Prom Night

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I woke up looking beautiful. Ha! I woke up looking like I had a huge hangover. I looked at my phone and got a text from Charlie.

Charlie: Hey, pick you up at 6, dinner?

Me: Sounds Great!

I ran downstairs and I grabbed my keys. My mom wanted to go so I let her. We were going to go to some hair place and get my hair done. My hair was in a beautiful bun with a braid. I got home and called all my friends.

Kaitlyn: Hi! I am so excited! Oh and by the way we rented a party bus if you and Tyler want to come and hang on there with us...

Me: Um *cough* Kait? I'm going with Charlie.

Kaitlyn: Oh, I'm sorry but you guys are still invited.


When it was about 4:30 I got my dress on and put my makeup on. My parents took a lot of family pictures. When we were done, I looked out the window because I heard a car door. I saw Charlie. It seemed like it was in slow motion and my heart was beating. He flipped his hair and was walking in slow motion. He rang my doorbell and I snapped out of my "daydream".

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Ganger" He shook my parent's hands.

"Hello, Charles." My dad smiled.

"Oh, please call me Charlie." They laughed.

"Um, Mom, Dad, do you think you can take our picture.

His eyes locked on mine.

"Wow, Jess you look.... so good."

I blushed. We took a few pictures and he drove his car to a nice restaurant and I called Kaitlyn to tell the party bus driver to pick us up at the restaurant.

You could hear the bus from a mile a way. We got onto the bus and saw a few people I've never met before. Charlie and I sat by each other and held hands.

"Hey, Jess you might be mad..." Kaityln whispered into my ears.

"Uh, why?"

"Because the next person we are picking up is Tyler.... and his with Karen."


Charlie had to calm me down. The bus stopped. I just focused on Charlie's eyes and tried not to think about the "people" who were getting on the bus.

"Hi, Jessica" Karen said sarcastically.

I just waved and kept talking to Charlie and Kaitlyn. I heard her say some mean things but it doesn't even matter anymore. We finally got to the school and the gym looked great! The music was pretty good too.

Charlie and I danced all night and talked with friends. It was the perfect night.

"Hey, Char"


"Can you believe there is only 1 more week of school?"

"Yeah, and we are almost.. Seniors."

We looked at each other and smiled. I thought about... What if Charlie was the one but then I thought I was crazy for thinking that because I'm still in High School.

After the dance, the bus drove back to the restaurant and Charlie drove me home. We were by my house and he turned off his car. I leaned over and kissed him. We kissed for a pretty long time. I guess I forgot about Tyler, and Karen and just focused on HIM.

"Jessica, I love you."

"I love you too." I got out of the car and blew a kiss and went into my house.

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