorite but I am actually excited about Homecoming. If you don't know what that is it is a formal dance not as important as prom but it's almost there. Of course, Tyler asked me. I didn't know so many people like dances. Kylie is going with Ricky (Tyler's best friend) and Kaitlyn is going with Brendan (some guy who has been dating Kaitlyn for a while now) and Annie is going with Peter (I have no idea who is) and Anna is going with Mikey (he is a pretty good basketball player).

Our big group went to an Italian restaurant and we ride on the bus with the other kids. Tyler is the best dancer ever. I was watching Kylie dance and let's just say dancing lessons are very important to some people. Just Kidding!

After the 2 hour dance. We all went to a movie and Tyler and I separated from the group and went to Dairy Queen to get some ice cream. He held my hand when he walked me to my door. He came into my house and we went into my family room (which is downstairs) and watch a classic. Finding Nemo. My brother kept coming in and trying to spy. I finally got mad and threw a pillow right at him. We were cuddling and he kept telling some jokes that weren't that funny but it was cute. We kissed goodnight and he went home.

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